Dem Leader Pleads for Understanding!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) pleaded with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee to overlook anti-Semitic statements and the boycott of the organization's annual conference by leading contenders for his Party's presidential nomination and "stick with what has worked in the past."

"The progressive values that the Democratic Party has championed cannot be implemented in policy if we don't win elections," Schumer pointed out. "Winning elections requires compromises to keep our coalition intact. Since anti-Semitism is growing in popularity around the world—largely in response to the dynamic expansion of Islamic values and views—it is imperative that the growing cohort of Muslims in this country know that the Democratic Party respects their religious beliefs so we can be sure of their votes."

"Jews have been reliable Democrats for generations," Schumer observed. "Our Party couldn't have been as successful without them. Now that we are on the cusp of the social transformation to collectivism that President Obama promised, it would be tragic if thin-skinned objections to some of the raw language and rude behavior used by other members of our coalition were to diminish traditional the Jewish support for the Democratic Party."

In related news, former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Az) urged Republican voters to vote Democrat in the 2020 election, saying "it is better to let the lunatic left win than reelect the loathsome Donald Trump. The Democrats will try to regiment society with regulations, impoverish the economy with higher taxes, and import tens of millions of reliable Democrat voters from south of the border, but Trump will continue to offend delicate sensibilities with his brash rhetoric and boorish behavior."

Semi-News/Semi-Satire ^ | 31 March 2019
I hope Arizona takes him out of office. Just looked him up. He won't be running in 2020. He going to ba a contributer of CBS. Surprised it's not MSNBC.
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Jews are not going to support the party of Jewish death. That's what the Democrats have become. They are slipping into the Jew hate of islam.

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