Democrats Are Damaging Their Case Against Guns

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
The worst thing Democrats continue to do is demonize the gun and those who own them. The demographics which came to light when Trump was elected will continue to resist the constant onslaught from Democrats. Democrats are defending 10 Senate seats this year in states Trump won.

100 Million people own 300 Million guns. The best thing Democrats can do is work with the gun owners who overwhelmingly agree with background checks. Knee jerk reactions, demonizing the gun and the gun owners will only work against those moderates working for common sense reforms. Nothing stirs emotions in gun owners more than threatening them with confiscation.

10 Million AR-15's in fly over country and they won't give them up. Confiscation will cause a Constitution crisis.

The worst thing Democrats continue to do is demonize the gun and those who own them. The demographics which came to light when Trump was elected will continue to resist the constant onslaught from Democrats. Democrats are defending 10 Senate seats this year in states Trump won.

100 Million people own 300 Million guns. The best thing Democrats can do is work with the gun owners who overwhelmingly agree with background checks. Knee jerk reactions, demonizing the gun and the gun owners will only work against those moderates working for common sense reforms. Nothing stirs emotions in gun owners more than threatening them with confiscation.

10 Million AR-15's in fly over country and they won't give them up. Confiscation will cause a Constitution crisis.


Can you find information on gun ownership by state and who they vote in at the state and National level? I think that would be interesting to know. It could really be the difference, in say 80% of those who own guns support GOP no matter what.

A state with higher than 40% gun ownership would basically be a huge advantage for GOP as they would have 32% of votes without any effort, and thus, the push for ownership would be very good for their party. Vice versa for Democrats if untrue or little correlation.
The worst thing Democrats continue to do is demonize the gun and those who own them. The demographics which came to light when Trump was elected will continue to resist the constant onslaught from Democrats. Democrats are defending 10 Senate seats this year in states Trump won.

100 Million people own 300 Million guns. The best thing Democrats can do is work with the gun owners who overwhelmingly agree with background checks. Knee jerk reactions, demonizing the gun and the gun owners will only work against those moderates working for common sense reforms. Nothing stirs emotions in gun owners more than threatening them with confiscation.

10 Million AR-15's in fly over country and they won't give them up. Confiscation will cause a Constitution crisis.


Can you find information on gun ownership by state and who they vote in at the state and National level? I think that would be interesting to know. It could really be the difference, in say 80% of those who own guns support GOP no matter what.

A state with higher than 40% gun ownership would basically be a huge advantage for GOP as they would have 32% of votes without any effort, and thus, the push for ownership would be very good for their party. Vice versa for Democrats if untrue or little correlation.

Difficult to do that much research but the electoral college is what matters. The highly Democrat coastal states have the fewest gun owners as a percentage. That's why the general population can't override the states. I don't have the time to do the math with the population of each state verses number of guns owned.
Watching alt-right conservatives Triggered by Trump talking about gun control... PRICELESS...:abgg2q.jpg::bigboy:


Watching alt-right conservatives Triggered by Trump talking about gun control... PRICELESS...:abgg2q.jpg::bigboy:


Oh, ya, peanut, I'm really triggered. I did the research, post the stats from Mother Jones no less, and warn you what not to do to move things forward on common sense reforms.

And triggered your response. Have a nice day.
The solution is securing the schools. Laws won't stop a nut case. Every school shooting has been in a gun free zone - so much for the law protecting the kids.

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