Democrat strategy for 2020 explained by Kurt Schlichter.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
He must have been given a secret copy of the Democrat party 2020 campaign strategy paper........or he just watched these asshats on television.....

The Democrats’ 2020 Campaign Theme Is “You Americans Are Terrible”

The Democrats’ 2020 theme is that you are terrible and the party’s slogan will be “Americans suck, vote for us.” The precise candidate who will employ it is not important because they all embrace the notion that punishing the essential moral failure of you and me and every other Normal American is the key goal of the Donkey Party. That goes equally for the Handsey Old Prospector, the Socialist Squaw, Crusty the Commie, Spartacus Sharpton, Starchild, the Furry, Not Ms. Willie Brown, the Unfabulous Gay Guy, and the many Unfabulous Ungay Guys.

They all agree that you are terrible because you don’t know your place, which is behind a rock pushing it endlessly uphill for the benefit of people who hate you.

Remember Animal Farm from back when you were in school and they taught it as a chilling warning about socialism instead of as a how-to manual? Remember the horse who got worked nearly to death then got sent to the glue farm?

Guess what? You’re the horse.

Your job is to work to generate taxes and feed the cities and defend the country while your betters clink Chardonnay glasses between bouts of redistributing the fruits of your labor to buy the votes of their slack Democrat political constituencies.

And besides being the engine that powers the establishment, you also fulfill another important function. You’re the liberal elite’s punching bag, the scapegoat, the convenient excuse for every flaw, failing and foul-up in the society that very same elite runs.

You don’t get the credit you’re due; instead you get scorn, because that scorn both gins up the elite’s dopey allies and acts to keep you in line. It’s a stick to beat you and a chain to bind you.
He must have been given a secret copy of the Democrat party 2020 campaign strategy paper........or he just watched these asshats on television.....

The Democrats’ 2020 Campaign Theme Is “You Americans Are Terrible”

The Democrats’ 2020 theme is that you are terrible and the party’s slogan will be “Americans suck, vote for us.” The precise candidate who will employ it is not important because they all embrace the notion that punishing the essential moral failure of you and me and every other Normal American is the key goal of the Donkey Party. That goes equally for the Handsey Old Prospector, the Socialist Squaw, Crusty the Commie, Spartacus Sharpton, Starchild, the Furry, Not Ms. Willie Brown, the Unfabulous Gay Guy, and the many Unfabulous Ungay Guys.

They all agree that you are terrible because you don’t know your place, which is behind a rock pushing it endlessly uphill for the benefit of people who hate you.

Remember Animal Farm from back when you were in school and they taught it as a chilling warning about socialism instead of as a how-to manual? Remember the horse who got worked nearly to death then got sent to the glue farm?

Guess what? You’re the horse.

Your job is to work to generate taxes and feed the cities and defend the country while your betters clink Chardonnay glasses between bouts of redistributing the fruits of your labor to buy the votes of their slack Democrat political constituencies.

And besides being the engine that powers the establishment, you also fulfill another important function. You’re the liberal elite’s punching bag, the scapegoat, the convenient excuse for every flaw, failing and foul-up in the society that very same elite runs.

You don’t get the credit you’re due; instead you get scorn, because that scorn both gins up the elite’s dopey allies and acts to keep you in line. It’s a stick to beat you and a chain to bind you.
While the Democrat Socialist Party platform is still under construction, these four planks are already chiseled in stone:
  • hate Trump
  • big, expensive new spending programs
  • big, new taxes and bigger central gov't to spend them
  • hate Trump
He must have been given a secret copy of the Democrat party 2020 campaign strategy paper........or he just watched these asshats on television.....

The Democrats’ 2020 Campaign Theme Is “You Americans Are Terrible”

The Democrats’ 2020 theme is that you are terrible and the party’s slogan will be “Americans suck, vote for us.” The precise candidate who will employ it is not important because they all embrace the notion that punishing the essential moral failure of you and me and every other Normal American is the key goal of the Donkey Party. That goes equally for the Handsey Old Prospector, the Socialist Squaw, Crusty the Commie, Spartacus Sharpton, Starchild, the Furry, Not Ms. Willie Brown, the Unfabulous Gay Guy, and the many Unfabulous Ungay Guys.

They all agree that you are terrible because you don’t know your place, which is behind a rock pushing it endlessly uphill for the benefit of people who hate you.

Remember Animal Farm from back when you were in school and they taught it as a chilling warning about socialism instead of as a how-to manual? Remember the horse who got worked nearly to death then got sent to the glue farm?

Guess what? You’re the horse.

Your job is to work to generate taxes and feed the cities and defend the country while your betters clink Chardonnay glasses between bouts of redistributing the fruits of your labor to buy the votes of their slack Democrat political constituencies.

And besides being the engine that powers the establishment, you also fulfill another important function. You’re the liberal elite’s punching bag, the scapegoat, the convenient excuse for every flaw, failing and foul-up in the society that very same elite runs.

You don’t get the credit you’re due; instead you get scorn, because that scorn both gins up the elite’s dopey allies and acts to keep you in line. It’s a stick to beat you and a chain to bind you.

Righteous. Morning coffee and Orwell. Cheers!
This is who they've always been...They're just not interested in concealing it anymore.


2016 was the year they finally openly embraced their Inner Mao.

The democrat Party's philosophy is at complete odds with everything America was founded upon and stands for. There are only 2 alternatives: They get their own country, one that does snot share a border with the USA or it's another Civil War.
They still try to peddle that Global Warming malarkey with a straight face.
Dweebs eat it up.

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