Deconstructing Romney: The Republican Debates.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
I've pointed out before that Romney has become better in debates but he's still lousy at it. He sounds like a CEO pontificating about his views on how things will be done. The problem with that is that he's not at a board meeting, and his "ideas" are subject to challenge. And he's bad at retorts. The "10,000 dollar bet" was one thing..but his reponse to Gingrich on PAC commercials was classic. First he said he had nothing to do with them, didn't see them and by law, couldn't influence their content. Then he went on to say that former staffers populated the people making them, friends and supporters were financing them and went point by point on why their content was correct.

You can't make this stuff up. :lol:

Aside from that, he's easily flustered and when not on message appears angry. He tries to use corporate jargon to appear intelligent, but anyone familiar with the lingo..gets it.

I dont think any one of them can beat Obama and survive a full vetting
I dont think any one of them can beat Obama and survive a full vetting

In the General, Jon Huntsman would have had a great chance. While I don't agree with the guy, he's not a nut, has both international and domestic government experience and a proven record of working with both Democrats and Republicans to get things done. While it's not to late for the guy..I seriously doubt he will get the nod.

Romney on the other hand seems to be in the mode of saying anything to get the nod. He says he's an outsider (Bullshit) and he's flipped on just about every other issue. John Kerry flipped on one issue..and that killed him.
That posted..Romney's probably got this thing locked up. Republicans are mainly pragmatists when it comes to gloming power..and they know that aside from Huntsman, Romney looks like the best shot in the General.
Romney is smug, and he's a phony. He'll say anything to get elected, but there's nothing he fundamentally believes in. He's no dummy, but he's more like the kid who sucks up to the teacher and does ALL his homework than the kid who's really smart.

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