Democrat Desperation On School Reform


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
What's the issue with school choice? This guy is against it.... while he sends his children to private schools. What a hypocrite

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declares 'state of emergency' over school choice bill

What's the issue with school choice? This guy is against it.... while he sends his children to private schools. What a hypocrite

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declares 'state of emergency' over school choice bill

The Public Schools would do fine is the Rich MAGAts would not vote to allow the tax dollars to be paid to the Rich Bitch private schools.
Schools who accept tax dollars will have to accept those who apply. It will be a requirement to get those tax dollars. I do imagine that only students who want to go to School X will apply to School X.
Schools who accept tax dollars will have to accept those who apply. It will be a requirement to get those tax dollars. I do imagine that only students who want to go to School X will apply to School X.

Private schools that don't take tax dollars are exempt.

This isn't about private schools it's about school choice. If a school decides to teach or require say CRT parents should have the right to switch schools to those that don't
Schools who accept tax dollars will have to accept those who apply. It will be a requirement to get those tax dollars. I do imagine that only students who want to go to School X will apply to School X.
No it isn't, at least in the few states that have school choice. All they have to do is show enrolment in a private school and the money is paid out in various ways like School Vouchers, Educational Savings Accounts, Tax-Credit Scholarships, and Tax Credits/Deductions.
Private schools that don't take tax dollars are exempt.

This isn't about private schools it's about school choice. If a school decides to teach or require say CRT parents should have the right to switch schools to those that don't
Do you not know what school choice is? It usually involves using tax dollars to send children that private schools choose to accept to those private schools at the expense of public school funding and all the children who those private schools don't accept.
School choice for students funded with tax payer dollars may well be the major reform in public education.
All churches involved directly or indirectly must give up tax exempt status.

Good enough.

Competition forces improvements never found in monopolies.

Funny, those most opposed to school choice are the ones sending their kids to private schools...

This guy is typical, Gov Cooper. What is good for his kids is NOT AVAILABLE FOR YOURS....
Do you not know what school choice is? It usually involves using tax dollars to send children that private schools choose to accept to those private schools at the expense of public school funding and all the children who those private schools don't accept.

That's right, the taxpayer funded crack addicts' kids won't be accepted. Sorry. Learning in progress. No room for endless disruption....

Funny, as someone who claims to speak for Black Americans, you want the monopoly and not the choice and competition.

The Democrat Party believes Blacks do NOT have the right of FREEDOM of THOUGHT, and public education monopoly is part of that, a BIG PART...

Public education is Democrats stealing money, lying, denying kids a real education and initializing them as homos....
The Public Schools would do fine is the Rich MAGAts would not vote to allow the tax dollars to be paid to the Rich Bitch private schools.
Public schools are a money sink. There is no accountability so no matter how much you fund them, their results suck. The unions protect bad teachers, administrators protect their rice bowls, politicians take bribes, uhh campaign contributions from the unions.
Vouchers are the best alternatives, at least parents who care can take their tax dollars to schools that will actually educate their kids. The ones who don’t care will leave their kids in the failing government schools. Parents shouldn’t have to double pay for educating their kids.
That's right, the taxpayer funded crack addicts' kids won't be accepted. Sorry. Learning in progress. No room for endless disruption....

Funny, as someone who claims to speak for Black Americans, you want the monopoly and not the choice and competition.

The Democrat Party believes Blacks do NOT have the right of FREEDOM of THOUGHT, and public education monopoly is part of that, a BIG PART...

Public education is Democrats stealing money, lying, denying kids a real education and initializing them as homos....
What a confused moron you are. You start off by describing some children as crack addicted as an excuse to deny them private school admission and then wonder why we don't support efforts to weaken public schools. You're a Bingo who either thinks your arguments are brilliant when they're obviously stupid or you're so much of a Bingo that you don't know how obviously stupid they are.
then wonder why we don't support efforts to weaken public schools.

Public schools are siphons of money. Private Schools will require half the money per kid to do a much better job of EDUCATING THEM in things like math English and science....

You're a Bingo

You are a sick UNCLE TOM SELLOUT who is eager to flush Black opportunity down the drain in order to continue the failing public education monopoly that prevents Blacks from being educated in a competitive environment. And that is all about enriching and empowering the Democrat Party. Then you push for Affirmative Action to make up the deficit.
describing some children as crack addicted

CRT reading comprehension alert...

Actual quote...

the taxpayer funded crack addicts' kids won't be accepted. Sorry. Learning in progress. No room for endless disruption

Children of crack addicts have real problems in school. They disrupt classrooms. Nashville tried to pack them in one school, and got sued.

Taxpayer funded crack addicts should NOT be allowed to have kids. Those kids are better off ABORTED.
Public schools are siphons of money. Private Schools will require half the money per kid to do a much better job of EDUCATING THEM in things like math English and science....
Are you stupid? Private schools charge more for the privilege of attending them to the students who they choose to accept. Form an argument that has some semblance to reality you Dipshit.
You are a sick UNCLE TOM SELLOUT who is eager to flush Black opportunity down the drain in order to continue the failing public education monopoly that prevents Blacks from being educated in a competitive environment. And that is all about enriching and empowering the Democrat Party. Then you push for Affirmative Action to make up the deficit.
There is no evidence that school choice improves grades of poor black children. That would require actually addressing systemic racism and inequality.
CRT reading comprehension alert...

Actual quote...

Children of crack addicts have real problems in school. They disrupt classrooms. Nashville tried to pack them in one school, and got sued.

Taxpayer funded crack addicts should NOT be allowed to have kids. Those kids are better off ABORTED.
Disparaging children for the choices of their parents and arguing for forced sterilization. Cool.

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