Dem Debate 10/13

Who's airing it and who are the moderators?


Anderson Cooper.


Wait, ....

Ok ok, "That's gay..."

Are we allowed to say gay anymore?

If I said "That sucks" or that's shitty" are those gay jokes in this case?

Honestly tho, Cooper ain't too bad but they will prolly do their best to make everyone (Dems) look like friends while only pitting 1 rep against another.

Cooper: Sanders, what do you love about Hillary's free education plan?

Cooper: Hillary, How would you expand or do slightly different Sanders free HC plan, would you make it more free or extremely free?
Here's one of the questions....
We all know the Republicans are bad for the country and the Democrats are the best hope we have....
Hillary, why are Republicans so wrong.....

This question will be asked for each candidate....

And that will cover the first 30 minutes of the 2 hr debate.
Who's airing it and who are the moderators?


Anderson Cooper.


Wait, ....

Ok ok, "That's gay..."

Are we allowed to say gay anymore?
NO, according the "handbook of political correctness" pp. 4,443, saying gay is gay.

If I said "That sucks" or that's shitty" are those gay jokes in this case?

Honestly tho, Cooper ain't too bad but they will prolly do their best to make everyone (Dems) look like friends while only pitting 1 rep against another.

Cooper: Sanders, what do you love about Hillary's free education plan?

Cooper: Hillary, How would you expand or do slightly different Sanders free HC plan, would you make it more free or extremely free?
ROFLMAO! thanks for the laugh. :)
Who's airing it and who are the moderators?


Anderson Cooper.


Wait, ....

Ok ok, "That's gay..."

Are we allowed to say gay anymore?
NO, according the "handbook of political correctness" pp. 4,443, saying gay is gay.

If I said "That sucks" or that's shitty" are those gay jokes in this case?

Honestly tho, Cooper ain't too bad but they will prolly do their best to make everyone (Dems) look like friends while only pitting 1 rep against another.

Cooper: Sanders, what do you love about Hillary's free education plan?

Cooper: Hillary, How would you expand or do slightly different Sanders free HC plan, would you make it more free or extremely free?
ROFLMAO! thanks for the laugh. :)

"That blows." Not a Cooper joke. seriously.
Hillary no doubt will be the star of the night, she will probably tear into Sanders like. A Bengal tiger on a raw piece if meat..

Old Bernie I hope at least combs his hair and puts on a nice suit, and doesn't spit when he talks, or have any senior moments..

The other 2 guy's are probably just hanging around hoping Hillary throws them a bone for the VP slot..

Hillary no doubt is such a polarizing figure she will steal the show..
Here's one of the questions....
We all know the Republicans are bad for the country and the Democrats are the best hope we have....
Hillary, why are Republicans so wrong.....

This question will be asked for each candidate....

And that will cover the first 30 minutes of the 2 hr debate.

I really hope they don't go there. There is too much other crap that is important and the "Republicans are the evil bastards" digs will not get it.
Who's airing it and who are the moderators?


Anderson Cooper.


Wait, ....

Ok ok, "That's gay..."

Are we allowed to say gay anymore?

If I said "That sucks" or that's shitty" are those gay jokes in this case?

Honestly tho, Cooper ain't too bad but they will prolly do their best to make everyone (Dems) look like friends while only pitting 1 rep against another.

Cooper: Sanders, what do you love about Hillary's free education plan?

Cooper: Hillary, How would you expand or do slightly different Sanders free HC plan, would you make it more free or extremely free?
Gay is an insult & bigoted word unless used by the left.
I think Hillary will get criticized the most.. worst performance will be Chafee. And Sanders numbers will go down after Tuesday when ppl see the other candidates

I think Sander's numbers will go up, because people will see the other candidates. And watch them trying to use Sander's stated issues for themselves.
Who will be the furthest Left, out in Mao-land?


Who will best demonize and vilify the "rich" (aka: anyone with a job)

Sanders refers to the "billionaire class", not anyone with a job.

For now, and after they're gone, it will be the millionaire class, then the thousandaire class, and so on. Progressives have no OFF switch

Then the hundrednaires and tennaires then the one-aires and penniares.

Until everyone is pulling out lint--then they hit the lintaires because the lintaires have more than the non-lintaires

so look on the brightside--you are going to be lint free in the end!:alcoholic:
'Welcome to the DNC Presidential Debate. Hillary , start us off with opening remarks.'

HILLARY: "Bernie Sanders, you're a member of the Socialist Party."

SANDERS: "Hillary, you lied, jeopardized national security for personal benefit, they found your server in an IT company's BATHROOM, you broke the law, and you're going to jail."

HILLARY: "This debate is OVER!"
- walks off the stage...

This is a Clinton vs. Sanders debate and I think Sanders is going to score some points.

Any questions about the email bullshit and the Benghazi bullshit will put Clinton on the defensive. Sanders has no manufactured scandals pushing him off balance. He gets to stay on message all night, while Clinton will always have a part of her brain trying to remember her canned responses to Benghazi and the emails.

But those will probably be raised right out of the gate and thus will get them out of the way.

Then Hillary has to deal with the ingrained habit of most politicians: triangulation. Trying to answer a question without answering. Being against the TPP while being for it but really being against it for the moment. Saying she will combat ISISBOOMBAH by saying how tough it will be to fight ISIS and how a seasoned hand is needed to guide us through the mess, and never saying exactly what she will do about ISISBOOMBAH. Then the usual "tax the rich more" pablum.

I think the only person so far who has said exactly what they would do about ISISBOOMBAH is Carly Fiorina. All the others are too chickenshit to commit to anything. Carly, though, said she would kick ISIS in the nuts, blast them with a bazooka, then smoke some cigarettes.

Sanders is a lot like Donald Trump. He has no filter. He doesn't triangulate. He just tells it the way he sees it from his perch in the Loony Tree. He's going to go down smooth with the Democratic voters who are just as sick of Establishment candidates as the Republican voters are.

Sanders differs from Trump in that he doesn't soften up later. He stays entirely on message. Sanders has been waiting his entire life to have the giant megaphone he has just been handed. And the country is at a point where they are ready to listen to the weird old geezer.

"I thought they said this guy was crazy."

There is no legitimate reason for a single question to be asked about Benghazi. Emails.......yes.

Sanders is no more loony than any other person in the race. Characterizing him as such is done so out of ignorance or dishonesty.

Sanders will he does nothing but stay on message and won't be a prick. Comparisons with Trump end when it comes to a lack of filter. Sanders has policy ideas, experience and doesn't shit on people.
Who will be the furthest Left, out in Mao-land?


Who will best demonize and vilify the "rich" (aka: anyone with a job)

Sanders refers to the "billionaire class", not anyone with a job.

For now, and after they're gone, it will be the millionaire class, then the thousandaire class, and so on. Progressives have no OFF switch
On the bright side, after we're all flat broke we won't have to listen to the progressives bitch about "the rich" anymore...... :)

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