Debate #1 - Hillary proved to be a scripted, status quo politician.

A misogynist who got his ass handed to him.

Daddy gave you 14 million.

Too bad he didn't get 14 million....
When his dad died, he got 40 million.
The beasty had the questions way before hand, she knew what was coming and for a week practiced her lines!
Oh is that why Dump was humiliated on National Television?
Most polls say you're usual!
Literally zero polls (not garbage online polls) say this.
Unless the beasty was winning then you'd be all for it...hypocrite!
LOL, I'd never quote an online poll. They are statistically useless.
Trump wiped the floor and the walls with her. If she hadn't had Lester Holt covering for her she would have been carried out on a stretcher.
Maybe he's not as rich as he said he is

Maybe he's not charitable

He owes 640 million to Wall Street

Bitch slap

Bitch slap

Bitch slap

Could you post somewhere that people care about what you have to say.

Right now, all you are doing is wasting oxygen (by breathing) and bandwidth.
^ ironic

You have no idea.
No I do. Seen plenty of your posts before.

I guess I was referencing the fact that you might want to follow him.

I've seen more than a few of your turds on this board.
The beasty had the questions way before hand, she knew what was coming and for a week practiced her lines!
Oh is that why Dump was humiliated on National Television?
Most polls say you're usual!
Literally zero polls (not garbage online polls) say this.
Unless the beasty was winning then you'd be all for it...hypocrite!
LOL, I'd never quote an online poll. They are statistically useless.
You're statistically useless!
The beasty had the questions way before hand, she knew what was coming and for a week practiced her lines!
Oh is that why Dump was humiliated on National Television?
Most polls say you're usual!
Literally zero polls (not garbage online polls) say this.
Unless the beasty was winning then you'd be all for it...hypocrite!
LOL, I'd never quote an online poll. They are statistically useless.
Hey by insulting things for being useless, you may be committing a hate crime against Vigilante :laugh:
No doubt it was an interesting debate. What stood out most was Hillary came off as the typical, status quo politician. Trump truly came off as not a politician. Was Hillary smooth and polished? Overall yes. But Trump spoke from the heart, not from the script - he was far more genuine.

Both candidates got good shots in on each other, but where Trump may have made the biggest impact is - you've been doing this 30 years, thus enforcing in people's minds she's a career politician.
Most of us here have already decided how we are going to vote, but I think the average viewer was less interested in who got the best shot in than what the candidates said they were going to do for him or her. Always the number one concern of voters is the economy, on this issue, I think Trump wins.

Clinton's whole economic plan is to tax the wealthy, thus reducing the amount of investment capital available to the private sector and then allow government bureaucrats decide how it should be spent, a plan for creating a stagnant economy.

Trump's economic plan has several parts, to reduce taxes to increase the amount of investment capital available to the private sector to create businesses, jobs and tax revenues,

to levy taxes on companies that leave America and then try to export to us to make it unprofitable for them to do this,

to allow companies that have divisions in other countries a tax break to bring their foreign profits home to be invested in the US economy,

and to prevent illegal immigrants from being able to work in the US to free up jobs and allow wages to rise. This is a plan for a vibrant, growing economy.
Maybe he's not as rich as he said he is

Maybe he's not charitable

He owes 640 million to Wall Street

Bitch slap

Bitch slap

Bitch slap

Could you post somewhere that people care about what you have to say.

Right now, all you are doing is wasting oxygen (by breathing) and bandwidth.
^ ironic

You have no idea.
No I do. Seen plenty of your posts before.

I guess I was referencing the fact that you might want to follow him.

I've seen more than a few of your turds on this board.
You are a turd
No doubt it was an interesting debate. What stood out most was Hillary came off as the typical, status quo politician. Trump truly came off as not a politician. Was Hillary smooth and polished? Overall yes. But Trump spoke from the heart, not from the script - he was far more genuine.

Both candidates got good shots in on each other, but where Trump may have made the biggest impact is - you've been doing this 30 years, thus enforcing in people's minds she's a career politician.
Most of us here have already decided how we are going to vote, but I think the average viewer was less interested in who got the best shot in than what the candidates said they were going to do for him or her. Always the number one concern of voters is the economy, on this issue, I think Trump wins.

Clinton's whole economic plan is to tax the wealthy, thus reducing the amount of investment capital available to the private sector and then allow government bureaucrats decide how it should be spent, a plan for creating a stagnant economy.

Trump's economic plan has several parts, to reduce taxes to increase the amount of investment capital available to the private sector to create businesses, jobs and tax revenues,

to levy taxes on companies that leave America and then try to export to us to make it unprofitable for them to do this,

to allow companies that have divisions in other countries a tax break to bring their foreign profits home to be invested in the US economy,

and to prevent illegal immigrants from being able to work in the US to free up jobs and allow wages to rise. This is a plan for a vibrant, growing economy.

Actually, I think Hillary was on a slide because she had nothing to offer. By herself, she is dull and uninteresting and many don't trust her.

This was the first chance for people to contrast the two and he came off looking terrible.

He probably just resurrected her campaign.
Oh is that why Dump was humiliated on National Television?
Most polls say you're usual!
Literally zero polls (not garbage online polls) say this.
Unless the beasty was winning then you'd be all for it...hypocrite!
LOL, I'd never quote an online poll. They are statistically useless.
Hey by insulting things for being useless, you may be committing a hate crime against Vigilante :laugh:
Vigilante is always good for a laugh.
Could you post somewhere that people care about what you have to say.

Right now, all you are doing is wasting oxygen (by breathing) and bandwidth.
^ ironic

You have no idea.
No I do. Seen plenty of your posts before.

I guess I was referencing the fact that you might want to follow him.

I've seen more than a few of your turds on this board.
You are a turd

I am sure Trump appreciates your taking his spot as the moron of the evening.
Oh is that why Dump was humiliated on National Television?
Most polls say you're usual!
Literally zero polls (not garbage online polls) say this.
Unless the beasty was winning then you'd be all for it...hypocrite!
LOL, I'd never quote an online poll. They are statistically useless.
You're statistically useless!
OH WOWIE, you got me!
The Hillary campaign is shitting themselves, they did nothing to stop his momentum in spite of trying to bait him multiple times.
Trump shit himself on stage every time Hillary baited him. He's too dumb not to take the bait, every time.

What are you smoking, its more than pot. :cuckoo:
Trump was almost Sarah Palin bad when it comes to debating. You must have had your earmuffs on.


Hillary is a lying pig, sorry to burst your bubble.

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