Democratic Party is Getting Desperate


May 23, 2014
The Democrats are indeed getting desperate, including some governors who ran on Republican tickets to get elected in "red" states.
Gov. Jay Inslee, D-Wash. – who said Friday that Trump's "unhinged rantings and calls for people to 'liberate' states could also lead to violence" ....

Jay Inslee should be committed ...

This is the best you got? Trump wins in a landslide and Pelosi loses the House.
Your thread title is a bit erroneous. "Getting" Desperate? The dummies have been desperate since our president defeated their beloved Hildebeast in November of 2016. And they've only gotten WORSE, of course. Dreadful.
Grocery stores are still flooded with customers, and experts say it's time for large chains to go "dark" to the public and convert to curbside pickup and home delivery for food and other essential goods.

Is there a problem with that. Order what you need and you drive to the store and they load it up for you.

Still the Trump government recommends

the US Labor Department last week recommended that retailers start "using a drive-through window or offering curbside pick-up" to protect workers for exposure to coronavirus.
This is the best you got? Trump wins in a landslide and Pelosi loses the House.
Sorry but I have taken to calling the crazy left the cult of dementia. Considering who they are running and how they try to defend him.
Watch out when the rant starts out with "experts say". These days you can google up an "expert' who will justify any theory you can come up with.
This is the best you got? Trump wins in a landslide and Pelosi loses the House.
With infection rates going down, why all of a sudden do stores need to do that now? If a worker gets sick, how do they know they got it off a customer, not another worker, family, friends, or just in the air? And what of old and sick people who don't have computers, can't get on line, or use cash instead of credit cards? How can you shop for what you can't see? Everytime I go in the store, half the stuff I buy on sight because it looks good, the other half I buy because I see something, it reminds me of other things or I like the price. And are we to believe stores are going to keep a running inventory of what they have in stock? If I want tomatoes, now I have to take the risk that some stranger is going to handle them and pick the kind I want? Please. Amazing that the government expects private stores to jump through all these hoops yet my jackass governor couldn't figure out he could have kept the state liquor stores open the past month by doing JUST THAT---- converting them to phone in credit card orders picked up at the door.
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curbside pickup and home delivery for food and other essential goods
offering curbside pick-up" to protect workers
I really don't want those "workers" knowing where I live or casing out my home.

I need an onion and some green peppers, and excuse me, but the apples you selected for me are bruised, and I only wanted 2lb, not 3. And one of those oranges is a little moldy. I'm sorry, but I have to come into and inspect the goods myself before I pay good money for bad produce.
This is the best you got? Trump wins in a landslide and Pelosi loses the House.
Your thread title is a bit erroneous. "Getting" Desperate? The dummies have been desperate since our president defeated their beloved Hildebeast in November of 2016. And they've only gotten WORSE, of course. Dreadful.

His title is erroneous but not for the reason you think.

His link isn't about anything political. Doesn't mention "politics" at all. Not once. Doesn't mention "Democrats". Doesn't mention "Republicans". Sure doesn't mention "Whigs".

He's a fucking moron.
The funny thing is every time a leftist "reporter" at the daily briefings starts arguing with the president over an attack question...the dem's are losing votes by the millions.

Keep it up dem's...y'r doing just fine! :)

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