Democratic Party Report Card on Pandemic Response


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well, I have been judging Trump, a man far more qualified than me to pass judgement, but I thought it a useful mental exercise .

Now I am going to take a brief look at how the Democrats have been handling these things.

First, historic track records are not so shiny for Dems.

1) Democrats totally dropped the ball on H1N1, only taking action after 6 months and only after thousands of Americans died.

2) Democrats failed to replenish the used up supplies of PPE, ventilators, etc. Tammany Hall political machines rarely do that as later shortages give them a crisis to cram more patronage pork into emergency bills.

3) Democrats are hoarding these supplies. NY governor Cuomo was demanding 40,000 ventilators while having thousands hoarded in a NJ warehouse. Cuomo defended it as their 'reserve', yeah, reserve for their political machine allies while the public died. This is nothing new for political machines of the Democrat variety, witness Puerto Rico and the hoarded food the dems had there.

4) Democrats are politicizing this pandemic by constantly attacking the President and defying his attempts to lead, and so Trump has had to work around them incessantly.

5) Democrats are stone walling Trumps fixes so he does not 'get credit' for saving American lives. Dem Governors are threatening to investigate and charge doctors for using Hydroxychloroquine off label, a common practice among doctors for decades. But if it helps ORANGE MAN BAD, they cant allow it.

6) Democrats have been loading pork into every bill they can find, no matter how it impacts Working Class Americans.

7) Democrats value Identity Politics over the lives of Americans. Ideology is more important to them than American lives, and New York's Lunar Parade is proof of this where Democrat leaders encouraged the public to attend the parade despite White House warnings to maintain separation.

Not suprizingly the highest rates of infection in nine of the top ten states are Democrat controled states. United States Coronavirus: 104,142 Cases and 1,696 Deaths - Worldometer

In short, had this country been run by Democrats instead of Donald J Trump, we would be looking like Italy, not South Korea.

The grade is an F--
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Well, I have been judging Trump, a man far more qualified than me to pass judgement, but I thought it a useful mental exercise .

Now I am going to take a brief look at how the Democrats have been handling these things.

First, historic track records are not so shiny for Dems.

1) Democrats totally dropped the ball on H1N1, only taking action after 6 months and only after thousands of Americans died.

2) Democrats failed to replenish the used up supplies of PPE, ventilators, etc. Tammany Hall political machines rarely do that as later shortages give them a crisis to cram more patronage pork into emergency bills.

3) Democrats are hoarding these supplies. NY governor Cuomo was demanding 40,000 ventilators while having thousands hoarded in a NJ warehouse. Cuomo defended it as their 'reserve', yeah, reserve for their political machine allies while the public died. This is nothing new for political machines of the Democrat variety, witness Puerto Rico and the hoarded food the dems had there.

4) Democrats are politicizing this pandemic by constantly attacking the President and defying his attempts to lead, and so Trump has had to work around them incessantly.

5) Democrats are stone walling Trumps fixes so he does not 'get credit' for saving American lives. Dem Governors are threatening to investigate and charge doctors for using Hydroxychloroquine off label, a common practice among doctors for decades. But if it helps ORANGE MAN BAD, they cant allow it.

6) Democrats have been loading pork into every bill they can find, no matter how it impacts Working Class Americans.

7) Democrats value Identity Politics over the lives of Americans. Ideology is more important to them than American lives, and New York's Lunar Parade is proof of this where Democrat leaders encouraged the public to attend the parade despite White House warnings to maintain separation.

In short, had this country been run by Democrats instead of Donald J Trump, we would be looking like Italy, not South Korea.

The grade is an F--
Can I give them an F minus, minus, minus, or possibly a G, for GHASTLY?
According to Pelosi today, The Democrat Congress Critters saved America from certain extermination. They deserve a AAA+, bless their hearts.
Yeah, people who give themselves their own grade tend to inflate by leaps and bounds.
Can I give them an F minus, minus, minus, or possibly a G, for GHASTLY?
I dont see how Democrats have the nerve to criticize Trump after their own disastrous track record.

Their hypocrisy is as boundless as their shame is void.
Since democrats only use morals as a weapon against those who actually have any and since they have no standards, shame and hypocrisy don’t apply.

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