democrats correctly rely on their voting base ignorance in California recall !

Oh my, tantrum time already?
nope just facts ...... it says alot when the left can paint the man running to be the first black governor of Cali as a white supremacist and looks the other way when a white leftist wearing a gorilla masks throws eggs at him ! it says that dem leaders really know their base ! they know their base is made up of idiots .
Which only works because Trump and Trumpism are so repulsive.
Tell Republicans who to run for office. The Repub establishment has given us the same frauds for decades. When McCain put the thumbs down on Obamacare that was the end of proof enough. I know. He and the so called Orthodox Jewish Liebermann were so close buddies. Liebermann obviously has not paid attention to the old testament. Giving glowing visuals for the media while voting as the Christ era traitors money changers and merchants of temple is what we got. Real lies. But protected by the fifth estate. Many of the Black progs would kill Jewish people if things got bad.

democrats correctly rely on their voting base ignorance in California recall !​

Sure, ignore how the left treats Black people who are not Democrats.
A black republican politician is the worst sell-out in American politics. Any black man willing to be the token black in the republican country club deserves very little respect much less a vote. A man like that is going to sell influence without shame.
They did. Like, plenty, during that rally. Did you not check on that before blurting out your question?

Gee, I guess i missed that part cause most of what I saw was newsom talking about Who's gonna show up for Elder..(Trump) . Trump's name coming up constantly , but to be honest I didnt watch the whole rally only a bunch of Youtube clips.
Newsom also falsely accusing Elder of being somehow anti- vaccine. All Elder wants is what other governors have asked for. People having a choice. A choice to wear a mask and a choice to have the vaccine.
A black republican politician is the worst sell-out in American politics. Any black man willing to be the token black in the republican country club deserves very little respect much less a vote. A man like that is going to sell influence without shame.

thats you dismissing millions of Americans who you dont understand. Bullshit. Your calling someone a token because they may believe in not taxing businesses to death? Maybe they dont believe in beating half the country over the head with racism? You can ask any of these black Republicans if they believe racism exists and im sure they will say yes... but they are not invested in your identity politics. They still believe that Americans need to succeed together, not rip each other apart. You people are pretty pathetic and your showing off your own racist tendencies. You would minimize someones life calling them a token.... this is used constantly by Democrats and then at the same time you hear them complain how few Blacks are in the Republican Party. So lets see... not enough blacks running for office and getting elected, thats bad. But if more Blacks run for the Republican ticket, well thats bad too!
as Elder campaigns on the problems in Cali rolling blackouts ,crime , homelessness ect ..the dems have correctly taken a different strategy to energize their voting base . Newsom isnt campaigning on his accomplishments and neither are Biden ,Harris ,Obama and other prominent leftists including the msm ...while Elder campaigns on fixing the problems plaguing Cali the left is running on racism [yep the black candidate is a white supremacist] and Elder is another Trump ! proof positive that dem voters are emotional idiots and their leaders not only know it they rely on it ! How Larry Elder became the new ‘black face’ of white supremacy
What was his plan to fight wildfires?
What was his plan to fight wildfires?

What was his plan to fight wildfires?

How about forest management like we havnt been doing for the last 40 or so years?
Thin out undergrowth and thin the number of trees per acre especially in areas where there are population centers in the woods, like we just saw burn near highway 50 and South lake Tahoe
and previously the Paradise fire.
Blaming it all on global warming is a cop out and it keeps getting repeated by Democrats like Biden.


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