Deliverance Ministry

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Question: "What is deliverance ministry, and is it biblical?"

The generally agreed-upon definition of “deliverance ministry” will usually focus on the casting out of demons or spirits in an attempt to solve problems related to specific demons. For example, a deliverance minister may seek to help someone overcome anger by casting out a spirit of anger. Deliverance ministries also focus on tearing down [URL='']spiritual strongholds
in one’s life, finding inner healing, and claiming the victory in Christ over all enemies. Many refer to soul ties, curses, and the “legal rights” of demons. Biblically, demons or evil spirits are known to be fallen angels that rebelled in heaven with Satan (Revelation 12:4, 9; Isaiah 14:12–20; Ezekiel 28:1–19).[/URL]

29 Protocols for Engaging in Deliverance Ministry

The first protocol in casting out devils, then, is to understand your authority. Here are 27 other protocols for engaging in deliverance ministry:

1. Make sure your own heart is clean before you go into a deliverance session. Repent of any unconfessed sin. Sometimes demons will call out your sins.

2. You don't have to cast out every devil that comes your way. I pray about deliverance ministry assignments. The person may not really want to get delivered or may not be willing to do what it takes to walk out the deliverance or may like the attention they get from the issues in their life.

3. If possible, have a team of intercessors praying in another room during the deliverance session.

4. If possible, the deliverance team and the one being ministered to should fast before the session.

5. The deliverance team should come together and pray before the session. Ask the Lord to reveal the strongholds that are in place and share your insights with each other so you can be on the same page. The Holy Spirit is likely to reveal other matters during the session but you want to go in with as much foreknowledge as possible.

6. Don't cast out devils alone. This is not a one-person job. Jesus sent the disciples out two by two.

7. The one seeking deliverance should be given Scripture to study and prayers to pray before the deliverance session in preparation. This helps begin the process of renewing the mind with the Word of God.

8. Warn the one who is getting ministered to in advance that they will be tempted to run, to fear, or to be otherwise discouraged from coming.

9. Explain to the person seeking deliverance what could happen with manifestations. Tell them to resist the manifestations with their will.

10. Ask the one being ministered to if it's OK to touch them before the session begins.

11. If we're ministering to a man, a man needs to be on the deliverance team. If we're ministering to a woman, a woman needs to be on the deliverance team.

12. Confidentiality is key. You never share publicly what happens in a deliverance session.

13. It's not wise to minister to a husband and wife—or two people—together. They may not be completely transparent.

14. Have a trashcan and Kleenex on hand.

15. One person is designated as the leader. One person leads the charge. Others on the team should submit any words of knowledge, discerning of spirits or other prophetic insight to the leader and then leader can release that person to minister at the right time.

16. At the beginning of the session, pray for the gifts of the Spirit to be in operation.

17. Support members on the deliverance team should pray in tongues quietly during the session. If the person starts manifesting, the support members should plead the blood of Jesus.

18. As the session begins, ask the person if they know what the issues are. This can be revealing and get you started. Sometimes they think they know and they are only seeing the surface-level fruit of their issues.

19. Ask the Holy Spirit to show the person seeking deliverance if they need to forgive anyone. Unforgiveness gives the enemy a legal right to operate.

20. Once you identify a stronghold, lead the person in repentance over the issue. Then cast it out. Command the demon to go in the name of Jesus.

21. Don't engage in conversations with devils. This is not a show, and devils lie.

22. You don't need to scream and yell.

23. Don't get distracted by the manifestations. Bind them. Dignity of the person.

24. If people begin manifesting, safety is a major priority.

25. If you hit a wall during the session, stop and pray. Sometimes the spirit of counsel will come up on you.

26. You can't always cast out all the demons in one session. A person can only take so much.

27. Understand that no two deliverances will be exactly alike. Some people never have one manifestation.

28. Don't try to force anything or play guessing games or make assumptions. Always be led by the Holy Spirit. It is His power that delivers people in the name of Jesus.


Beware of deliverance ministries
The atmosphere inside was hideous—I'd never witnessed anything like it. His wife, Debbie, was thrashing around on the living room sofa, evidently possessed by an evil spirit. The voice speaking through her was gravelly, bitter, and vindictive. The next three and a half hours were a blur, even though each moment seemed to drag endlessly along.

A couple I had never met sat in chairs in front of Debbie. Who were these people? They reported having already spent 10 hours trying to help her. I was shocked to hear them arguing with the demon, commanding it to admit various things. They told me a number of things they had learned about Debbie from the demon.

I asked to talk to the victim. Instantly Debbie was herself again, and I encouraged her to reach out by faith to Jesus for the help He promised her. At one point she related a vision she was seeing. Then suddenly another personality would assert itself through her.


I had never heard of this. Exorcisms, yes. But organized, for profit, "ministries"?

Turns out there are more ways to fleece the sheep than I knew.

I would honestly appreciate hearing from anyone knows if the Sarah Palin exorcism is related to this kind of thing? Book of Jeremiah Are you out there? Seems like this is something you would know about?


A Biblically based commentary on current issues that impact you

How Deliverance Ministries Lead People to Bondage

A Warning Against the Warfare Worldview

by Bob DeWaay

The Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will. (2Timothy 2:24-26)

In 1977 I was in a ministry that specialized in inner healing and deliverance. People came to us from all over the country seeking release from hearing voices, addictions, emotional trauma due to past hurts and abuses, and many other forms of spiritual bondage. At the time our ministry was considered “cutting edge” in the world of spiritual warfare. Ours was a Christian community where people could come and live with other Christians to find healing.

About that time a woman from another state came to stay at our ministry center for a few days to receive prayer and deliverance. She had grown up in a family that was deeply involved in the occult and had been named after a Greek goddess. When she called us she was trying to get out of her occult bondage and was being attacked by evil spirits who did not want to let her go. They manifested themselves through her taunting us and making hissing sounds. We soon found out that the demons that tormented her were powerful and had no intention of leaving. Two of us took on the responsibility of ministering to her. After we had led her in some prayers, confronted some of the demons, and demanded them to leave in Jesus’ name, she found some relief.

The most dramatic event in our ministry to her came after one of our Tuesday night meetings. After most people had left she stayed for more prayer. Before we even got to her, she was taken over by a violent evil spirit. Her countenance changed, her voice altered, her face contorted and her hands became like claws. She let out a loud scream and charged at me, intending to gouge my face with her fingernails. As she screamed and raced across the room, I and the other man who had been ministering to her stood our ground and said, “Stop! in the name of Jesus.” When she got two feet from us she hit what seemed like an invisible wall and fell to the floor whimpering. We prayed with her and asked God to set her free.
Not that it isn't possible, (because it is) I would be very leery about this. If you expel a demon, it leaves a void. And he'll go to the desert and get a bunch of his friends and move right back in. Fill the void with the Holy Spirit and the demons have no choice but to leave. Light and dark cannot inhabit the same place at the same time. Light causes darkness to flee. In a living room, or your soul.
And, not that it isn't possible, (because it is) I would be just as skeptical of the healing ministries. I'll believe it when they knock someone down and an arm is replaced..
If someone can believe in an invisible being, giving and taking on a whim, I guess its not that much of a jump to believing in exorcising "demons". But really, this is the sort of thing I would expect from a very ignorant and naive culture.

The Irish Ram You're always so against anything that can actually help or improve the human condition but I'm not at all surprised you would fall for this racket.



If someone can believe in an invisible being, giving and taking on a whim, I guess its not that much of a jump to believing in exorcising "demons". But really, this is the sort of thing I would expect from a very ignorant and naive culture.

The Irish Ram You're always so against anything that can actually help or improve the human condition but I'm not at all surprised you would fall for this racket.




Interesting. The gullible hare no limits.

Joel Osteen tells his 'followers' that the money in their pockets is evil and should be cast into his pocket where god can 'subdue' it and turn it into jets and mansions. And they believe him. It is usery of one human being by another on just a gross scale.
Not that it isn't possible, (because it is) I would be very leery about this. If you expel a demon, it leaves a void. And he'll go to the desert and get a bunch of his friends and move right back in. Fill the void with the Holy Spirit and the demons have no choice but to leave. Light and dark cannot inhabit the same place at the same time. Light causes darkness to flee. In a living room, or your soul.
And, not that it isn't possible, (because it is) I would be just as skeptical of the healing ministries. I'll believe it when they knock someone down and an arm is replaced..

Did you know in the NT Rome called the zealot jews demons.
If someone can believe in an invisible being, giving and taking on a whim, I guess its not that much of a jump to believing in exorcising "demons". But really, this is the sort of thing I would expect from a very ignorant and naive culture.

The Irish Ram You're always so against anything that can actually help or improve the human condition but I'm not at all surprised you would fall for this racket.




Interesting. The gullible hare no limits.

Joel Osteen tells his 'followers' that the money in their pockets is evil and should be cast into his pocket where god can 'subdue' it and turn it into jets and mansions. And they believe him. It is usery of one human being by another on just a gross scale.

He got a parking place by the door due to a favor of God.
Not that it isn't possible, (because it is) I would be very leery about this. If you expel a demon, it leaves a void. And he'll go to the desert and get a bunch of his friends and move right back in. Fill the void with the Holy Spirit and the demons have no choice but to leave. Light and dark cannot inhabit the same place at the same time. Light causes darkness to flee. In a living room, or your soul.
And, not that it isn't possible, (because it is) I would be just as skeptical of the healing ministries. I'll believe it when they knock someone down and an arm is replaced..

I agree with when they can make an arm grow back. Its very well known when people get rid of their demons, (addictions) they live more happier and healthy life's.
If someone can believe in an invisible being, giving and taking on a whim, I guess its not that much of a jump to believing in exorcising "demons". But really, this is the sort of thing I would expect from a very ignorant and naive culture.

The Irish Ram You're always so against anything that can actually help or improve the human condition but I'm not at all surprised you would fall for this racket.




Interesting. The gullible hare no limits.

Joel Osteen tells his 'followers' that the money in their pockets is evil and should be cast into his pocket where god can 'subdue' it and turn it into jets and mansions. And they believe him. It is usery of one human being by another on just a gross scale.

John Oliver did a bit about this fundie thing of seed money - send it to me and you'll get richer. Apparently, its not hard to get this past the IRS If you say you're a church - POOF! - You're a church.

One one hand, I think that people who willingly hand over their money to these charlatans deserve all of what they don't get. Same with this "deliverance ministry" gibberish. But, I also feel sorry for the gullible.

Didn't the world just end last week? Again?

I believe this is absolutely true - People are strong armed by their own fear and confusion and they believe this imaginary sky fairy will give them peace and serenity and way to live their lives with purpose.

And yet, look at those who post here. They are some of the angriest and most confused people I've read on line. Why is that? Why are theists so full of hate and anger and hate and hostility? Its bizarre. To me, its just bizarre.


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