Democrats Get Clobbered 10-0 In Annual Baseball Game....And Democrat Flips Off GOP Dugout


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
These Democrats are a real class act.
If this is the way these people act on television...I can imagine what they're like behind closed doors in the halls of congress:

Wow, she's a fat tub of lard isn't she.
Fake News

The game was stolen
I demand a recount until they find the runs for Democrats to win
This is the type of low-class behavior elected Democrats are modeling for today’s youth.

I don’t even recognize my country any more.
I couldn't be a member of congress.
Imagine the effect being around such rotten assholes every day on your health.
I can see why other countries have constant fistfights in Parliament.
I wouldn't walk behind that fat taco. She ought to put a sign above her ass..."Free Gas".
She flicked off the GOP and now it’s there for everyone to see. Look out for the bullshit response (that is, “a lie”) from her office that she “thought she heard a GOP member make a derogatory to her about Latinos. When pressed, she won’t be able to identify who said it but will maintain it was said and directed at her.

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