Democrats Continue to Commit Political Suicide


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just ridiculous. The Democrats have lost all connection to reality.

Poll: Half of Hispanic Americans Approve of Trump Following ICE Raids

Last week, ICE agents conducted the largest workplace raid in more than a decade across seven food processing plants in Mississippi, netting the arrests of 680 illegal aliens. That same day, though, ICE officials said they released about 300 of the illegal workers back into the U.S. on “humanitarian grounds.” More than 200 of the illegal workers had prior criminal records.

The latest Zogby Analytics poll, conducted days after the highly-publicized ICE raids, finds that about 49 percent of Hispanic Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president. Another 51 percent said they disapprove.​

Poll: Trump at 45% in Wisconsin -- Higher than 2016

“Trump is more popular here [than nationally]. The President’s job approval rating among Wisconsin voters is 48-51%. His personal favorability rating is 45-51%. His approval rating on the economy is 50-48%,” Crooked Media said in a press release on Thursday.

Regarding the candidate whom respondents would vote for in 2020, the survey showed that Trump trails the Democrat candidate by only 1%.​

DCCC Remains in Disarray Following Diversity Shakeup

In conversations with members across the caucus’ ideological spectrum, Bustos has sought to reassure them that the DCCC is addressing its diversity issues while remaining fixated on her end goal: Keeping the House majority.

In addition, Bustos has enlisted her senior aide, chief of staff Jon Pyatt, to reassure skittish lawmakers following the staff departures at the DCCC. Pyatt reached out to chiefs of staff for vulnerable Democrats in the last week, promising them that protecting freshmen in swing-district seats remains the campaign arm’s first priority.

This follows the DCCC’s mass exodus last month, spurred by growing concerns over the committee’s devotion to diversity.

“There is not one person of color — black or brown, that I’m aware of — at any position of authority or decision making in the DCCC,” Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH) said at the time. “It is shocking, it is shocking, and something needs to be done about it.”​

Michael Moore: Let's Hope 'The Squad' Is the Face of the Democratic Party 'Because That's How We're Going to Win' | Breitbart

The foursome known as “The Squad” representing the Democrats’ brand is how they win according to Moore.

“Let’s hope that Alexandria and Rashida and Ilhan and Congresswoman Pressley are the face because that’s how we’re going to win,” Moore said to host Brian Williams. “We’re going to win with people who believe that climate change is real. We’re going to win by getting behind people who want to raise the minimum wage, who are going to fight for all these things that the American public wants. That’s ‘The Squad.’ They’re the force out there.”

Moore offered a lengthy explanation about of history repeating itself in an effort to bolster that case.

“Well, first of all, Michigan has a long history, as does Wisconsin and Minnesota, the upper Midwest, of what you would call socialism or Democratic socialism or farm labor Democratic Party. We’ve never trusted the banks or the large corporations. General Motors was founded in Flint, Michigan, in 1908. A year of General Motors trying to turn this into a company town, people were so upset at it, in the next election. Flint elected a socialist mayor to remove the pro-G.M. mayor when the corporation first began. So that’s who we are. And the 13th district that Rashida Tlaib represents also has a strong history of — sadly right now it’s the third poorest congressional district in the country.”​

So the thing the Democrats have to do is embrace the identity that Trump is desparate to hang around their necks?

Mikey needs to go back to making pedantic leftwing agit-prop movies, while Trump wins 2020 in a landslide that he shouldn't have won if he had rational people opposing him.

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