Democrats are the true war mongers!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Clinton went to war in Kosovo. No one there attacked us.

A Democrat took us to war with Germany, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war in Vietnam, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war with Korea, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat nearly took us to war with Cuba and the USSR, who didn't attack us.
A far left Democrat took us to war in WW1, against nations who didn't attack us.
A bunch of Southern Democrats started the combat of the Civil War, against the north.
A Democrat is currently authorizing strikes against Pakistan, who didn't attack us.

In fact, over 210 years, our wars have almost all been started by Democrats, against foes who didn't attack us. Exceptions: war on Japan, Bush 1 vs Iraq, Bush 2 vs Iraq.

Those damn war mongering, oil hungry Democrats.
And to date, it's only a Democrat president who has ever:

- Authorized the round up and detainment of US citizens based only on race and ethnicity
- Authorized the use of nuclear weapons on an enemy.

Those fascist, racist, war hungery Democrats.
I though Iraq and Afghanistan were the only wars this country was ever involved in? .......
I though Iraq and Afghanistan were the only wars this country was ever involved in? .......

NO, they are merely the only wars not started by Democrats. Thats why they're bad wars mmmkay?
JFK invaded Cuba because we didn't like Castro's ideology. Cuba never attacked us. JFK = George W. Bush, except Bush got the job done, JFK didn't.
Clinton went to war in Kosovo. No one there attacked us.

A Democrat took us to war with Germany, who didn't attack us.

They declared war on us

also... so it was the Dems who wanted to stop hitler?
A Democrat took us to war in Vietnam, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war with Korea, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat nearly took us to war with Cuba and the USSR, who didn't attack us.

The Dems were the ones trying to stop communism?
Clinton went to war in Kosovo. No one there attacked us.

A Democrat took us to war with Germany, who didn't attack us.

They declared war on us

also... so it was the Dems who wanted to stop hitler?
A Democrat took us to war in Vietnam, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war with Korea, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat nearly took us to war with Cuba and the USSR, who didn't attack us.

The Dems were the ones trying to stop communism?

Kosovo declared war on us? Did I miss the Kosovo bombers flying over North Carolina? Djioubuti could declare war on us. Does that mean we have to go? Kazyakistan could declare war on us, do we have to go? Clinton invaded a nation that did not attack us.

And yes, Dem's stopped Hitler. He was an evil SOB, and I applaud Dmes for it:clap2:
And yes, Dem's helped stop or slow communism in 20th century, I appluad the 1/2 of Dems who hated communism:clap2:

And Bush toppled a tyrant who murdered his own people, tortured and raped them, used WMD's on his own people. I applaud him:clap2:

So can I expect, now, for Dems to stop calling Bush a war monger? Seeing as Dems' have started every war except Iraq and Afghanistan?
(Wow, just wow)

Comparing pre 60's to post 60's Democrats is too broad a stroke, that is, the party changed measurably from FDR to (say) McGovern, who represented the anti-war left.

Pre 60's Democrats were, on balance, more inclined to military intervention than isolationist Conservatives (who would eventually abandon isolationism for Cold War anti-communism).

Which is to say: I'm not sure your attempt to create contiguity makes sense. Putting FDR and Clinton on the same list without qualification seems like a Talk Radio simplification designed for low information voters.

Side note. It is unclear weather JFK was a true Cold Warrior or if he was being a wise politician, seizing upon the powerful anti-communism that emerged within the country after WWII. There is definitely no agreement as to whether or not he was for escalation in Vietnam or if he was yielding to the forces which had collected in the State Department, Pentagon, and Intelligence Agencies. The momentum of the Cold War (or War on Terrorism) is like the momentum of any large government policy with its feeder network of industries, coalitions, and special interests, e.g., consider the New Deal which Nixon & Eisenhower bowed to, i.e., once something becomes part of government, it becomes so powerful that presidents often have to compromise with it. The fact that JFK fired Dulles and was trying to break up the centralized power and secrecy of the CIA (just before his murder) suggests he was pushing back against the hawks. We will never know.
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Clinton went to war in Kosovo. No one there attacked us.

A Democrat took us to war with Germany, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war in Vietnam, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war with Korea, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat nearly took us to war with Cuba and the USSR, who didn't attack us.
A far left Democrat took us to war in WW1, against nations who didn't attack us.
A bunch of Southern Democrats started the combat of the Civil War, against the north.
A Democrat is currently authorizing strikes against Pakistan, who didn't attack us.

In fact, over 210 years, our wars have almost all been started by Democrats, against foes who didn't attack us. Exceptions: war on Japan, Bush 1 vs Iraq, Bush 2 vs Iraq.

Those damn war mongering, oil hungry Democrats.
You really need to get your facts straightened out. Eisenhower took us to war in Vietnam. I think he was a republican.
Clinton went to war in Kosovo. No one there attacked us.

A Democrat took us to war with Germany, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war in Vietnam, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war with Korea, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat nearly took us to war with Cuba and the USSR, who didn't attack us.
A far left Democrat took us to war in WW1, against nations who didn't attack us.
A bunch of Southern Democrats started the combat of the Civil War, against the north.
A Democrat is currently authorizing strikes against Pakistan, who didn't attack us.

In fact, over 210 years, our wars have almost all been started by Democrats, against foes who didn't attack us. Exceptions: war on Japan, Bush 1 vs Iraq, Bush 2 vs Iraq.

Those damn war mongering, oil hungry Democrats.
You really need to get your facts straightened out. Eisenhower took us to war in Vietnam. I think he was a republican.

He sent advisors. He didn't escalate war.
Clinton went to war in Kosovo. No one there attacked us.

A Democrat took us to war with Germany, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war in Vietnam, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war with Korea, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat nearly took us to war with Cuba and the USSR, who didn't attack us.
A far left Democrat took us to war in WW1, against nations who didn't attack us.
A bunch of Southern Democrats started the combat of the Civil War, against the north.
A Democrat is currently authorizing strikes against Pakistan, who didn't attack us.

In fact, over 210 years, our wars have almost all been started by Democrats, against foes who didn't attack us. Exceptions: war on Japan, Bush 1 vs Iraq, Bush 2 vs Iraq.

Those damn war mongering, oil hungry Democrats.

Rightwing attempt at humor.

You might want to consider enrolling in remedial 8th grade history.

Nazi Germany declared war on the United States first.

North Korea invaded an american ally, South Korea.

The vietnam war was stopped by lefties and dirty hippies. Most conservatives wanted to keep fighting the war, and cried and whined when we bailed out of vietnam.
It took war hungry Dems to take an advisement mission to a napalmed scorched earth mission.
Am I?

Did Dems not enter WW2 without being attacked?
Did Dems not enter WW1 without being attacked?
Did Dems not enter Korean war without being attacked?
Did Dems not escalate to combat vs Vietnam without being attacked?
Did Dems not invade Cuba without being attacked?
Did Dems not enter Kosovo War without being attacked?

It's all true. It's on the Dem's rap sheet.
Clinton went to war in Kosovo. No one there attacked us.

A Democrat took us to war with Germany, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war in Vietnam, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war with Korea, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat nearly took us to war with Cuba and the USSR, who didn't attack us.
A far left Democrat took us to war in WW1, against nations who didn't attack us.
A bunch of Southern Democrats started the combat of the Civil War, against the north.
A Democrat is currently authorizing strikes against Pakistan, who didn't attack us.

In fact, over 210 years, our wars have almost all been started by Democrats, against foes who didn't attack us. Exceptions: war on Japan, Bush 1 vs Iraq, Bush 2 vs Iraq.

Those damn war mongering, oil hungry Democrats.

Rightwing attempt at humor.

You might want to consider enrolling in remedial 8th grade history.

Nazi Germany declared war on the United States first.

North Korea invaded an american ally, South Korea.

The vietnam war was stopped by lefties and dirty hippies. Most conservatives wanted to keep fighting the war, and cried and whined when we bailed out of vietnam.

Again, we weren't attacked.

The argument is that Iraq didn't attack us, or aid in 9/11.

Kenya could declare war on us tomorrow. Does that mean we have to go?
Am I?

Did Dems not enter WW2 without being attacked?
Did Dems not enter WW1 without being attacked?
Did Dems not enter Korean war without being attacked?
Did Dems not escalate to combat vs Vietnam without being attacked?
Did Dems not invade Cuba without being attacked?
Did Dems not enter Kosovo War without being attacked?

It's all true. It's on the Dem's rap sheet.
you do understand you can be at war with a nation and not be attacked right?
From your threads i am going to assume you dont, and feel you are being quite clever in what you are doing.

I do. Kenya could declare war on us tomorrow. We'd be at war, but not attacked. Would we then need to go bomb the shit out of Kenya? No.

I'm just trying to uphold left wing opinion that the Iraq war was unjust because Iraq didn't attack us or aid in 9/11. Just asking for consistency.

And Dems have a track record of going to war without having been attacked.
And by "goind to war" I mean packing up, going there and fighting them. Like we did in Iraq. And like Dems have done several times.
Am I?

Did Dems not enter WW2 without being attacked?
Did Dems not enter WW1 without being attacked?
Did Dems not enter Korean war without being attacked?
Did Dems not escalate to combat vs Vietnam without being attacked?
Did Dems not invade Cuba without being attacked?
Did Dems not enter Kosovo War without being attacked?

It's all true. It's on the Dem's rap sheet.

Which of those wars did Republicans vote against?
Clinton went to war in Kosovo. No one there attacked us.

A Democrat took us to war with Germany, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war in Vietnam, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war with Korea, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat nearly took us to war with Cuba and the USSR, who didn't attack us.
A far left Democrat took us to war in WW1, against nations who didn't attack us.
A bunch of Southern Democrats started the combat of the Civil War, against the north.
A Democrat is currently authorizing strikes against Pakistan, who didn't attack us.

In fact, over 210 years, our wars have almost all been started by Democrats, against foes who didn't attack us. Exceptions: war on Japan, Bush 1 vs Iraq, Bush 2 vs Iraq.

Those damn war mongering, oil hungry Democrats.
Talk about revisionist history - if I was a conservative I'd be embarrassed to be sharing some of the same political views as their esteemed collegue - "bucs90!"

Is their no adult supervision in "bucs90" household to ensure that he at least receives a basic education before being turned loose on an unsuspecting world?
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Clinton went to war in Kosovo. No one there attacked us.

A Democrat took us to war with Germany, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war in Vietnam, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat took us to war with Korea, who didn't attack us.
A Democrat nearly took us to war with Cuba and the USSR, who didn't attack us.
A far left Democrat took us to war in WW1, against nations who didn't attack us.
A bunch of Southern Democrats started the combat of the Civil War, against the north.
A Democrat is currently authorizing strikes against Pakistan, who didn't attack us.

In fact, over 210 years, our wars have almost all been started by Democrats, against foes who didn't attack us. Exceptions: war on Japan, Bush 1 vs Iraq, Bush 2 vs Iraq.

Those damn war mongering, oil hungry Democrats.

Rightwing attempt at humor.

You might want to consider enrolling in remedial 8th grade history.

Nazi Germany declared war on the United States first.

North Korea invaded an american ally, South Korea.

The vietnam war was stopped by lefties and dirty hippies. Most conservatives wanted to keep fighting the war, and cried and whined when we bailed out of vietnam.

Again, we weren't attacked.

The argument is that Iraq didn't attack us, or aid in 9/11.

Kenya could declare war on us tomorrow. Does that mean we have to go?

I get it. You hate americans who are democrats, and are willing to flail around in a ridiculous thread.

I really think you need a remedial middle school history class.

When Nazi Germany declared war on us first, Hitler ordered his U-boat fleets to attack the US eastern seaboard, the gulf coast, and he ordered german special forces to infiltrate the united states and attack economic targets. Luckily, most of the german special forces were captured.

I find it interesting that you are taking the side of Nazi Germany, and suggesting the the United States shouldn't defend itself against Germany's declaration of war on us.
Zimmermann's message was:

FROM 2nd from London # 5747.

"We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace."

Since "bucs90" has already been taken to task over his ignorance of some other America's wars, let me focus on one that hasn't been addressed -WW1.

The Zimmermann Telegram (Zimmermann Note) in 1917 was a diplomatic proposal whereby the German Empire attempted to encourage Mexico to join them in a war against the United States. It was intercepted and forwarded to the US goverbnent by British intelligence and although it was never acted upon by the Mexico government, such a hostile act helped contribute to the U.S. declaration of war in April 5, 1917.

Other contributing factors were:
- the torpedoing of the RMS Lusitania, off the coast of Ireland in May 1915 with the loss of many American lives
- the sinking of the U.S. ships SS Housatonic in February 1917 and the SS California (loss of 41 American lives and the cessation of US-German diplomatic relations)
- long history of German-Mexican collaboration including military funding, arming of Mexicans (1914 SS Ypiranga arms-shipping incident)
- German Naval Intelligence coordinated a 1915 plan that attempted to restore the exiled Victoriano Huerta to the Mexican presidency
- German saboteurs based in Mexico City were responsible for the munitions explosion at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in the Bay Area (March 1917) and possibly the Black Tom explosion in New Jersey (July 1916).
- according to U.S. Military Intelligence Corps, President Carranza of Mexico, had actually approved of a German plan to train and finance an army of 45,000 men to march against the U.S. in 1918

Despite these numerous provocations, the Democrats in 1917 were guilty, by "bucs90's" standards, of taking action and no waiting until this German financed army actually marched across the Rio Grande to invade America.
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