Democrat Swamp...Thriving

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Ah.. it's good to be martinets and able to control the FEC... for political gain...


Election Panel Dismisses Complaint Against SEIU, Clears Way for Union to Amass War Chest

Despite a finding by the Federal Election Commission's general counsel that the Service Employees International Union violated election law when it required local affiliates to contribute to its political action fund, the FEC's full board quietly voted to overrule its staff attorney and dismissed the original complaint -- clearing the way for the union to squeeze its locals to amass a $9 million war chest for the next election. - Politics
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Is there any action sufficiently vile that if a democrat were to do it for electoral advantage, you would condemn it?
Is there any action sufficiently vile that if a democrat were to do it for electoral advantage, you would condemn it?

You mistake my allegiance. It's not to the Democratic Party.

My allegiance lies with these organizations - that I've worked with hundreds of times before - that have been unfairly demonized by those on the right who are trying to silence them.
Link to the law that was broken?

I can't find anything.

I admit it, I don't have a link for that..

If it seems principled to you.. no problem then..

Having six dollars of each person's union dues going into the PAC fund? I don't see that as a problem. What is "unprincipled" about that?

I suppose it depends on who you think owns the six it considered a bribe or a pay-off?

(where did you get that 6 dollar figure)
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Ah.. it's good to be martinets and able to control the FEC... for political gain...


Yes it is. In this case it is working exactly as planned, with upmost skill & senority.
I admit it, I don't have a link for that..

If it seems principled to you.. no problem then..

Having six dollars of each person's union dues going into the PAC fund? I don't see that as a problem. What is "unprincipled" about that?

I suppose it depends on who you think owns the six it considered a bribe or a pay-off?

(where did you get that 6 dollar figure)

From your link....

The NRWF, long a thorn in the side of the 1.8 million-member union, filed its complaint in October 2008, challenging an amendment to the union's constitution that required each local to contribute $6 per member to the international's political action committee. Those locals that didn't comply would be charged the difference between what they owed and what they raised -- plus, a 50 percent penalty.

The problem here is that you guys take anything against SEIU or ACORN as absolute fact - no matter where the complaint comes from.
Is there any action sufficiently vile that if a democrat were to do it for electoral advantage, you would condemn it?

We have already accepted murder, rape & torture of innocent detained and chained women and children as a standard, so I would be hard pressed to find anything I would disagree with or condemn.
Having six dollars of each person's union dues going into the PAC fund? I don't see that as a problem. What is "unprincipled" about that?

I suppose it depends on who you think owns the six it considered a bribe or a pay-off?

(where did you get that 6 dollar figure)

From your link....

The NRWF, long a thorn in the side of the 1.8 million-member union, filed its complaint in October 2008, challenging an amendment to the union's constitution that required each local to contribute $6 per member to the international's political action committee. Those locals that didn't comply would be charged the difference between what they owed and what they raised -- plus, a 50 percent penalty.

The problem here is that you guys take anything against SEIU or ACORN as absolute fact - no matter where the complaint comes from.

The bottom line... what are the SEUI members paying the Democrat Party for.. in your opinion?..
I suppose it depends on who you think owns the six it considered a bribe or a pay-off?

(where did you get that 6 dollar figure)

From your link....

The NRWF, long a thorn in the side of the 1.8 million-member union, filed its complaint in October 2008, challenging an amendment to the union's constitution that required each local to contribute $6 per member to the international's political action committee. Those locals that didn't comply would be charged the difference between what they owed and what they raised -- plus, a 50 percent penalty.

The problem here is that you guys take anything against SEIU or ACORN as absolute fact - no matter where the complaint comes from.

The bottom line... what are the SEUI members paying the Democrat Party for.. in your opinion?..

They're not "paying" the Democratic Party anything.

The money goes into the PAC. That money goes for campaigns that SEIU supports - it doesn't go to the DNC.

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