Democrat Congressman Uses 11-Year-Old Barron Trump to Attack President Trump

In general they really hate children, they way too often spout out the truth.

No surprise, the leftists are dying as they are not procreating. Instead they are aborting their own children.
They hate WHITE children. They LOVE little turd world trash that is given welfare benefits and grows up to be a welfare mom its self and spits out 10 fatherless children and votes democrat in return for its benefits.
Hey if this is the democrats plan to get elected in 2018...let's encourage them! I mean along with attacking a tax CUT,so they must be promising to increase taxes they can also attack their opponents children....should be a real winning strategy!
Hey if this is the democrats plan to get elected in 2018...let's encourage them! I mean along with attacking a tax CUT,so they must be promising to increase taxes they can also attack their opponents children....should be a real winning strategy!

What attack? He said nothing bad about Barron. And he said nothing untrue about Barron's father.
Leave it up to a democrat to stoop to the lowest of the low. This is just the latest example.

Democrat Congressman Uses 11-Year-Old Barron Trump to Attack POTUS Trump

Hmmm well I am never in favor of using a politicians kid to attack a politician...though in this case he doesn't say anything about Barron.

You know- unlike yourself and Obama's kids
Steve McGarrett
The lack of moral parenting skills of the former president and his wife has been paying off lately and this latest instance is no exception. As a Christian Southern Baptist conservative graced with impeccable moral values, I find Malia Obama appalling. Her choice of wardrobe (or lack of) is revolting and shes not a role model for today's working youth in her age group.

Malia Obama Wears Nothing But A Shirt To Work — Where Are Her Pants? Pics
The jews in Congress have revealed themselves to be have profound psychological issues. They simply cannot accept the fact that that the Swamp lost the election.
Always good to hear from Trump's base.
In general they really hate children, they way too often spout out the truth.

No surprise, the leftists are dying as they are not procreating. Instead they are aborting their own children.
They hate WHITE children. They LOVE little turd world trash that is given welfare benefits and grows up to be a welfare mom its self and spits out 10 fatherless children and votes democrat in return for its benefits.
Always good to hear from Trump's base.
I will say it again- don't be like the Contards- don't be like Stevie the Racist- leave the kids alone.
Leave it up to a democrat to stoop to the lowest of the low. This is just the latest example.

Democrat Congressman Uses 11-Year-Old Barron Trump to Attack POTUS Trump

Hmmm well I am never in favor of using a politicians kid to attack a politician...though in this case he doesn't say anything about Barron.

You know- unlike yourself and Obama's kids
Steve McGarrett
The lack of moral parenting skills of the former president and his wife has been paying off lately and this latest instance is no exception. As a Christian Southern Baptist conservative graced with impeccable moral values, I find Malia Obama appalling. Her choice of wardrobe (or lack of) is revolting and shes not a role model for today's working youth in her age group.

Malia Obama Wears Nothing But A Shirt To Work — Where Are Her Pants? Pics
She's not a kid!
Leave it up to a democrat to stoop to the lowest of the low. This is just the latest example.

Democrat Congressman Uses 11-Year-Old Barron Trump to Attack POTUS Trump

Hmmm well I am never in favor of using a politicians kid to attack a politician...though in this case he doesn't say anything about Barron.

You know- unlike yourself and Obama's kids
Steve McGarrett
The lack of moral parenting skills of the former president and his wife has been paying off lately and this latest instance is no exception. As a Christian Southern Baptist conservative graced with impeccable moral values, I find Malia Obama appalling. Her choice of wardrobe (or lack of) is revolting and shes not a role model for today's working youth in her age group.

Malia Obama Wears Nothing But A Shirt To Work — Where Are Her Pants? Pics
She's not a kid!

Leave it to a Trump supporter to sink to the lowest of lows....

Don't be an asshole- don't be like Stevie the Racist- leave the kids alone.
Leave it up to a democrat to stoop to the lowest of the low. This is just the latest example.

Democrat Congressman Uses 11-Year-Old Barron Trump to Attack POTUS Trump

Hmmm well I am never in favor of using a politicians kid to attack a politician...though in this case he doesn't say anything about Barron.

You know- unlike yourself and Obama's kids
Steve McGarrett
The lack of moral parenting skills of the former president and his wife has been paying off lately and this latest instance is no exception. As a Christian Southern Baptist conservative graced with impeccable moral values, I find Malia Obama appalling. Her choice of wardrobe (or lack of) is revolting and shes not a role model for today's working youth in her age group.

Malia Obama Wears Nothing But A Shirt To Work — Where Are Her Pants? Pics
She's not a kid!
Sasha Obama- 15 years old at the time:


Don't be like a Trumpster- don't attack the kids
In general they really hate children, they way too often spout out the truth.

No surprise, the leftists are dying as they are not procreating. Instead they are aborting their own children.
They hate WHITE children. They LOVE little turd world trash that is given welfare benefits and grows up to be a welfare mom its self and spits out 10 fatherless children and votes democrat in return for its benefits.
Always good to hear from Trump's base.
Indeed it is. You don't get to hear facts much just propaganda from the American hating media.
Leave it up to a democrat to stoop to the lowest of the low. This is just the latest example.

Democrat Congressman Uses 11-Year-Old Barron Trump to Attack POTUS Trump

Hmmm well I am never in favor of using a politicians kid to attack a politician...though in this case he doesn't say anything about Barron.

You know- unlike yourself and Obama's kids
Steve McGarrett
The lack of moral parenting skills of the former president and his wife has been paying off lately and this latest instance is no exception. As a Christian Southern Baptist conservative graced with impeccable moral values, I find Malia Obama appalling. Her choice of wardrobe (or lack of) is revolting and shes not a role model for today's working youth in her age group.

Malia Obama Wears Nothing But A Shirt To Work — Where Are Her Pants? Pics
She's not a kid!
Sasha Obama- 15 years old at the time:

View attachment 169209
Leave it up to a democrat to stoop to the lowest of the low. This is just the latest example.

Democrat Congressman Uses 11-Year-Old Barron Trump to Attack POTUS Trump
Tony Swartz, the real author of The art of the Deal, lived with Trump for 2 years while writing the book Trump took credit for.
He said not once did he see Trump spend any time with his children.
Trump's 3 wives raised those kids. Everyone knows that.
The fat orange anus has no time for children, even his own.
It would cut into his tweeting time picking fights with private citizens, world leaders, actors, athletes, etc.
Leave it up to a democrat to stoop to the lowest of the low. This is just the latest example.

Democrat Congressman Uses 11-Year-Old Barron Trump to Attack POTUS Trump

The Democrats have no problem aborting fetuses and cutting them up into little parts for sale, so why should they worry about any 11 year old? Once in their care under government run school, they just abuse them with tearful, frightening suspensions and arrests for eating a pop-tart that remotely resembles a gun, take away their pledge of allegiance and all mention of God, drill socialist ideology and doctrine into their brains, inviting them to spy on and tell on their parents for any little thing, and giving them autocratic rule over their home life if dear ol' dad dares try to discipline his kid and get control of the family! So, no, kids are fair game so long as the dad isn't a liberal!
That bogus body parts story has been debunked numerous times.
Planned Parenthood Investigations Find No Fetal Tissue Sales

The frauds perpetrating this lie actually went to jail.
Just another fact Deplorables don't know.
Two awards Trump will never win.
Father of the Year.
Most dignified man.
Any one see that Trump Xmas picture? Notice who wasn't smiling?
Melania looked like she's knee deep in depression.
Barron looked like he was as miserable too.

Zsa Zsa knew what she signed up for... waiting for the fat fuck to croak to get his money.
But Barron ... the poor kid... had no control over who his father is.

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