Democrat congressman echoes Chamberlain: Iran deal will bring 'peace in our time'


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Someone needs to buy Patrick Murphy a history book.

The Democratic congressman from Florida, who is running for Senate in 2016, came out in support of the Iran deal Monday, unironically declaring the agreement between the world powers and Iran would bring “peace in our time.”

“I believe deeply in the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel,” Murphy said in a statement. “This debate has proven to me that America and Israel are fortunate to have so many passionate, diverse voices who all want the same things: a nuclear-free Iran, a secure Israel, and peace in our time. In the interest of all three, I will be supporting this deal and voting against a Resolution of Disapproval in September.”

The phrase “peace in our time” is most famously — or perhaps infamously — associated with Britain and France’s failed appeasement policy towards Nazi Germany in the lead up to World War II. In 1938, after signing the Munich Agreement that appeased Adolf Hitler by forcing Czechoslovakia to cede to Nazi Germany its Sudetenland territory, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain declared that the deal would achieve “peace for our time.”

“My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor,” he said standing outside of 10 Downing Street, the prime minister’s residence. “I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.”

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Way to go liberal Jews. Way to be democrats. Way to be left wing moron voters.

No really. Great job.


It is unreal how smart you all are. No really. Neville Chamberlain.

Peace of our time, eh Chamberlain?

There is your fucking peace Chamberlain. You stupid ass liberal piece of shit.
You seem very angry. Then again, you always seem angry. You seem to have a deep seated psychological need to hate certain people. Poor you.

I know, I know, Righties never want "peace in our time", cuz G-d, guns and Benghazi.

Just because a politician uses similar words in 2015 does not mean that it means the same as 1938.

YOU are the one who needs to learn history.
Just because a politician uses similar words in 2015 does not mean that it means the same as 1938.

It means the same. Stop being stupid.

YOU are the one who needs to learn history.

In these times only a Democrat would use such a phrase. I doubt Murphy has a clue about Chamberlain and what followed his use of the same phrase.

I would suggest it is you who needs to learn history, and English as well.
Appeasement never works...

... that is the lesson so many liberals fail to learn.
But they love appeasement, until it bites them in the ass. Just ask Bernie how BLM is supporting him.

Then when it does bite them in the ass, they blame conservatives.

Every single one of their issues and claims have been false, and every time they blame conservatives.

Name them.

Cities with the strictest gun control policies. All the worst cities with most gun violence, mostly (over 90%) committed by obama type voters (yeah you know what I mean) and they blame the failure on the NRA (code for white conservatives.)

Here are the other issues. All failed liberal policies and when they do fail they blame conservatives. Of course, the mindless mob of democrat voters buy it every time.

Affirmative Action
Rent Control
Fair Housing Act
The DDT Ban
The Minimum Wage/Living Wage

Just a few on the list. All of their policies fail. All of them are designed to capture voters. All of them are designed to get individuals to rely on government. All of them are disguised to appear as though the socialists care.

Want to know how it works with democrats? Here, watch this little clip from this movie. How the Portuguese took over Brazil. That is how the liberals are destroying America.

Just because a politician uses similar words in 2015 does not mean that it means the same as 1938.

It means the same. Stop being stupid.

YOU are the one who needs to learn history.

In these times only a Democrat would use such a phrase. I doubt Murphy has a clue about Chamberlain and what followed his use of the same phrase.

I would suggest it is you who needs to learn history, and English as well.
Uhm, no.

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Nazi Germany was a military superpower and a modern society.

Iran is a backward, third-world, Islamic shithole.

See the difference?
Nazi Germany was a military superpower and a modern society.

Iran is a backward, third-world, Islamic shithole.

See the difference?

Which will soon, thanks to all of Obama's efforts, become a backward, third-world, Islamic shithole of a military superpower.
Nazi Germany was a military superpower and a modern society.

Iran is a backward, third-world, Islamic shithole.

See the difference?

Actually I do see the difference you dumb ignorant ass.

The point is we do wait until a tyrant gets as big as the NAZI regime became BEFORE something is done about it.

Appeasement made the league of nationd irrelevant and is what caused it to dissolve.

Thank you for unwhittingly making our point. Of course you and the fucking moron who liked your ignorant post do not get it.

You are both morons, along with every hypocritical peace of shit appeasing peacenik cocksucker that thinks like you.
Actually I do see the difference you dumb ignorant ass.

The point is we do wait until a tyrant gets as big as the NAZI regime became BEFORE something is done about it.

Appeasement made the league of nationd irrelevant and is what caused it to dissolve.

Thank you for unwhittingly making our point. Of course you and the fucking moron who liked your ignorant post do not get it.

You are both morons, along with every hypocritical peace of shit appeasing peacenik cocksucker that thinks like you.

If I made you angry with my post, then good. I achieved my results.

Now go fuck yourself, asshole.
Mr. Clean wrote:

Nazi Germany was a military superpower and a modern society.

Iran is a backward, third-world, Islamic shithole.

See the difference?

Uncle Ferd says, "Yea, even less of a chance...

dey'll honor dey's side o' the bargain."

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