Defense Department awards first contracts for Trump's border wall construction


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

And all the Dims effort to stop it are failing. More promises kept. God Bless you Mister President.

The Department of Defense awarded its first contracts to two companies Tuesday for construction of a barrier along the U.S. border with Mexico, according to a notice posted on the DOD’s website.

The Galveston, Texas-based company SLSCO was awarded a $789 million contract for “border replacement wall construction” in Santa Teresa, N.M., while Barnard Construction Co., a firm based in Bozeman, Mont., received a contract worth $187 million for “pedestrian wall replacement” in Yuma, Ariz., the DOD’s website stated.

Much more @ Defense Department awards first contracts for Trump's border wall construction
Wow.....................Trump REPLACES some existing wall, and you guys believe him when he says he's building new border fence.

What a bunch of rubes. Hey, OP, in your link, it even says that it is replacing, not building new wall. When is Trump going to authorize new wall?
I’m not seeing anything in the article where Mexico reimburses us. Whatever happened to that?
I’m not seeing anything in the article where Mexico reimburses us. Whatever happened to that?
We save billions and maybe trillions by building the wall and keeping illegal aliens out. The wall will pay for itself and Mexico and South America will have to take care of their own people.:5_1_12024:
No new wall, I see. Zero inches added so far under the incompetent dotard.
Replacing old broken down walls with new walls is still new walls. Democrats would rather see all the barriers taken down. Ain't gonna happen on Trumps watch.
I’m not seeing anything in the article where Mexico reimburses us. Whatever happened to that?
We save billions and maybe trillions by building the wall and keeping illegal aliens out. The wall will pay for itself and Mexico and South America will have to take care of their own people.:5_1_12024:
We built almost 800 miles of wall and illegal immigration just ahot up. But go on pretending your brainless elementary school level solution is the answer.
I’m not seeing anything in the article where Mexico reimburses us. Whatever happened to that?
We save billions and maybe trillions by building the wall and keeping illegal aliens out. The wall will pay for itself and Mexico and South America will have to take care of their own people.:5_1_12024:
We built almost 800 miles of wall and illegal immigration just ahot up. But go on pretending your brainless elementary school level solution is the answer.
The wall is just one element of securing the border. Illegal immigration is not up because Trump is not letting them in. They have to wait on the other side of the wall. DUMBASS>U.S. immigration authorities apprehended or turned back more than 103,000 migrants — including approximately 53,000 families and nearly 9,000 unaccompanied children. nearly 11,000 migrants who appeared at ports of entry to claim asylum were deemed "inadmissible" and turned back, according to CBP statistics.:5_1_12024:
I’m not seeing anything in the article where Mexico reimburses us. Whatever happened to that?
We save billions and maybe trillions by building the wall and keeping illegal aliens out. The wall will pay for itself and Mexico and South America will have to take care of their own people.:5_1_12024:
We built almost 800 miles of wall and illegal immigration just ahot up. But go on pretending your brainless elementary school level solution is the answer.
The wall is just one element of securing the border. Illegal immigration is not up because Trump is not letting them in. They have to wait on the other side of the wall. DUMBASS>U.S. immigration authorities apprehended or turned back more than 103,000 migrants — including approximately 53,000 families and nearly 9,000 unaccompanied children. nearly 11,000 migrants who appeared at ports of entry to claim asylum were deemed "inadmissible" and turned back, according to CBP statistics.:5_1_12024:
And all being released to await their court dates. Trump will be remembered for a record number of illegal entries. And you will celebrate the whole time :itsok:
I’m not seeing anything in the article where Mexico reimburses us. Whatever happened to that?
We save billions and maybe trillions by building the wall and keeping illegal aliens out. The wall will pay for itself and Mexico and South America will have to take care of their own people.:5_1_12024:
We built almost 800 miles of wall and illegal immigration just ahot up. But go on pretending your brainless elementary school level solution is the answer.
The wall is just one element of securing the border. Illegal immigration is not up because Trump is not letting them in. They have to wait on the other side of the wall. DUMBASS>U.S. immigration authorities apprehended or turned back more than 103,000 migrants — including approximately 53,000 families and nearly 9,000 unaccompanied children. nearly 11,000 migrants who appeared at ports of entry to claim asylum were deemed "inadmissible" and turned back, according to CBP statistics.:5_1_12024:
And all being released to await their court dates. Trump will be remembered for a record number of illegal entries. And you will celebrate the whole time :itsok:
What part of "he is not letting them in" anymore. No more catch and release.
Trump’s New Asylum Policy Will Help Block Illegal Immigration
By ending catch and release and replacing it with “catch and return,” Homeland Security is ending one of the major incentives driving illegal immigration.

As the administration pursues this protocol, Mexico has said it will provide humanitarian visas, work authorizations, and other protections to those waiting in Mexico. This partnership with Mexico is a critical piece of the solution and one that the Trump administration should be commended for reaching.
This way, the U.S. does not have to detain asylum seekers and none are released into the U.S. until they have proven their asylum claims are valid.

Trump’s New Asylum Policy Will Help Block Illegal Immigration
Open border advocates want us to fix the problem that is causing immigrants to come here. Not our problem to fix other counties but we can fix our immigration system so they will not waste their time coming here and trump is trying to do that in spite of blocks by Democrats, ACLU, etc. By putting up more wall, no more catch and release, and strong asylum laws. Domestic and gang violence is not a reason for refugee status and asylum. Must be political, religious and ethnic persecution,
Mexico has offered them asylum and word and they refuse because they know that we will take care of them with lots of freebies at the expense of US taxpayers.
Indirectly, Mexico will pay for the wall if it goes up and stops illegal and drugs from crossing by having to take care of their own people and we will not have to take care of them, Saving us money. The wall will pay for its self in the money we save by not taking care of Anchor Babies alone.
Trump needs to stop making these idle threats because it makes him look stupid and how can we take him seriously. like making Mexico pay for the wall. Closing the border. Sending illegals to sanctuary cities, Repealing Obama care when they have nothing to replace it. Actually, he has not got anything positive done since he has been in office. Democrats not doing anything positive either.
Sanctuary cities are a crime and illegal and she should go after those state and local governments..
It has been asserted that Trump has signs of some degree of an early stage of dementia, constituting an inability to consistently remember facts, or respond appropriately to circumstances of his surroundings. Trump has dismissed questions regarding his mental health, stating that he is a "very stable genius".LMAO,,In response to speculation about his cognitive abilities, Trump was administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) at his own request as part of his January 2018 health checkup. He reportedly received a score of 30/30, indicating a normal level of cognitive function. Critics have contended that the MoCA test is too basic to diagnose the problems asserted. At his age, 72, is common to have some degree of dementia.
Bernie Sanders is the same age I am and Joe Biden and that scares me enough not to vote for them. And we have those who are younger and do not know their a## from a hole in the ground. Nancy Pelosi and others in charge all passed the age of forced retirement. Retirement age is, I believe,is 65? Why would we retire and vote for someone pass the age of retirement?
Trump needs to stop making these idle threats because it makes him look stupid and how can we take him seriously. like making Mexico pay for the wall. Closing the border. Sending illegals to sanctuary cities, Repealing Obama care when they have nothing to replace it. Actually, he has not got anything positive done since he has been in office. Democrats not doing anything positive either.
Sanctuary cities are a crime and illegal and she should go after those state and local governments..
---------------------------------- Trump seems fine to me . As example he says , shut the border and i sit back to see if it happens . If it doesn't happen i just figure that there must be reasons that he doesn't shut down the Border . Sending 'illegals' to Sanctuary cities' . Its a good idea , makes sense to me . And while i approve of both ideas i mention it really makes no difference to my life if he doesn't do either one . As far as anything positive getting done . USA is peaceful , i am well fed and the vehicles are full of gas , i have a few dollars in my pocket and i am breathing . Seems like a pretty good deal to me Lilo .
Trump needs to stop making these idle threats because it makes him look stupid and how can we take him seriously. like making Mexico pay for the wall. Closing the border. Sending illegals to sanctuary cities, Repealing Obama care when they have nothing to replace it. Actually, he has not got anything positive done since he has been in office. Democrats not doing anything positive either.
Sanctuary cities are a crime and illegal and she should go after those state and local governments..
---------------------------------- Trump seems fine to me . As example he says , shut the border and i sit back to see if it happens . If it doesn't happen i just figure that there must be reasons that he doesn't shut down the Border . Sending 'illegals' to Sanctuary cities' . Its a good idea , makes sense to me . And while i approve of both ideas i mention it really makes no difference to my life if he doesn't do either one . As far as anything positive getting done . USA is peaceful , i am well fed and the vehicles are full of gas , i have a few dollars in my pocket and i am breathing . Seems like a pretty good deal to me Lilo .
There is a difference between closing the border and securing the border. If all the immigrants that are at the border and those that are coming are let in, you damn well better be concerned because it will affect us all no matter who you are. Our natural resources, water, and farmland are already depleted and most of our food is imported already. They may take your job and raise the taxes of those who are working. The effect of unlimited immigration is too much for your mind to conceive. Most of the objections are racist but our leaders are others is environmental and depletion of our natural resources. And our way of life is harmed.
Trump needs to stop making these idle threats because it makes him look stupid and how can we take him seriously. like making Mexico pay for the wall. Closing the border. Sending illegals to sanctuary cities, Repealing Obama care when they have nothing to replace it. Actually, he has not got anything positive done since he has been in office. Democrats not doing anything positive either.
Sanctuary cities are a crime and illegal and she should go after those state and local governments..
---------------------------------- Trump seems fine to me . As example he says , shut the border and i sit back to see if it happens . If it doesn't happen i just figure that there must be reasons that he doesn't shut down the Border . Sending 'illegals' to Sanctuary cities' . Its a good idea , makes sense to me . And while i approve of both ideas i mention it really makes no difference to my life if he doesn't do either one . As far as anything positive getting done . USA is peaceful , i am well fed and the vehicles are full of gas , i have a few dollars in my pocket and i am breathing . Seems like a pretty good deal to me Lilo .
There is a difference between closing the border and securing the border. If all the immigrants that are at the border and those that are coming are let in, you damn well better be concerned because it will affect us all no matter who you are. Our natural resources, water, and farmland are already depleted and most of our food is imported already. They may take your job and raise the taxes of those who are working. The effect of unlimited immigration is too much for your mind to conceive. Most of the objections are racist but our leaders are others is environmental and depletion of our natural resources. And our way of life is harmed.
--------------------------------- hey LILO , I think that machine guns should be set up on the Border and the Border should be mined and well armed Militia and USA Military should be allowed to go do some good work on the 'southern' Border' LiloL .
and , i am probably the only member on this entire board that calls for an '' END '' to all types of immigration and asylum on this board and that is a 30 - 40 year old call for Ending ALL Importation of ALL people into the USA Lilo .

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