Defeated Dem Politician sues for "loss of livelihood"


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Well I think I have my first nominee for "whining lib politician of the week award". Obama can't enter because he's already got a "lifetime achievement whining award".

Grab this.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

There's nothing quite like a politician scorned.

When voters in Ohio's 1st Congressional District threw Democrat Steve Driehaus out of office after only one term, he did not bow out gracefully. No, he decided to get even. So he did what anyone does in today's culture: he sued somebody.

Charging that its activities contributed to his defeat and thus to his "loss of livelihood," Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress and which has been one of the leading and most effective organizations involved in the fight to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

What a freaking nancy boy! And the Judge who is going to allow the case to go forward is of course an Obama appointee and low and behold also a former President and Director of Planned Parenthood.

Talk about a conflict of interest. :lol:

Here's the link to the article.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - Peter Roff (
Well I think I have my first nominee for "whining lib politician of the week award". Obama can't enter because he's already got a "lifetime achievement whining award".

Grab this.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

There's nothing quite like a politician scorned.

When voters in Ohio's 1st Congressional District threw Democrat Steve Driehaus out of office after only one term, he did not bow out gracefully. No, he decided to get even. So he did what anyone does in today's culture: he sued somebody.

Charging that its activities contributed to his defeat and thus to his "loss of livelihood," Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress and which has been one of the leading and most effective organizations involved in the fight to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

What a freaking nancy boy! And the Judge who is going to allow the case to go forward is of course an Obama appointee and low and behold also a former President and Director of Planned Parenthood.

Talk about a conflict of interest. :lol:

Here's the link to the article.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - Peter Roff (

Frankly--I am surprised that some of these democrat politicians that got their behinds kicked in Nov. 2010--didn't sue Obama---:cuckoo:

It looks like we have several house democrats that are retiring and are bad-mouthing Obama right now.

Retiring Democrat Tells Obama to go Fuck Himself! | Drudge Retort
I heard about this earlier. This man should be laughed out of the court. Then he should have to pay attorney's fees for trying to put this farce over on anyone.
I'm cracking up thinking about Obama having his legal team preparing a potential "wrongful dismissal lawsuit".

Just when I think Dems can't surprise me anymore by being anymore ridiculous, they always do.

Funny thing about this is that he may actually have a case if he was libeled or slandered. If what the Susan B Anthony List did was knowingly distribute false information on this person, then it could well be considered libel. If the information was true, then the plaintiff has no case.

Libel and Slander legal definition of Libel and Slander. Libel and Slander synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Which means that pretty much every politician can sue other politicians for running attack ads - the majority of which are short on facts and long on speculation and accusation. It would be great if we stuck to issues instead of lying about the other guy. Admittedly, it wouldn't be so 'fun', but we'd get better politicians.
He can always go down to Wallstreet and grab a free meal, a drum-circle jam session (BYOplastic jug), and some Dysentery with the other filthy idiots.
Well I think I have my first nominee for "whining lib politician of the week award". Obama can't enter because he's already got a "lifetime achievement whining award".

Grab this.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

There's nothing quite like a politician scorned.

When voters in Ohio's 1st Congressional District threw Democrat Steve Driehaus out of office after only one term, he did not bow out gracefully. No, he decided to get even. So he did what anyone does in today's culture: he sued somebody.

Charging that its activities contributed to his defeat and thus to his "loss of livelihood," Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress and which has been one of the leading and most effective organizations involved in the fight to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

What a freaking nancy boy! And the Judge who is going to allow the case to go forward is of course an Obama appointee and low and behold also a former President and Director of Planned Parenthood.

Talk about a conflict of interest. :lol:

Here's the link to the article.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - Peter Roff (

One more example of just how low democrats will go. Its high time we started dispensing the same medicine, no matter where it leads.
Well I think I have my first nominee for "whining lib politician of the week award". Obama can't enter because he's already got a "lifetime achievement whining award".

Grab this.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

There's nothing quite like a politician scorned.

When voters in Ohio's 1st Congressional District threw Democrat Steve Driehaus out of office after only one term, he did not bow out gracefully. No, he decided to get even. So he did what anyone does in today's culture: he sued somebody.

Charging that its activities contributed to his defeat and thus to his "loss of livelihood," Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress and which has been one of the leading and most effective organizations involved in the fight to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

What a freaking nancy boy! And the Judge who is going to allow the case to go forward is of course an Obama appointee and low and behold also a former President and Director of Planned Parenthood.

Talk about a conflict of interest. :lol:

Here's the link to the article.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - Peter Roff (

perhaps if you actually read things that didn't just restate what you agree with you might understand the suit...

"I have chosen to proceed against the SBA List in federal court because the issue at stake goes beyond the purview of the Ohio Elections Commission," Driehaus said in a statement. "As more and more interests are able to anonymously spend unlimited sums of money in attempts to defame public servants and influence our elections, it is imperative that groups such as the SBA List be held to account for their behavior. Lies have consequences."

Steve Driehaus files new suit against SBA List - Alex Isenstadt -
Well I think I have my first nominee for "whining lib politician of the week award". Obama can't enter because he's already got a "lifetime achievement whining award".

Grab this.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

There's nothing quite like a politician scorned.

When voters in Ohio's 1st Congressional District threw Democrat Steve Driehaus out of office after only one term, he did not bow out gracefully. No, he decided to get even. So he did what anyone does in today's culture: he sued somebody.

Charging that its activities contributed to his defeat and thus to his "loss of livelihood," Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress and which has been one of the leading and most effective organizations involved in the fight to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

What a freaking nancy boy! And the Judge who is going to allow the case to go forward is of course an Obama appointee and low and behold also a former President and Director of Planned Parenthood.

Talk about a conflict of interest. :lol:

Here's the link to the article.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - Peter Roff (

perhaps if you actually read things that didn't just restate what you agree with you might understand the suit...

"I have chosen to proceed against the SBA List in federal court because the issue at stake goes beyond the purview of the Ohio Elections Commission," Driehaus said in a statement. "As more and more interests are able to anonymously spend unlimited sums of money in attempts to defame public servants and influence our elections, it is imperative that groups such as the SBA List be held to account for their behavior. Lies have consequences."

Steve Driehaus files new suit against SBA List - Alex Isenstadt -

Read more: Steve Driehaus files new suit against SBA List - Alex Isenstadt -

:lmao: THE EXCUSE............
Sounds more like he's suing them for defamation.

"I have chosen to proceed against the SBA List in federal court because the issue at stake goes beyond the purview of the Ohio Elections Commission," Driehaus said in a statement. "As more and more interests are able to anonymously spend unlimited sums of money in attempts to defame public servants and influence our elections, it is imperative that groups such as the SBA List be held to account for their behavior. Lies have consequences."

Steve Driehaus files new suit against SBA List - Alex Isenstadt -
Well I think I have my first nominee for "whining lib politician of the week award". Obama can't enter because he's already got a "lifetime achievement whining award".

Grab this.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

There's nothing quite like a politician scorned.

When voters in Ohio's 1st Congressional District threw Democrat Steve Driehaus out of office after only one term, he did not bow out gracefully. No, he decided to get even. So he did what anyone does in today's culture: he sued somebody.

Charging that its activities contributed to his defeat and thus to his "loss of livelihood," Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress and which has been one of the leading and most effective organizations involved in the fight to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

What a freaking nancy boy! And the Judge who is going to allow the case to go forward is of course an Obama appointee and low and behold also a former President and Director of Planned Parenthood.

Talk about a conflict of interest. :lol:

Here's the link to the article.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - Peter Roff (

perhaps if you actually read things that didn't just restate what you agree with you might understand the suit...

"I have chosen to proceed against the SBA List in federal court because the issue at stake goes beyond the purview of the Ohio Elections Commission," Driehaus said in a statement. "As more and more interests are able to anonymously spend unlimited sums of money in attempts to defame public servants and influence our elections, it is imperative that groups such as the SBA List be held to account for their behavior. Lies have consequences."

Steve Driehaus files new suit against SBA List - Alex Isenstadt -

And if he had an 'R' after his name? You'd be mocking him.
Well I think I have my first nominee for "whining lib politician of the week award". Obama can't enter because he's already got a "lifetime achievement whining award".

Grab this.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

There's nothing quite like a politician scorned.

When voters in Ohio's 1st Congressional District threw Democrat Steve Driehaus out of office after only one term, he did not bow out gracefully. No, he decided to get even. So he did what anyone does in today's culture: he sued somebody.

Charging that its activities contributed to his defeat and thus to his "loss of livelihood," Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress and which has been one of the leading and most effective organizations involved in the fight to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

What a freaking nancy boy! And the Judge who is going to allow the case to go forward is of course an Obama appointee and low and behold also a former President and Director of Planned Parenthood.

Talk about a conflict of interest. :lol:

Here's the link to the article.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - Peter Roff (

perhaps if you actually read things that didn't just restate what you agree with you might understand the suit...

"I have chosen to proceed against the SBA List in federal court because the issue at stake goes beyond the purview of the Ohio Elections Commission," Driehaus said in a statement. "As more and more interests are able to anonymously spend unlimited sums of money in attempts to defame public servants and influence our elections, it is imperative that groups such as the SBA List be held to account for their behavior. Lies have consequences."

Steve Driehaus files new suit against SBA List - Alex Isenstadt -

It's still called freedom of speech Jillian,.

This sore loser Democrat is simply trying to limit that speech in case he wants to run again.

I can't see this case succeeding given there is a big 1st Amendment in his way.
He lost because he voted for Obamacare.

Only a Democrat would be so arrogant as to think he's entitled to be in office and sue because he lost.

It's like that Woman Ohio Supreme Court judge who got pulled over for DUI.

She argued she shouldn't have been pulled over, because she always thought a Highway Patrol officer should be assigned to drive judges around.

I said to myself, "This HAS to be a Democrat. ONLY an Ohio Democrat would be this arrogant."

What do you know I turned out to be right.

We have a really ARROGANT lot of Democrats in Ohio.


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