Democrats choose doublespeak to confuse voters


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats choose doublespeak to confuse voters​

28 Apr 2023 ~~ By C.S. Boddie

In a video announcement that he is running for reelection President Biden is portrayed as a champion of freedom. In reality, no president has done more to impinge on the freedoms of Americans.
First, Biden says he is standing up for fundamental freedoms and then he says he is about standing up for personal freedoms. This is doublespeak. Doublespeak is when words seem to be about something they are not. It is another way of lying. Conservatives need to call it out as that.
In truth, Democrats are about control. The only way they are about freedom is in wanting to be able to do whatever they like in their personal lives while freely imposing restrictions on everybody else, and they want the freedom to pursue power unopposed.
It seems, Democrats are going with this doublespeak as a theme to say they are the party of freedom.
Biden is not the only Democrat doing it. Jared Polis, Democrat Governor of Colorado, used doublespeak in his reelection campaign – I wonder if he shared the trick with Biden – and when he signed three bills protecting abortion and transgender surgery, and now he is using it again as he eyes a run for president. The Biden Administration cannot say that it has been abiding by the US Constitution when it comes to our fundamental freedoms, so they are trying to use doublespeak to confuse about where they stand on freedom.
Democrats have proven that they are about control, not freedom. Conservatives must call out their doublespeak, not let them get away with twisting the truth to fool voters for 2024.

Biden and his Maoist Democrats want to avoid accountability.
Voters aren't "confused".
There is nothing democratic about the Maoist/DSA Democrat Party. They abhor democracy, and American freedoms are always threatened each time ‘democrats’ are n power.
Democrats hate the constitution and our bill-of-rights, especially the 2nd amendment to the constitution and the First Amendment which guarantees our freedom of speech and religion and of the press and our freedom of assembly.
In fact, democracy is in direct opposition to what the democrats are about, and that’s communism and tyranny.
All Democrats are complicit or in denial, some are even stupid enough to accept it...

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