Democrats Are Better For Economy


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2008
GOP basically over looks corruption, lies and other tricks on wall street which hurts investor confidence.
GOP basically over looks corruption, lies and other tricks on wall street which hurts investor confidence.

Democrats are better for the economy because they won't borrow $700 billion dollars from the Chinese to fund a useless war.
You could create a baseless rhetoric forum, but then you might as well move every thread to that forum.
GOP basically over looks corruption, lies and other tricks on wall street which hurts investor confidence.

Explain how calling for jobs, saying they will create jobs (yet they fail to realize government does not create jobs, industry does), raising taxes, making things harder on business, taking away incentive to earn more, etc is actually BETTER for the economy
Explain how calling for jobs, saying they will create jobs (yet they fail to realize government does not create jobs, industry does), raising taxes, making things harder on business, taking away incentive to earn more, etc is actually BETTER for the economy

Great question.

And after OJ does that, I'd appreciate it enormously if somebody would please explain to me how sending jobs overseas is good for the economy, too.

I must have missed that lesson in Econ 101.

I rather thought that keeping people gainfully employed would be the thing that patriotic Americans would think was the good thing.

Apparently I'm out of step with the new economics or something.
Great question.

And after OJ does that, I'd appreciate it enormously if somebody would please explain to me how sending jobs overseas is good for the economy, too.

I must have missed that lesson in Econ 101.

I rather thought that keeping people gainfully employed would be the thing that patriotic Americans would think was the good thing.

Apparently I'm out of step with the new economics or something.

Funny... I did not know it was the American government sending jobs overseas... nor that it was any Republican administration or congress... rather it is companies trying their best to have profits they would not have here, because of the way government is being pushed to punish them as if they are the big bad wolf....
Explain how calling for jobs, saying they will create jobs (yet they fail to realize government does not create jobs, industry does), raising taxes, making things harder on business, taking away incentive to earn more, etc is actually BETTER for the economy

Its about accountability. Democrats make business accountable so that there is more financial stability confidence. Republicans basically take the position the market should regulate itself and we get Enron, the mortgae crisis the energy crisis etc. Taking risk is fine, but dragging the whole economy down over unnecessary risk is wrong
Its about accountability. Democrats make business accountable so that there is more financial stability confidence. Republicans basically take the position the market should regulate itself and we get Enron, the mortgae crisis the energy crisis etc. Taking risk is fine, but dragging the whole economy down over unnecessary risk is wrong

And this myth about accountability does what about the creation of jobs, and the success of business that makes it possible to have new products, factories, and capital to create jobs?

You gave nothing except slogans.... try dealing with reality...

The fact is that the punishment of business, the raising of taxes, etc does NOT do anything to help the economy or create jobs...

but nice try

Try starting with what a job really is. Next try and understand where jobs come from. Next try and understand the basics of how businesses work and how the economy is driven by business. Then try and understand how socialist style policies hinder business and the economy.
And this myth about accountability does what about the creation of jobs, and the success of business that makes it possible to have new products, factories, and capital to create jobs?

You gave nothing except slogans.... try dealing with reality...

The fact is that the punishment of business, the raising of taxes, etc does NOT do anything to help the economy or create jobs...

but nice try

Try starting with what a job really is. Next try and understand where jobs come from. Next try and understand the basics of how businesses work and how the economy is driven by business. Then try and understand how socialist style policies hinder business and the economy.

Bush raised taxes by the greatest amount in history thru deficit spending, the invisible tax. Our lack of a universal healthcare system is hurting us in the global economy, because it is cheaper for companies to locate in countries with universal healthcare. Toyota is building a plant in Canada for that reason. The Republicans have hurt the American economy deeply, and if they rule for four more years, we will be a third world nation.
Bush raised taxes by the greatest amount in history thru deficit spending, the invisible tax. Our lack of a universal healthcare system is hurting us in the global economy, because it is cheaper for companies to locate in countries with universal healthcare. Toyota is building a plant in Canada for that reason. The Republicans have hurt the American economy deeply, and if they rule for four more years we will be a third world nation.

Another slogan that is not dealing with reality at all, Kirk.... Bush did not raise taxes... the debt has increased every year for a LONG time...

Not having overpriced healthcare that lowers the standard hurts us economically? You have no clue.... but another attempt at a typical liberal stretch to create a new slogan

It is cheaper for companies to operate in areas with less tax burden, cheaper labor, etc... it has nothing to do with healthcare... nice try again

Try understanding anything about economics and business before you post about it.. try dealing in reality
Another slogan that is not dealing with reality at all, Kirk.... Bush did not raise taxes... the debt has increased every year for a LONG time...

Not having overpriced healthcare that lowers the standard hurts us economically? You have no clue.... but another attempt at a typical liberal stretch to create a new slogan

It is cheaper for companies to operate in areas with less tax burden, cheaper labor, etc... it has nothing to do with healthcare... nice try again

Try understanding anything about economics and business before you post about it.. try dealing in reality

Every other Western democracy has universal healthcare, and they pay HALF per capita what we pay for healthcare. Why? Because a single payer system has inherent cost savings.

And yes, Bush did raise taxes by the greatest amount in American history thru his deficit spending. The next president will have to figure out how to pay the bill. God help him.
Every other Western democracy has universal healthcare, and they pay HALF per capita what we pay for healthcare. Why? Because a single payer system has inherent cost savings.

And yes, Bush did raise taxes by the greatest amount in American history thru his deficit spending. The next president will have to figure out how to pay the bill. God help him.

The more you repeat your slogan, the more inane you sound... continually repeating it does not change the facts....

And every other western 'democracy' has inherent problems BECAUSE of their healthcare system.... this has been shown SO many times
The more you repeat your slogan, the more inane you sound... continually repeating it does not change the facts....

And every other western 'democracy' has inherent problems BECAUSE of their healthcare system.... this has been shown SO many times

Wrong. Toyota just located a plant in Canada instead of the United States because of lower healthcare costs there.

You keep repeating the same lies. It makes you sound inane. Do a little reading....

Mythbusting Canadian Health Care -- Part I |
Posted the list of top medical facilities before... and guess where they all are? That's right, NOT under socialized medicine system

If you contend it is cheaper, which I do not (look for a trillion in extra spending on healthcare...).... You may have availability to cheap shit and to expensive steak.... you may choose to save money and eat the shit, I'll eat the steak

The WHO report really depends on your perspective. That report places grants significant weight to the cost of healthcare. Most people like to translate cheap healthcare into good healthcare. But the WHO report shows that is not the cost. If you actually click on the spreadsheet and see the factors that went into our rank you will notice that what skewed the U.S. so low were two categories. The countries overall health, which has nothing to do with the quality of our medical resources. The second category is in fairness of contribution to the system. It essentially measures the fraction of household income after expenses that people pay out of pocket in healthcare. This where things get skewed really the wrong way.

Essentially it is deemed good, (because a country is given higher rank) if people pay less out of their pocket in healthcare. Which then hinges on the concept that one should not have to pay for healthcare. That is a moral, subjective presumption and is a major factor in contributing to our rank.

Now look at the areas. You will notice that the U.S. ranks first in it's level of responsiveness which measures the ability to quickly and efficiently get medical resources when needed. to me that is a more accurate statistic to use in grading quality of care.

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