Dem Debate Tonight (Yawn)


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2015
Luray, Virginia
Is this the event where we get to hear from Hillary about how wonderful, above-board, honest and qualified she is? I’m hoping she'll slip into her "Southern Accent" when giving her colorful account of “landing under fire” in some bullshit war zone to visit our brave men and women whom she cherishes so much.

Maybe Bill will make a cameo – drunk off his ass, rambling senselessly – with three bimbos at his side.

Can't wait.

And Bernie - can his ticker stand any more pressure? Dear Lord - at 75, debate time is his usual three push-ups and a jell or two of Dulcolax time for this raging, dumb, senile, incompetent.

Trump 2016
Just think..... If it was happening on the campus of Liberty University in Virginia you would be compelled to go by the administration or else pay a $10 fine. (See Ted Cruz announcement to run for president last year).
Just think..... If it was happening on the campus of Liberty University in Virginia you would be compelled to go by the administration or else pay a $10 fine. (See Ted Cruz announcement to run for president last year).

Yes. Bernie and Hillary should pay people to watch.
Iowa Hawkeyes @ IU Hoosiers tonight....the lying hag and old senile socialist don't have a prayer
The moderators throw soft ball questions and later go up and hug the candidates. Meanwhile the DNC plots to cheat Sanders. No surprises here.
The moderators throw soft ball questions and later go up and hug the candidates. Meanwhile the DNC plots to cheat Sanders. No surprises here.

They will ask the tough questions such as what Hillary's favorite flavor of ice cream is. Hard-hitting shit like that.
The gravy train under the current "Chimp" in the Oval Orifice is about to come to a screeching fucking halt.

Trump 2016
Refreshing to hear people talk about what they would actually do if elected rather than spend the entire time whining how 'inexperience' someone else is, or 'how they are all losers', or how 'jeb is having a hard time'.

The difference between watching adults and watching children.
I am going to watch the debate with great interest.

There is not going to be anything said that is not complete bull shit...but the personalities are so interesting.

A cranky old Socialist Fool who has the endearing ability to admit he is a Socialist Fool...against the unqualified, incompetent, unhealthy, dishonest, about-to-be-indicted, rapacious wife of a Pussy loving Southern boy who happened to be a political genius.

Trump's a hoot, but its the Socialists/Democrats who look right now to be the Great American Train Wreck.

Maybe they'll trot out Biden as the cavalry - trouble is that idiot will be riding backwards on the horse
The Clintons must have some serious shit on that guy
No wonder he's keeping his fucking mouth shut

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Tonight will be which one loves and is loved by black people more.....
Hillary.... I got the endorsement from the black caucus....
Bernie ..... Oh yeah...well I had a cup of coffee with Al Sharpton.
So there bitch!
More entertaining to see if Republicans go for the full on fascist trump, aka IL Duce, one of the whackjob bible thumpers like Cruz, or a moderate normal like Kasich.

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