Democrat Ilhan Omar: White's Own Too Many Assets In Minnesota

Um, again...

Wow..... This is like we imported a politician from Zimbabwe.....
In this day and age, a white American voting for Democrats is like a jew voting for nazis.

If you add the word "man".......
Right now.... right NOW.... yeah, just about. Any time in the past, I would disagree.... but right NOW at this point in time....

Honestly, there is no way to look at how Democrats are acting, and who they are supporting, and not conclude that they honestly hate and despise all American White Men. Just look at MarcATL there is no clearly example of a bigotted hatefilled Democrat racists against all non-black people, with a special hatred for white American males.

Yeah it really is.
They hate white people in general. Not just men.

Democrats say it is their job to tell white people to shut their mouths, and Democrats all clap and cheer when they hear it.
A Nigerian spawn if terrorist sympathizers get her way paid for and cleared to come here to the US at tax payer expense and granted citizenship ... Only to use the system - and a small part of Minnesota in which Obama relocated a large number of her fellow countrymen to give her a chance to win political engage in pro-terrorist propaganda and fund-raising, to engage in vile anti-Semitic behavior / language already rebuked by her own party twice, and to make racist observations like this one, working to further divide this nation...

God bless America...


What an idiotic statement.

Its Minnesota where not many minorities live. Its white folks.

She's another dingbat and how she got elected is beyond me. She's also a racist. Her ass should have already been booted out of Congress. What a moron.
Wow..... This is like we imported a politician from Zimbabwe.....
OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY: Omar: Make MLK’s ‘Vision a Reality’ and Guarantee Americans Federal Jobs.

Omar joined Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) to reintroduce the House version of The Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act, which would “guarantee that adults in participating communities who want to work can do so, in a job that pays a living wage and provides benefits like health insurance, paid sick leave, and paid family leave.”

“This is not a problem of scarcity. It is a problem of greed.

A crisis of this proportion requires bold solutions,” Omar said during a press conference Thursday on Capitol Hill.

The bill would create a 30-year pilot program within the Department of Labor to “test the promise and impact of a federal jobs guarantee in up to 15 communities and regions experiencing high unemployment.”
Wow..... This is like we imported a politician from Zimbabwe.....
OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY: Omar: Make MLK’s ‘Vision a Reality’ and Guarantee Americans Federal Jobs.

Omar joined Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) to reintroduce the House version of The Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act, which would “guarantee that adults in participating communities who want to work can do so, in a job that pays a living wage and provides benefits like health insurance, paid sick leave, and paid family leave.”

“This is not a problem of scarcity. It is a problem of greed.

A crisis of this proportion requires bold solutions,” Omar said during a press conference Thursday on Capitol Hill.

The bill would create a 30-year pilot program within the Department of Labor to “test the promise and impact of a federal jobs guarantee in up to 15 communities and regions experiencing high unemployment.”

A bunch of white guilt pukes kissing the ass of their Islamic master.
Another reason to deport this anti-White terrorist sympathizer.

Is she calling for more Riots and Mobs of Somalis to attack White People in Minnesota? Is this another Muslim Dog Whistle?

What did Omar tell her Brother the reason was for her divorcing him?

It's Somali I can't feel anything.

She's quoting an article in the Star Tribune by the way, however, we know she feels exactly this way.
She's not an American in my eyes, and never will be. I would have never allowed this fucking bitch into our country if up to me.
Wow..... This is like we imported a politician from Zimbabwe.....
OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY: Omar: Make MLK’s ‘Vision a Reality’ and Guarantee Americans Federal Jobs.

Omar joined Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) to reintroduce the House version of The Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act, which would “guarantee that adults in participating communities who want to work can do so, in a job that pays a living wage and provides benefits like health insurance, paid sick leave, and paid family leave.”

“This is not a problem of scarcity. It is a problem of greed.

A crisis of this proportion requires bold solutions,” Omar said during a press conference Thursday on Capitol Hill.

The bill would create a 30-year pilot program within the Department of Labor to “test the promise and impact of a federal jobs guarantee in up to 15 communities and regions experiencing high unemployment.”

Ok? And who is going to pay for that?
Wow..... This is like we imported a politician from Zimbabwe.....
OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY: Omar: Make MLK’s ‘Vision a Reality’ and Guarantee Americans Federal Jobs.

Omar joined Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) to reintroduce the House version of The Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act, which would “guarantee that adults in participating communities who want to work can do so, in a job that pays a living wage and provides benefits like health insurance, paid sick leave, and paid family leave.”

“This is not a problem of scarcity. It is a problem of greed.

A crisis of this proportion requires bold solutions,” Omar said during a press conference Thursday on Capitol Hill.

The bill would create a 30-year pilot program within the Department of Labor to “test the promise and impact of a federal jobs guarantee in up to 15 communities and regions experiencing high unemployment.”

Ok? And who is going to pay for that?

But, it will make Omar SO happy! Why for the first time in her adult life she will finally be able to be PROUD of America!
Wow..... This is like we imported a politician from Zimbabwe.....
OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY: Omar: Make MLK’s ‘Vision a Reality’ and Guarantee Americans Federal Jobs.

Omar joined Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) to reintroduce the House version of The Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act, which would “guarantee that adults in participating communities who want to work can do so, in a job that pays a living wage and provides benefits like health insurance, paid sick leave, and paid family leave.”

“This is not a problem of scarcity. It is a problem of greed.

A crisis of this proportion requires bold solutions,” Omar said during a press conference Thursday on Capitol Hill.

The bill would create a 30-year pilot program within the Department of Labor to “test the promise and impact of a federal jobs guarantee in up to 15 communities and regions experiencing high unemployment.”

Ok? And who is going to pay for that?

But, it will make Omar SO happy! Why for the first time in her adult life she will finally be able to be PROUD of America!

How did we as a society, get so educated, and yet so stupid.

How can Omar really think that is going to work.... Idiots.
I guess it never occurred to this muslim inbreeding whore (who has all the sexual appeal of a school bus fire) that MN is a WHITE-MAJORITY STATE, so mathematically whites are going to own the most assets there. It's another facile attempt for muslim crybabies to do their victim-wallowing, grievance-mongering, crybaby BULLSHIT!
Wow..... This is like we imported a politician from Zimbabwe.....
OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY: Omar: Make MLK’s ‘Vision a Reality’ and Guarantee Americans Federal Jobs.

Omar joined Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) to reintroduce the House version of The Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act, which would “guarantee that adults in participating communities who want to work can do so, in a job that pays a living wage and provides benefits like health insurance, paid sick leave, and paid family leave.”

“This is not a problem of scarcity. It is a problem of greed.

A crisis of this proportion requires bold solutions,” Omar said during a press conference Thursday on Capitol Hill.

The bill would create a 30-year pilot program within the Department of Labor to “test the promise and impact of a federal jobs guarantee in up to 15 communities and regions experiencing high unemployment.”

Ok? And who is going to pay for that?

But, it will make Omar SO happy! Why for the first time in her adult life she will finally be able to be PROUD of America!

How did we as a society, get so educated, and yet so stupid.

How can Omar really think that is going to work.... Idiots.
She's not bright.

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