Democrats are in a world of hurt

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
They're pushing Buttgieg as a pres hopeful for...when?? 2024. LOLOLOOL LOOK at the approvals for Biden's other appointees. I wouldn't call them 'underwater' but looks like that is exactly where most americans would like to see them....i mean literally...UNDER. WATER.

Deeper in the Politico piece, however, it becomes clear that Pete Buttigieg’s meager 38% approval rating is only “high” when compared to other members of Biden’s cabinet.

Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen has an approval rating of just 33%, United States Attorney General Merrick Garland has an approval rating of 30%, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken has an approval rating of just 29%.

The ratings continue to fall for other figures in Biden’s administration. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has an approval rating of 26%, as does White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain. Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of Energy, has an approval rating of just 25%.

Despite his objectively negative approval rating, the attempt to portray Buttigieg as a popular option among unpopular figures appears to play into a broader media strategy to promote the former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, as a frontrunner for the 2024 presidential election.

“The Buttigieg presidential buzz has penetrated the White House,” announced Politico, on the same day.

The desire to portray Buttigieg as a rising star of Democratic Party politics may be more indicative of the fact that there appear to be so few good choices..

BOOTYjij iS higher in approvals than Biden. Kamala at 28 or less.
They're pushing Buttgieg as a pres hopeful for...when?? 2024. LOLOLOOL LOOK at the approvals for Biden's other appointees. I wouldn't call them 'underwater' but looks like that is exactly where most americans would like to see them....i mean literally...UNDER. WATER.

BOOTYjij iS higher in approvals than Biden. Kamala at 28 or less.

Y'all would support this doofus. LOLOLLOOL

The Apostle Paul tells us, in 1 Corinthians 5: 9-11, that we are not even to associate with people who claim to be Christians and are living in sin, let alone put them into positions of leadership! He says, “I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner–not even to eat with such a person.” We are not even to eat with such people who call themselves Christian, how much more should we not make them our leaders in the church!

God don't associate with and this means don't put people who claim to be christians and living openly in sin in positions of authority over christians or anyone for that matter. Democrats put them in as many positions of power as they can ignoring the riduculousness of men wearing dresses and long hair and pretending to be women in direct opposition to God's word. MORE evidence of the Left's hatred of God and desire to be in opposition to anything that God says.
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rightwinger said:
Actually, He will be helping millions of Americans

Yet, over 200 Republicans voted against it

i get it. YOu only remember half of what happened yesterday dude. We've been through all this before and it's completely gone over your head. Obama's infrastructure bill...shovel ready and HERE. we are.....AGAIN PROVING...that you CAN fool some people ALL the time.
They're pushing Buttgieg as a pres hopeful for...when?? 2024. LOLOLOOL LOOK at the approvals for Biden's other appointees. I wouldn't call them 'underwater' but looks like that is exactly where most americans would like to see them....i mean literally...UNDER. WATER.

BOOTYjij iS higher in approvals than Biden. Kamala at 28 or less.
Their only hope is a better virus and more refugees with green cards who can
mail in votes from 2022 Tent City Blvd., Younameit, USA.
i get it. YOu only remember half of what happened yesterday dude. We've been through all this before and it's completely gone over your head. Obama's infrastructure bill...shovel ready and HERE. we are.....AGAIN PROVING...that you CAN fool some people ALL the time.

My district got shovel ready projects funded through the stimulus
Republicans just kept the money

I hope Pete Butengeig does not authorize funding in any district of those who voted against it
They're pushing Buttgieg as a pres hopeful for...when?? 2024. LOLOLOOL LOOK at the approvals for Biden's other appointees. I wouldn't call them 'underwater' but looks like that is exactly where most americans would like to see them....i mean literally...UNDER. WATER.

BOOTYjij iS higher in approvals than Biden. Kamala at 28 or less.
Well there's been a blowjob in the oval office. Why not a buttplug?
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rightwinger said:
My district got shovel ready projects funded through the stimulus
Republicans just kept the money

I hope Pete Butengeig does not authorize funding in any district of those who voted against it

sure. LOLOL

Don't worry...if the dems can get away with it they'll do just that. All that 'uniting the country' crap outta Xiden was just that wont it. Just Crap. LOLOL

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Actually, He will be helping millions of Americans

Yet, over 200 Republicans voted against it
And no Progs supported it for Trump when he initiated it. 110 Billion Dollars out 1.2 Trillion Dollars for Roads and Bridges. Paying over 10 times more per repair or renovation of Roads and Bridges and still only 20% of what is needed for them.

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