Dem rep Congress is underpaid.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
Virginia Democrat Jim Moran thinks that Congress deserves a raise despite being highly unpopular not to mention sucking royally at their job could anything describe the mindset of America today better? Were corrupt, inept, and incompetent at our job but we deserve a raise wow.
Jim Moran!!

I'd rather pay them more then have them rely on bribes (campaign contributions). You get what you pay for.
I'd rather pay them more then have them rely on bribes (campaign contributions). You get what you pay for.

Seriously? $174,000 a yr plus expenses now. To stop those that take bribes, no amount of pay would ever be enough.
I'd rather pay them more then have them rely on bribes (campaign contributions). You get what you pay for.

so congress is underpaid?

and you think a raise will stop bribes?

The less shit I get from them the better.

I guess congress needs to unionize against the taxpayers then......omg!!!!!
Virginia Democrat Jim Moran thinks that Congress deserves a raise despite being highly unpopular not to mention sucking royally at their job could anything describe the mindset of America today better? Were corrupt, inept, and incompetent at our job but we deserve a raise wow.

What a douche bag....Can't make it on $170,000 per year? Too God damn bad about ya..
If it were up to me, they'd get a 50% cut in salary. If they can't live on $85k plus bennies, plus pension, they are misappropriating their finances.
Not my problem.
Actually, the lifestyle that a Congressmen lives, political road warrior, $170k is not a lot of money. Most people have just learned to live with so little that a decent amount seems extravagant. $170k is not extravagant.
Haven't lived in VA for awhile, but I still try to keep up a little with VA politics. As I recall Moran is a real ass. Now they have Terry McCauliff for Governor - and all that that implies. And out there in the wings is Tim Kaine who, I think, is or was Chairman of the DNC. Tim's looking for a seat in the White House and he's been grooming for that position for at least the last 15-20 years. Big tax and spend man, Tim. His father-in-law was Governor of VA twice - once as a Democrat and once as a Republican.

There should be a way constituents can decide by ballot whether their representatives deserve a raise and if so how much. We are the people and they are (supposed to be) the servants of the people, right? And we do pay their salaries, do we not?
I think if someone back in 1980 or whenever knew what cars/houses/tuition/groceries cost in 2014 they would figure out about $150k as middle-income lifestyle. Our pay has not gone up, just our expectations down.
I'm not against giving people pay a raise even Congress I'm opposed to giving them to people especially Congress who have done nothing to deserve it.

Believe me, I am completely and totally for not paying people who don't do their job. I am also against punishing everyone for the faults of some. If there are people in Congress who are not doing their job then we should try to figure out how that happens. Fixing that fixes the problem. Holding back pay doesn't. It just makes some of the people look for ways to supplement their income and lifestyle what any means available.
I'm not against giving people pay a raise even Congress I'm opposed to giving them to people especially Congress who have done nothing to deserve it.

Believe me, I am completely and totally for not paying people who don't do their job. I am also against punishing everyone for the faults of some. If there are people in Congress who are not doing their job then we should try to figure out how that happens. Fixing that fixes the problem. Holding back pay doesn't. It just makes some of the people look for ways to supplement their income and lifestyle what any means available.

Well I have a idea people in Congress are in theory supposed to represent the people of their state so instead of letting Congress vote on if they get a raise let the people of the state they represent vote on it. I'm thinking you could go district by district if you feel your rep is doing a good vote yes for him to get a raise if people in another district feel their rep is not vote no this was just off the top of my head mind you so I'm sure there flaws in here but a good first step would be putting the decision of Congressional pay raises in the hands of the people Congress works for us. I think if this was the case we would be amazed how much stuff Congress could get done.
I'm not against giving people pay a raise even Congress I'm opposed to giving them to people especially Congress who have done nothing to deserve it.

Believe me, I am completely and totally for not paying people who don't do their job. I am also against punishing everyone for the faults of some. If there are people in Congress who are not doing their job then we should try to figure out how that happens. Fixing that fixes the problem. Holding back pay doesn't. It just makes some of the people look for ways to supplement their income and lifestyle what any means available.

Well I have a idea people in Congress are in theory supposed to represent the people of their state so instead of letting Congress vote on if they get a raise let the people of the state they represent vote on it. I'm thinking you could go district by district if you feel your rep is doing a good vote yes for him to get a raise if people in another district feel their rep is not vote no this was just off the top of my head mind you so I'm sure there flaws in here but a good first step would be putting the decision of Congressional pay raises in the hands of the people Congress works for us. I think if this was the case we would be amazed how much stuff Congress could get done.

I believe the people should elect their Congressmen, Congress should set pay. One problem I see at the moment is that some in Congress are trying to get into the business of department rather than doing the business of Congress they are trying to micro-manage departments. It really brings the ability of the House to do its job of being top level managers of the government, which is what they should be doing, to a screeching halt. They actually do it for political points as they can point out specific instances of problems with process but in actuality they are not doing their job.

Sorry for breaking into a rant but I do think it explains a lot of what is going wrong at the moment.
Believe me, I am completely and totally for not paying people who don't do their job. I am also against punishing everyone for the faults of some. If there are people in Congress who are not doing their job then we should try to figure out how that happens. Fixing that fixes the problem. Holding back pay doesn't. It just makes some of the people look for ways to supplement their income and lifestyle what any means available.

Well I have a idea people in Congress are in theory supposed to represent the people of their state so instead of letting Congress vote on if they get a raise let the people of the state they represent vote on it. I'm thinking you could go district by district if you feel your rep is doing a good vote yes for him to get a raise if people in another district feel their rep is not vote no this was just off the top of my head mind you so I'm sure there flaws in here but a good first step would be putting the decision of Congressional pay raises in the hands of the people Congress works for us. I think if this was the case we would be amazed how much stuff Congress could get done.

I believe the people should elect their Congressmen, Congress should set pay. One problem I see at the moment is that some in Congress are trying to get into the business of department rather than doing the business of Congress they are trying to micro-manage departments. It really brings the ability of the House to do its job of being top level managers of the government, which is what they should be doing, to a screeching halt. They actually do it for political points as they can point out specific instances of problems with process but in actuality they are not doing their job.

Sorry for breaking into a rant but I do think it explains a lot of what is going wrong at the moment.

Eh rants are part of political message boards and Congress gives us all a lot to rant about.
Heard he used to have some money. Seems a little bad day trading and 2 divorces has put the hurt on him.

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