Democrat War on Women continues...


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Pathetic, desperate liberals are now attacking Scott Brown's aide for being "unnaturally sexy".

Even as the Democratic National Committee profits from the "Republican war on women" meme, liberals opposing Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., have decided to attack the governor by targeting a woman in his campaign on the basis of her history of "unnatural sexiness."

Ciara Matthews, Walker's communications director, is under fire for being both pro-life and a former Hooters restaurant waitress. "Profitting (sic) from selling a plasticized form of unnatural sexiness designed to arouse men while simultaneously believing that women should be forced to face the 'consequences' of actually giving into to their sexual desires is a pretty backward way of thinking," the Jezebel's Erin Gloria Ryan suggested, while apparently trying to embarrass Matthews by posting a "hilarious" photo of her wearing a Hooters uniform. (Curiously, Ryan also said that Matthews' "shouldn't be faulted" for working at Hooters.)

"What is the connection between my being pro-life and working at Hooters?" Matthews countered in an interview with The Capital Times, an outlet that self-describes as a "progressive voice" in Wisconsin. "Is there a hypocritical angle here that I’m not aware of? Is Hooters performing abortions?" Matthews also explained that she worked at Hooters to make money as a college student.
Walker aide under fire for 'unnatural sexiness' | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
Pathetic, desperate liberals are now attacking Scott Brown's aide for being "unnaturally sexy".

Even as the Democratic National Committee profits from the "Republican war on women" meme, liberals opposing Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., have decided to attack the governor by targeting a woman in his campaign on the basis of her history of "unnatural sexiness."

Ciara Matthews, Walker's communications director, is under fire for being both pro-life and a former Hooters restaurant waitress. "Profitting (sic) from selling a plasticized form of unnatural sexiness designed to arouse men while simultaneously believing that women should be forced to face the 'consequences' of actually giving into to their sexual desires is a pretty backward way of thinking," the Jezebel's Erin Gloria Ryan suggested, while apparently trying to embarrass Matthews by posting a "hilarious" photo of her wearing a Hooters uniform. (Curiously, Ryan also said that Matthews' "shouldn't be faulted" for working at Hooters.)

"What is the connection between my being pro-life and working at Hooters?" Matthews countered in an interview with The Capital Times, an outlet that self-describes as a "progressive voice" in Wisconsin. "Is there a hypocritical angle here that I’m not aware of? Is Hooters performing abortions?" Matthews also explained that she worked at Hooters to make money as a college student.
Walker aide under fire for 'unnatural sexiness' | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

don't drag scott brown into this.

Given the GOP state legislators actions in so many state now, much of what was stated in the GOP primary, do you really think that you are going to fool anyone with your bullshit?
According to the Guttmacher Institute, in 2011, states enacted 135 new reproductive healthcare laws. Personhood amendments, transvaginal ultrasounds, and attacks on contraception make 2012 sound more like 1912. Once you translate the terms for these bills into what they actually mean for lives of real women, the war on American women becomes much clearer.

Whatever your personal opinion of abortion, it is still the law of the land. Personhood amendments, which define life as beginning at the moment of conception, would criminalize all abortions, essentially forcing a woman to give birth against her will. Ultrasound bills, whether they are transvaginal or otherwise, are procedures that force women to endure state-mandated medical procedures simply for choosing a legal abortion. Attacks on contraception, namely the birth control pill, are the most egregious considering the significant number of women who rely on contraception throughout their reproductive years. This attack will certainly not be forgotten in the fall, since fights over a women's right to control her reproduction in order to freely plan out her life is a fight that was won a generation ago.

135. Count them. One Hundred and Thirty Five.

How many did Democrats bring to the table. I'll wait right here.

Reproductive Health Laws Prove GOP 'War on Women' Is No Fiction | Debate Club | US News Opinion
Pathetic, desperate liberals are now attacking Scott Brown's aide for being "unnaturally sexy".

Even as the Democratic National Committee profits from the "Republican war on women" meme, liberals opposing Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., have decided to attack the governor by targeting a woman in his campaign on the basis of her history of "unnatural sexiness."

Ciara Matthews, Walker's communications director, is under fire for being both pro-life and a former Hooters restaurant waitress. "Profitting (sic) from selling a plasticized form of unnatural sexiness designed to arouse men while simultaneously believing that women should be forced to face the 'consequences' of actually giving into to their sexual desires is a pretty backward way of thinking," the Jezebel's Erin Gloria Ryan suggested, while apparently trying to embarrass Matthews by posting a "hilarious" photo of her wearing a Hooters uniform. (Curiously, Ryan also said that Matthews' "shouldn't be faulted" for working at Hooters.)

"What is the connection between my being pro-life and working at Hooters?" Matthews countered in an interview with The Capital Times, an outlet that self-describes as a "progressive voice" in Wisconsin. "Is there a hypocritical angle here that I’m not aware of? Is Hooters performing abortions?" Matthews also explained that she worked at Hooters to make money as a college student.
Walker aide under fire for 'unnatural sexiness' | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Cracks me up that the left wanted so badly to promote the Republican War On Women lie and then get their real war on women exposed.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, in 2011, states enacted 135 new reproductive healthcare laws. Personhood amendments, transvaginal ultrasounds, and attacks on contraception make 2012 sound more like 1912. Once you translate the terms for these bills into what they actually mean for lives of real women, the war on American women becomes much clearer.

Whatever your personal opinion of abortion, it is still the law of the land. Personhood amendments, which define life as beginning at the moment of conception, would criminalize all abortions, essentially forcing a woman to give birth against her will. Ultrasound bills, whether they are transvaginal or otherwise, are procedures that force women to endure state-mandated medical procedures simply for choosing a legal abortion. Attacks on contraception, namely the birth control pill, are the most egregious considering the significant number of women who rely on contraception throughout their reproductive years. This attack will certainly not be forgotten in the fall, since fights over a women's right to control her reproduction in order to freely plan out her life is a fight that was won a generation ago.

135. Count them. One Hundred and Thirty Five.

How many did Democrats bring to the table. I'll wait right here.

Reproductive Health Laws Prove GOP 'War on Women' Is No Fiction | Debate Club | US News Opinion

Admit it...

If the GOP felt it was not governments resposnibility to get involved with ensuring all Jews have a yamulka for the high holy and others like you would say it is a war against Jews.

The fact that you look at the GOP stance as a war on women shows us one of two things...

1) you easily fall for the spin
2) you VERY easily fall for the spin

Given the GOP state legislators actions in so many state now, much of what was stated in the GOP primary, do you really think that you are going to fool anyone with your bullshit?

Legislation involving birth control is not a war on women. It's a regulation of birth control. You libs ought to love that considering how much you love regulations. What the democrats are doing is an ACTUAL war on women themselves. Saying that stay at home moms don't work is an attack directly on women. Criticising someone because they worked at Hooters or are "unnaturally sexy" is a direct attack on women.

Sorry, the left isn't going to squirm it's slimy ass out of this one.
democrats using the term "war on women" - YouTube[/url].

All the people (regardless of party affiliation) who are using the term "war on women" look like maroons right now in light of female attainment within our society in the past 10 years.

Does that help you understand ?
Nah, I think it's more of her wacky comments like:

People must be held responsible for their actions and Planned Parenthood makes it so people don't have to be. Worse yet, you are killing babies as well.
You are advocating murder and one day Roe v. Wade will be overturned thanks to George W. Bush and the justices he put in the Supreme Court. The actions of Planned Parenthood and disgusting and I am sickened that my tax dollars are used to fund the immoral killing of innocent human babies!
One day you will be judged by your actions. I doubt you will be forgiven!

Actually, I have to admit that I do think global warming is real...
real natural! I have yet to be confronted by any compelling evidence that the recent temperature trends are the result of man's intentional destruction of the globe using such evils as automobiles and air conditioning.

My mom is my biggest hero, then Sean Hannity, then Ann Coulter and we cannot forget Miss Tyra Banks!!!

I definitely see myself in politics...or as the next Rush Limbaugh.

I do not like rap. It's cool to dance to in a club...only because of the beat but MOST of the time, I hate the words.

Speaking of the world, I love to know current evens, I guess that is sorta why I am so into politics, so I watch the news on a very regular basis. But only Fox News ëFair and Balanced!!

Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I would really love to punch Hillary Clinton in the face

Ciara matthews News, Video and Gossip - Jezebel

She was a little Hooter's hottie.
Nah, I think it's more of her wacky comments like:

People must be held responsible for their actions and Planned Parenthood makes it so people don't have to be. Worse yet, you are killing babies as well.
You are advocating murder and one day Roe v. Wade will be overturned thanks to George W. Bush and the justices he put in the Supreme Court. The actions of Planned Parenthood and disgusting and I am sickened that my tax dollars are used to fund the immoral killing of innocent human babies!
One day you will be judged by your actions. I doubt you will be forgiven!

Actually, I have to admit that I do think global warming is real...
real natural! I have yet to be confronted by any compelling evidence that the recent temperature trends are the result of man's intentional destruction of the globe using such evils as automobiles and air conditioning.

My mom is my biggest hero, then Sean Hannity, then Ann Coulter and we cannot forget Miss Tyra Banks!!!

I definitely see myself in politics...or as the next Rush Limbaugh.

I do not like rap. It's cool to dance to in a club...only because of the beat but MOST of the time, I hate the words.

Speaking of the world, I love to know current evens, I guess that is sorta why I am so into politics, so I watch the news on a very regular basis. But only Fox News ëFair and Balanced!!

Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I would really love to punch Hillary Clinton in the face

Ciara matthews News, Video and Gossip - Jezebel

She was a little Hooter's hottie.

Are these all quotes from the woman in question? If so, your post would be a lot clearer if you formatted it properly.

Given the GOP state legislators actions in so many state now, much of what was stated in the GOP primary, do you really think that you are going to fool anyone with your bullshit?

Legislation involving birth control is not a war on women. It's a regulation of birth control. You libs ought to love that considering how much you love regulations. What the democrats are doing is an ACTUAL war on women themselves. Saying that stay at home moms don't work is an attack directly on women. Criticising someone because they worked at Hooters or are "unnaturally sexy" is a direct attack on women.

Sorry, the left isn't going to squirm it's slimy ass out of this one.

Who said that?

Is the only way you pseudo-cons can make a point is to lie about what was said?
Nah, I think it's more of her wacky comments like:

People must be held responsible for their actions and Planned Parenthood makes it so people don't have to be. Worse yet, you are killing babies as well.
You are advocating murder and one day Roe v. Wade will be overturned thanks to George W. Bush and the justices he put in the Supreme Court. The actions of Planned Parenthood and disgusting and I am sickened that my tax dollars are used to fund the immoral killing of innocent human babies!
One day you will be judged by your actions. I doubt you will be forgiven!

Actually, I have to admit that I do think global warming is real...
real natural! I have yet to be confronted by any compelling evidence that the recent temperature trends are the result of man's intentional destruction of the globe using such evils as automobiles and air conditioning.

My mom is my biggest hero, then Sean Hannity, then Ann Coulter and we cannot forget Miss Tyra Banks!!!

I definitely see myself in politics...or as the next Rush Limbaugh.

I do not like rap. It's cool to dance to in a club...only because of the beat but MOST of the time, I hate the words.

Speaking of the world, I love to know current evens, I guess that is sorta why I am so into politics, so I watch the news on a very regular basis. But only Fox News ëFair and Balanced!!

Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I would really love to punch Hillary Clinton in the face

Ciara matthews News, Video and Gossip - Jezebel

She was a little Hooter's hottie.

Are these all quotes from the woman in question? If so, your post would be a lot clearer if you formatted it properly.

Yes they are. Include is a link to the article in question too. Thanks.

Given the GOP state legislators actions in so many state now, much of what was stated in the GOP primary, do you really think that you are going to fool anyone with your bullshit?

Legislation involving birth control is not a war on women. It's a regulation of birth control. You libs ought to love that considering how much you love regulations. What the democrats are doing is an ACTUAL war on women themselves. Saying that stay at home moms don't work is an attack directly on women. Criticising someone because they worked at Hooters or are "unnaturally sexy" is a direct attack on women.

Sorry, the left isn't going to squirm it's slimy ass out of this one.

Who said that?

Is the only way you pseudo-cons can make a point is to lie about what was said?

Bull shit and you know it. It may not have been the exact words but that is what was said.

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