Democrats fear and hate the Constitution


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
We see it when they argue that the Constitution is not meant to be taken *literally* (really? When did this start? So our SCOTUS are supposed to just kind of consider the Constitution when they interpret it? Hellow RvW)

We see it when they defend politicians who blatantly violate the Constitution, and the law, and are elected over and over and over again.

We see it when they attack people in the streets for celebrating freedom of speech.

And we see it when they freak out over SCOTUS nominees:

"For those who rely on the administrative state and coercion as a policy tool—forcing people to join political organizations, forcing them to support abortion, forcing them to subsidize socially progressive sacraments, forcing them to create products that undermine their faith, and so on—that’s a big problem.

"Some, such as former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, indulged in the histrionic rhetoric we’ve come to expect in the Trump era, claiming that Kavanaugh would “threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades to come.” But almost none of the objections coming from leading Democrats have been even ostensibly about Kavanaugh’s qualifications as a jurist or, for that matter, his interpretation of the Constitution."

"Kavanaugh, with Justice Neil Gorsuch, is a critic of Chevron deference, the practice that allows administrative agencies to ignore their legal charge and have free rein to interpret statutory authority in virtually any way they please. Few things undermine the socialist agenda more than limiting our regulatory agencies’ ability to lord over the economic decisions of Americans."

"Normalizing the idea that the Constitution should be subservient to the fleeting will of politics and progressive conceptions of “justice” goes back to President Barack Obama, who promised in 2008 to nominate justices sharing “one’s deepest values, one’s core concerns, one’s broader perspectives on how the world works, and the depth and breadth of one’s empathy.”

"I wish the Supreme Court were less important. But right now, it’s one of the only institutions preserving constitutional order. And that’s why the left is about to go nuts again."

Democrats Don't Fear Brett Kavanaugh. They Fear the Constitution.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard pseudocons mewling about their love of the Constitution, and then found they haven't even read it.

Or else they have beliefs in direct contradiction to the Constitution.

Like this asshole:

I can't tell you how many times I've heard pseudocons mewling about their love of the Constitution, and then found they haven't even read it.

Or else they have beliefs in direct contradiction to the Constitution.

Like this asshole:

Land of the free....or not.

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We see it when they argue that the Constitution is not meant to be taken *literally* (really? When did this start? So our SCOTUS are supposed to just kind of consider the Constitution when they interpret it? Hellow RvW)

We see it when they defend politicians who blatantly violate the Constitution, and the law, and are elected over and over and over again.

We see it when they attack people in the streets for celebrating freedom of speech.

And we see it when they freak out over SCOTUS nominees:

"For those who rely on the administrative state and coercion as a policy tool—forcing people to join political organizations, forcing them to support abortion, forcing them to subsidize socially progressive sacraments, forcing them to create products that undermine their faith, and so on—that’s a big problem.

"Some, such as former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, indulged in the histrionic rhetoric we’ve come to expect in the Trump era, claiming that Kavanaugh would “threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades to come.” But almost none of the objections coming from leading Democrats have been even ostensibly about Kavanaugh’s qualifications as a jurist or, for that matter, his interpretation of the Constitution."

"Kavanaugh, with Justice Neil Gorsuch, is a critic of Chevron deference, the practice that allows administrative agencies to ignore their legal charge and have free rein to interpret statutory authority in virtually any way they please. Few things undermine the socialist agenda more than limiting our regulatory agencies’ ability to lord over the economic decisions of Americans."

"Normalizing the idea that the Constitution should be subservient to the fleeting will of politics and progressive conceptions of “justice” goes back to President Barack Obama, who promised in 2008 to nominate justices sharing “one’s deepest values, one’s core concerns, one’s broader perspectives on how the world works, and the depth and breadth of one’s empathy.”

"I wish the Supreme Court were less important. But right now, it’s one of the only institutions preserving constitutional order. And that’s why the left is about to go nuts again."

Democrats Don't Fear Brett Kavanaugh. They Fear the Constitution.
leftist don't want us to be a Republic anymore, they want the tyranny of the masses.

look at 'civil rights' they aren't rights, they are privileges, nothing more.

and since they voted on these, they think they can vote on every actual right. thus the hate for the 2nd, the blind support for a scotus that doesn't care about the Constitution after the 1st.

it's simply spiraling downward. I used to make fun of my preper friends...

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