Deception, in Collusion With the Fake News Media, Is Even More Reason to Take Out the Communist Trash


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Democrats’ Latest Round of Deception, in Collusion With the Fake News Media,

Is Even More Reason to Take Out the Communist Trash

9 Nov 2021 ~~ By Glassburn
As quickly as Democrats deploy Communist tactics of diversion and suppression, the American Right takes the bait. If the Left is skilled at anything, it is controlling the national conversation. Monday’s Conservative press largely fell prey to this diversion and suppression tactic.
Many missed the main goals of the diversion: take all the oxygen in the room away from the story the country has waited over 4 years to hear: Durham’s weighty indictment in the 2016 Russia Hoax. What should have been the hottest topic of the day’s national conversation was the damning indictment of Igor Danchenko and his direct connection to the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democrat Party. Vindicated conspiracy theorists missed the opportunity to remove their tinfoil hats and, once again, say, “I told you so.” And undoubtedly Mark Levine would have received praise for arriving at the very same conclusion, four years earlier than Durham.
The Ashley Biden Diary news story should have started and ended like this: ”Democrats are at it again. Another Biden kid lost something. Project Veritas didn’t take the bait. They were offered the “found” diary, determined its authenticity was questionable and attempted to return it only to have the Bidens reject it. Biden’s weaponized FBI that played a major role in the spying made possible by the Steele Dossier is now creating a smokescreen to hide Durham’s revelation of their con of the American public.
Journalists on the Right made the raid of Project Veritas about a breach of Freedom of the Press, but missed an equally important point: A corrupt press played a role in this breach. The New York Times received a tip-off of a Grand Jury investigation and FBI raid at James O’Keefe’s apartment. That information is classified. But this is the same paper that served as super-spreader of the Russia Hoax made possible by the Steele dossier. They needed a smokescreen to bury Durham’s indictment of Danchenko, too.
All the same suspects with a similar tactic. Fool us once, shame on us.

Unfortunately it has to be repeated... The FBI no longer exists to Protect and Serve the People it has become the enforcement arm of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat turned Communists form of the former STASI.
t's not that the left is skilled at controlling the national conversation, it's that the left controls almost all of the outlets used to form the national conversation.
With the occasional exception of Fox News, the national narrative is set by the media, and most people are too lazy to do their own research, and thus form their opinions upon what they hear on the nightly news or 4 out of 5 major cable news channels, or their local paper.
It doesn't take much skill when you already hold all of the cards.
The PM/DSA Democrat Left is acting crazy and desperate. They see they are way outnumbered, they see the writing on the wall and are looting the Treasury, stealing elections, and grabbing power while they still have a chance.
I think his MAGA movement will be the driving force in politics for years to come. Certainly the T.E.A. Party did not die, it matured into the MAGA Party and is here to stay.

The Democrats’ Latest Round of Deception, in Collusion With the Fake News Media,

Is Even More Reason to Take Out the Communist Trash

9 Nov 2021 ~~ By Glassburn
As quickly as Democrats deploy Communist tactics of diversion and suppression, the American Right takes the bait. If the Left is skilled at anything, it is controlling the national conversation. Monday’s Conservative press largely fell prey to this diversion and suppression tactic.
Many missed the main goals of the diversion: take all the oxygen in the room away from the story the country has waited over 4 years to hear: Durham’s weighty indictment in the 2016 Russia Hoax. What should have been the hottest topic of the day’s national conversation was the damning indictment of Igor Danchenko and his direct connection to the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democrat Party. Vindicated conspiracy theorists missed the opportunity to remove their tinfoil hats and, once again, say, “I told you so.” And undoubtedly Mark Levine would have received praise for arriving at the very same conclusion, four years earlier than Durham.
The Ashley Biden Diary news story should have started and ended like this: ”Democrats are at it again. Another Biden kid lost something. Project Veritas didn’t take the bait. They were offered the “found” diary, determined its authenticity was questionable and attempted to return it only to have the Bidens reject it. Biden’s weaponized FBI that played a major role in the spying made possible by the Steele Dossier is now creating a smokescreen to hide Durham’s revelation of their con of the American public.
Journalists on the Right made the raid of Project Veritas about a breach of Freedom of the Press, but missed an equally important point: A corrupt press played a role in this breach. The New York Times received a tip-off of a Grand Jury investigation and FBI raid at James O’Keefe’s apartment. That information is classified. But this is the same paper that served as super-spreader of the Russia Hoax made possible by the Steele dossier. They needed a smokescreen to bury Durham’s indictment of Danchenko, too.
All the same suspects with a similar tactic. Fool us once, shame on us.

Unfortunately it has to be repeated... The FBI no longer exists to Protect and Serve the People it has become the enforcement arm of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat turned Communists form of the former STASI.
t's not that the left is skilled at controlling the national conversation, it's that the left controls almost all of the outlets used to form the national conversation.
With the occasional exception of Fox News, the national narrative is set by the media, and most people are too lazy to do their own research, and thus form their opinions upon what they hear on the nightly news or 4 out of 5 major cable news channels, or their local paper.
It doesn't take much skill when you already hold all of the cards.
The PM/DSA Democrat Left is acting crazy and desperate. They see they are way outnumbered, they see the writing on the wall and are looting the Treasury, stealing elections, and grabbing power while they still have a chance.
I think his MAGA movement will be the driving force in politics for years to come. Certainly the T.E.A. Party did not die, it matured into the MAGA Party and is here to stay.

You post an article from a fake news site which is ironic.

Can't you find the story on Fox News? Fox News has real reporters, editors and a reputation to protect.
Who's gonna take out the trash?

It's been 10 months and they already taking over. How bad will it be after 3 years and 2 months more of all this? Will we even be able to do anything by then?

You post an article from a fake news site which is ironic.

Can't you find the story on Fox News? Fox News has real reporters, editors and a reputation to protect.

Strangely anything printed other than the NY Slimes, WAPO, Politico or aired by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MNBC is fake news and shows your gullibility to PM/DSA Democrat Commie propaganda.

You post an article from a fake news site which is ironic.

Can't you find the story on Fox News? Fox News has real reporters, editors and a reputation to protect.

With the occasional exception of Fox News, the national narrative is set by the Quisling Media Complex. Most people are too lazy to do their own research, thus they form their opinions upon what they hear on the nightly 6 o'clock news or 4 out of 5 major cable news channels, or their local paper.
It doesn't take much skill when they already hold all of the cards.
Whatever 'Phony Narrative' the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies want, they get. No more than a Soviet citizen could change Pravda.
The average American can do nothing about that.
The 'Phony Narrative' is not for us, it is for the normies, the clueless, and the apparatchiki.

The Democrats’ Latest Round of Deception, in Collusion With the Fake News Media,

Is Even More Reason to Take Out the Communist Trash

9 Nov 2021 ~~ By Glassburn
As quickly as Democrats deploy Communist tactics of diversion and suppression, the American Right takes the bait. If the Left is skilled at anything, it is controlling the national conversation. Monday’s Conservative press largely fell prey to this diversion and suppression tactic.
Many missed the main goals of the diversion: take all the oxygen in the room away from the story the country has waited over 4 years to hear: Durham’s weighty indictment in the 2016 Russia Hoax. What should have been the hottest topic of the day’s national conversation was the damning indictment of Igor Danchenko and his direct connection to the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democrat Party. Vindicated conspiracy theorists missed the opportunity to remove their tinfoil hats and, once again, say, “I told you so.” And undoubtedly Mark Levine would have received praise for arriving at the very same conclusion, four years earlier than Durham.
The Ashley Biden Diary news story should have started and ended like this: ”Democrats are at it again. Another Biden kid lost something. Project Veritas didn’t take the bait. They were offered the “found” diary, determined its authenticity was questionable and attempted to return it only to have the Bidens reject it. Biden’s weaponized FBI that played a major role in the spying made possible by the Steele Dossier is now creating a smokescreen to hide Durham’s revelation of their con of the American public.
Journalists on the Right made the raid of Project Veritas about a breach of Freedom of the Press, but missed an equally important point: A corrupt press played a role in this breach. The New York Times received a tip-off of a Grand Jury investigation and FBI raid at James O’Keefe’s apartment. That information is classified. But this is the same paper that served as super-spreader of the Russia Hoax made possible by the Steele dossier. They needed a smokescreen to bury Durham’s indictment of Danchenko, too.
All the same suspects with a similar tactic. Fool us once, shame on us.

Unfortunately it has to be repeated... The FBI no longer exists to Protect and Serve the People it has become the enforcement arm of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat turned Communists form of the former STASI.
t's not that the left is skilled at controlling the national conversation, it's that the left controls almost all of the outlets used to form the national conversation.
With the occasional exception of Fox News, the national narrative is set by the media, and most people are too lazy to do their own research, and thus form their opinions upon what they hear on the nightly news or 4 out of 5 major cable news channels, or their local paper.
It doesn't take much skill when you already hold all of the cards.
The PM/DSA Democrat Left is acting crazy and desperate. They see they are way outnumbered, they see the writing on the wall and are looting the Treasury, stealing elections, and grabbing power while they still have a chance.
I think his MAGA movement will be the driving force in politics for years to come. Certainly the T.E.A. Party did not die, it matured into the MAGA Party and is here to stay.
Okeefe and others were found guilty of money laundering, and this is a news source you would go to? Lol! Say it ain't so.

And you want to talk about fake news? :auiqs.jpg: Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC | Watch Rachel Maddow Live Let's dive into just how solid this story is, shall we?
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