Democrats Are Not Interested In Solving Our Crises; They Created Them On Purpose

So, if you & your cohorts believe what you said - that Covid-19 is really a bio-weapon developed by the Chinese, assisted by the Democrats for the purpose of targeting 'Real Americans', you'd have to be an IDIOT to refuse to wear masks and get vaccines!

That's like saying that when the Germans attacked with chemical weapons in WWI, the right thing for the allied armies to do was to refuse to wear gas masks!

Can you truly be that STUPID?

Oh, I forgot, you're a Trump supporter, so obviously you ARE that STUPID!!!
The vaccine and masks are not needed. That is simply political propaganda for cover of the hoax. You cannot vaccinate against a Corona Virus. If that were true, the medical community would have cured the common cold long ago.
When black hate crime/ terrorism is ignored by the media? Black hate crimes are way worse than what happened with G. Floyd or Jake Blake or any other BLM contrived "martyr" bullshit... It proves that the media is biased. The Rittenhouse/Sandman/you name it, the media constantly cherry picking minutiae to blame whites...

Black hate crimes??? Can you point to a black hate crime? The last one I can think of is the Beltway Sniper case in 2002. And don't even go there with Black Lives Matter. NOBODY associated with BLM has even been charged with any form of violence in the protests or in other matters.

As for that Santa Claus parade guy, don't try that one either. This guy had a long criminal history and snapped. Not someone with a history of violent public rhetoric and threats.
Another day, another right-wing nutcase making up a new mortality rate.

Here's the real data:

Megatron Variant will Killz Youz. Be Very Much Afraid!
No further proof is needed than this one sentence. They purposely created these problems because they do nothing to stop them or even speak out against them.

If they weren't intentional they would try to fix them, or at the very least speak out against them, but they do not. Even if they created them on accident they would atleast lie and blame it on Republicans and then fix it, but they don't, they ignore the problems and allow them to continue and grow.

BLM and antifa being terrorists, product shortages, inflation, millions of illegals coming in the country, the Afghanistan mess, fuel prices, all the hate of America, racism against non blacks, and so on. They don't do anything to fix them, they don't even say we should fix them. All they do is hand wave and let the problems continue.

Your post is a complete fabrication from top to bottom. Inflation is a worldwide phenomenon but you blame Biden for it. Not only has Biden addressed inflation but he’s got the commerce department going after price gouging.

The price of gasoline is coming down as Production ramps back up to pre-pandemic levels. Inflation is being outpaced by the increase in wages.

The Democrats did not create these problems anymore than they created the fiscal problems that W dumped on them when he left office. The problems that the country faced when Biden took over were entirely the fault of the Republicans and are happening in no other nation in the world during this pandemic.

The vaccine and masks are not needed. That is simply political propaganda for cover of the hoax. You cannot vaccinate against a Corona Virus. If that were true, the medical community would have cured the common cold long ago.

Well if its all a hoax, why did Donald Trump participate so vigorously in that hoax? I mean he was airlifted by helicopter to Walter Reed, and treated with experimental drugs.

Why would Trump try to buy exclusive rights on the Pfizer vaccine even before all of the testing data was in? If it's all a "hoax", why have more than 800,000 Americans died, and millions more become sick?

If the Democrats are behind it all, why didn't they end the pandemic right after Joe Biden took office?

Why hasn’t anyone produce a vaccine against the common cold? They’re already making millions of dollars selling over the counter treatments and tissues. Get rid of the cold and that goes away.
Megatron Variant will Killz Youz. Be Very Much Afraid!
View attachment 578679

What’s the matter Tree? Is nobody buying the bullshit you’re peddling these days so you’re just pulling stuff out of your ass and throwing it out there?

Why are you pushing distrust in the federal government so hard? Are you just one of these foreign paid posters hoping for an authoritarian takeover of the United States and a complete destruction of the nation?
Your post is a complete fabrication from top to bottom. Inflation is a worldwide phenomenon but you blame Biden for it. Not only has Biden addressed inflation but he’s got the commerce department going after price gouging.

The price of gasoline is coming down as Production ramps back up to pre-pandemic levels. Inflation is being outpaced by the increase in wages.

The Democrats did not create these problems anymore than they created the fiscal problems that W dumped on them when he left office. The problems that the country faced when Biden took over were entirely the fault of the Republicans and are happening in no other nation in the world during this pandemic.

Well if its all a hoax, why did Donald Trump participate so vigorously in that hoax? I mean he was airlifted by helicopter to Walter Reed, and treated with experimental drugs.

Why would Trump try to buy exclusive rights on the Pfizer vaccine even before all of the testing data was in? If it's all a "hoax", why have more than 800,000 Americans died, and millions more become sick?

If the Democrats are behind it all, why didn't they end the pandemic right after Joe Biden took office?

Why hasn’t anyone produce a vaccine against the common cold? They’re already making millions of dollars selling over the counter treatments and tissues. Get rid of the cold and that goes away.
Covid goes away too. The Mortality Rate is next to nothing at 0.0018% People die from colds, and they die from the flu. Usually they are fat LBGTQRSTUVXYZ liberals who's diet consists of whiskey, cigarettes and McDonalds and Jelly beans sold by the ton who have pre-existing illnesses among them sexual confusion about the xy chromosome.

The vaccine is not needed, neither are masks and neither is social distancing and other DemNazi thought control psychological manipulations designed to alter behavior and make people compliant and docile towards Fascist DemNazi Mandates.
What’s the matter Tree? Is nobody buying the bullshit you’re peddling these days so you’re just pulling stuff out of your ass and throwing it out there?

Why are you pushing distrust in the federal government so hard? Are you just one of these foreign paid posters hoping for an authoritarian takeover of the United States and a complete destruction of the nation?
No one should trust The Government. Reagan and JFK warned you as did Eisenhower about the increasing encroach of Government in to our lives.

Our Founders built Mistrust of Government in to our system, so that we could peacefully change our government through elections and through Free Speech and Peaceful Protest but that process has been corrupted by an increasingly powerful and unaccountable bureaucracy.

And now we live under an oppressive authoritarian fascist cancel culture where Free Speech and Freedom of Thought are suppressed.

Government may be your god, but it's not mine. Even The Bible warns us about a corrupt Government during the End Times which forces all people to bow down to it, specifically to a particular leader at the very end, and forces people to take a mark to buy or sell anything in the economy or face death and starvation.

So you can worship man, and man's corrupt governments and put your faith and trust in them, but I will look forward to the day The Prince of Peace puts that Evil System down and restores The Earth to The Garden of Eden and puts an end to All War when man finally turns his swords in to plowshares, and The Earth no longer has Evil Politicians, Tyrants, Liars, Thieves and Murders ruling us.
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It's easy to say "they failed" while providing no workable, defendable, factual solutions on your own.
What’s the matter Tree? Is nobody buying the bullshit you’re peddling these days so you’re just pulling stuff out of your ass and throwing it out there?

Why are you pushing distrust in the federal government so hard? Are you just one of these foreign paid posters hoping for an authoritarian takeover of the United States and a complete destruction of the nation?
I just know the scare police will be coming out with another variant that will continue the hoax most likely through the midterms.

Corona virus has been around for a million years. So why all of a sudden is anyone concerned about it? It's just another hyped up lie like Russian Collusion also invented by you lying thieving son of a bitches.

I thought I'd help you pieces of lying shit out with creating a name for the new one.

Megatron is a lovely name for the next scare, don't you agree?


Democrats Are Not Interested In Solving Our Crises; They Created Them On Purpose

28 Nov 2021 ~~ By Parker Beauregard

Anthony Fauci, Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg all have one job: Facilitate the creation or sustenance of a problem in order to sell an impossible solution.
Every day, I read about how Anthony Fauci has mismanaged Covid, Kamala Harris has failed to control the border, and Pete Buttigieg has been unable to resolve the supply chain crisis. While it is true they are all inept, it seems presumptuous to think that their lack of a solution is the problem. It’s all really quite simple: The problem exists for a reason and there can be no solving it – not because it’s unsolvable, but because a solution weakens their political influence.
The list of supposed failures is as long as the number of policies Democrats hold in modern times. At no point is the policy failing because they didn’t have the correct solution; every policy fails because they desire exactly that – failure. Crime, inflation, racial division, and every other topic that comes up has a common sense approach and it has the opposite approach endorsed by Democrats.
If they cared about Covid, they would distribute ivermectin tablets to every American. If they cared about the border, they would enforce, well, the border. If they cared about keeping goods moving, they would acknowledge basic economic realities and back off from the vaccine mandates. Of course, they don’t care about any of these issues – least of all they care about Americans – and so we are left with the ensuing absurdity and chaos.
All that’s left to ask is why the Democrats want to take away our guns.

In an act of equity, RINO's must be included in the above...
It is true that the PM/DSA democrat Commies did not create our problems by accident. You do not shut down the Keystone Pipeline and stop drilling without knowing full well that gas prices will rise.
You do not do what they have done to the economy without knowing that it will cause inflation unless you are stupid. Every other move they've made was done purposely, PM/DSA Dem's do not belong running the country. Wake up people. They intentionally are ruining America.. It's their 'Fundamental Transformation of America".
Democrats: More dangerous than Nazis.
I can't help but think that this "Covid virus' is the NEW equivalent of Orwell's ongoing phoney wars. Covid delta, we are at war with Eastasia...opps, now it's we are at war with Eurasia...We go from Covid A to Delta to Omicron. And so it goes.
Excellent analogy.

And ultimately the primary aim is the digital passport to forever end privacy - Hello Big Brother! :)
CNN's version of a Fiery but Mostly Peaceful Protest

CNN's version of a Fiery but Mostly Peaceful Protest

Wrong...In the first video, it was described as peaceful during the day and turning violent at night
Second vide, tit was described as anarchy at night...... BY CNN

However, you tump people and Fox, NewsMax, etc. Constantly describe violent protests by tump supporters as peaceful, even in the face of violent replays.

Democrats Are Not Interested In Solving Our Crises; They Created Them On Purpose

28 Nov 2021 ~~ By Parker Beauregard

Anthony Fauci, Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg all have one job: Facilitate the creation or sustenance of a problem in order to sell an impossible solution.
Every day, I read about how Anthony Fauci has mismanaged Covid, Kamala Harris has failed to control the border, and Pete Buttigieg has been unable to resolve the supply chain crisis. While it is true they are all inept, it seems presumptuous to think that their lack of a solution is the problem. It’s all really quite simple: The problem exists for a reason and there can be no solving it – not because it’s unsolvable, but because a solution weakens their political influence.
The list of supposed failures is as long as the number of policies Democrats hold in modern times. At no point is the policy failing because they didn’t have the correct solution; every policy fails because they desire exactly that – failure. Crime, inflation, racial division, and every other topic that comes up has a common sense approach and it has the opposite approach endorsed by Democrats.
If they cared about Covid, they would distribute ivermectin tablets to every American. If they cared about the border, they would enforce, well, the border. If they cared about keeping goods moving, they would acknowledge basic economic realities and back off from the vaccine mandates. Of course, they don’t care about any of these issues – least of all they care about Americans – and so we are left with the ensuing absurdity and chaos.
All that’s left to ask is why the Democrats want to take away our guns.

In an act of equity, RINO's must be included in the above...
It is true that the PM/DSA democrat Commies did not create our problems by accident. You do not shut down the Keystone Pipeline and stop drilling without knowing full well that gas prices will rise.
You do not do what they have done to the economy without knowing that it will cause inflation unless you are stupid. Every other move they've made was done purposely, PM/DSA Dem's do not belong running the country. Wake up people. They intentionally are ruining America.. It's their 'Fundamental Transformation of America".
Well until we change the requirement to vote from age to IQ or start hunting them like the vermin they are we are stuck with these democRats

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