Deep state FBI and DOJ caught redacting key intel documents that implicate Hillary and DNC have ...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Deep State FBI and DOJ Caught Redacting Key Intel Documents that Implicate Hillary and DNC - Have Nothing to do with National Security!
Yesterday we reported that Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) , Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the latest developments in the House investigation of Deep State spying on the Trump campaign and administration.

The dirtbag left just don't know when to quit do they. The deep state herding their pathetic sheep into stupidville . ....

I wonder when Hitler succeeded in getting all his morons to the gas chambers which they willfully loaded up to go there, if there were patriots like those of us who aren't as stupid as the left. I wonder if they went thorugh the same patriotic , head banging ordeals as the ppl of today are.

We keep warning and warning, and trying to wake you stupid asses up at every turn . We suppose there is no hope for some that is fact.
Deep State FBI and DOJ Caught Redacting Key Intel Documents that Implicate Hillary and DNC - Have Nothing to do with National Security!
Yesterday we reported that Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) , Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the latest developments in the House investigation of Deep State spying on the Trump campaign and administration.
What it is the Deep State has been incharge for such a long time that they have grown arrogant and happy with the protection. We have seen it with the Doxxing of Senators by a Senate Aid, also the Assistance director of the FCC that was working on killing off the Freedom of the Internet, and radio. There are many more in the system that are active. I suggest that it could go as low as the cleaning crews that clean the offices. Sadly these people are nothing more than Spies working in the system. Who put them into the jobs. Every Office holders, Foundation, and outside Nations. I really looks like America is under attack.

The dirtbag left just don't know when to quit do they. The deep state herding their pathetic sheep into stupidville . ....

I wonder when Hitler succeeded in getting all his morons to the gas chambers which they willfully loaded up to go there, if there were patriots like those of us who aren't as stupid as the left. I wonder if they went thorugh the same patriotic , head banging ordeals as the ppl of today are.

We keep warning and warning, and trying to wake you stupid asses up at every turn . We suppose there is no hope for some that is fact.

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