Democrat Congresswoman Death Wish to GOP Congressman


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
House debate devolves into death wishes

"The debate then quickly got heated.

In reference to the 14 legionella deaths at the Quincy Veterans Home, Democratic state Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Aurora, said she wants to give a mix of legionella to Breen’s family.

“To the representative from Lombard, I would like to make him a broth of legionella and pump it into the water system of [his] loved one so that they can be infected, they can be mistreated, they can sit and suffer by getting aspirin instead of being properly treated and ultimately die,” Kifowit said."

Dems are truly losers. Swalwell wants to nuke the country and now this dem Kifowit wants to give away legionella to citizens. you all are special humans.
BTW, she claims she never said this and was taken out of context. It's quoted. Just like a demoloser.
BTW, she claims she never said this and was taken out of context. It's quoted. Just like a demoloser.
/---/ Well that's a convenient excuse. Post the entire quote so we can judge for ourselves.
I gave the link. here for the lazy,

"Kifowit later said her comments were misinterpreted, and apologized if she was misheard.

“I am going to say that what was said earlier is a mischaracterization of what my words were and for that, for it being misinterpreted, I will apologize,” Kifowit said."
So wheres MSM to air and post this abuse of power? Oh the candidate from mississippi says something, all over the fking airwaves, this Congresswoman threatens her fellow rep and hardly anything accept from talk radio.
BTW, she claims she never said this and was taken out of context. It's quoted. Just like a demoloser.
/---/ Well that's a convenient excuse. Post the entire quote so we can judge for ourselves.
I gave the link. here for the lazy,

"Kifowit later said her comments were misinterpreted, and apologized if she was misheard.

“I am going to say that what was said earlier is a mischaracterization of what my words were and for that, for it being misinterpreted, I will apologize,” Kifowit said."
/---/ Thanks
“To the representative from Lombard, I would like to make him a broth of legionella and pump it into the water system of [his] loved one so that they can be infected, they can be mistreated, they can sit and suffer by getting aspirin instead of being properly treated and ultimately die,” Kifowit said.
BTW, she claims she never said this and was taken out of context. It's quoted. Just like a demoloser.
/---/ Well that's a convenient excuse. Post the entire quote so we can judge for ourselves.
I gave the link. here for the lazy,

"Kifowit later said her comments were misinterpreted, and apologized if she was misheard.

“I am going to say that what was said earlier is a mischaracterization of what my words were and for that, for it being misinterpreted, I will apologize,” Kifowit said."
/---/ Thanks
“To the representative from Lombard, I would like to make him a broth of legionella and pump it into the water system of [his] loved one so that they can be infected, they can be mistreated, they can sit and suffer by getting aspirin instead of being properly treated and ultimately die,” Kifowit said.
it again is her quote, so how is it misinterpreted? too fking funny.
She said she never said it and since she is a democrat there will be no scrutiny by the mainstream media.There is no Media Matters on the right and the system is set up so that democrats can say anything and the MSM will either make excuses or pretend it didn't happen.
So wait...Vets get Legionella and you're more outraged that a Dem was outraged?
So wait...Vets get Legionella and you're more outraged that a Dem was outraged?
rauner lost. voters let him know. you're ok with her wishing death eh?

You won't answer me, you never do. you skate around jabbing and leaving.
She said she never said it and since she is a democrat there will be no scrutiny by the mainstream media.There is no Media Matters on the right and the system is set up so that democrats can say anything and the MSM will either make excuses or pretend it didn't happen.
I posted it because it needed to be posted. I knew the MSM wouldn't bring it up. Didn't hear about it all morning on MSM. Just on my talk show on the radio. Thanks to Dan Proft.
Disagree with an intolerant Dem and the Dem want's to murder you :wtf:
seems to be the new path they've chosen. When civility doesn't matter anymore to them. Nuke em, feed em Legionella, doesn't matter. just kill these mther fking conservatives. get in their face and tell em where to go. shoot em too while they play baseball.

encourage illegal aliens to throw rocks at them.
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So wait...Vets get Legionella and you're more outraged that a Dem was outraged?
It happens, unfortunately, and steps were taken to help keep it from happening again. The discussion was about a bill they wanted passed to increase state payouts to $2 million, from $100,000 where either way, the attorneys are the ones profiting, not the families. Here was Breen’s remark, in which the response from her above applied. Now, tell me, did it deserve her response?

“We don’t even know how much this bill is going to cost,” while asking lawmakers to further negotiate the measure. “All we know is it’s going to cost us a lot. And yes, we know the personal injury lawyers are going to make out like bandits, which they tend to do anytime they come to the General Assembly,”

And from the cdc-
  • Health departments reported about 6,100 cases of Legionnaires’ disease in the United States in 2016.1 However, because Legionnaires’ disease is likely underdiagnosed, this number may underestimate the true incidence.
It happens,

That's it?

"Shit happens"?


Your dismissal of Vets health concerns really sucks
what dismissal? it happened right? it's due to what reason? what happened as a result? it got cleaned up after it was found out. not sure your point exactly. The issue is a congresswoman's death wish on a colleague. hmmmmmm. you're ok with that. tells me who you really are now.
BTW, she claims she never said this and was taken out of context. It's quoted. Just like a demoloser.

When Democrats say something that bites them in the ass, they always resort to “it was taken out of context”.

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