Debasing Science


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."
The dude knew whereof he spoke.

The trouble with thinking that the personal is political, as late-1960s feminists taught American radicals to say, ...This fundamental tenet of identity politics, a shorthand way of saying that your personal unhappiness stems from larger political forces—anything from the suffocating nuclear family, the institutionalized oppression of women, or the supposedly ineradicable racism of American society—and that only vast political change can solve your individual problems

Which brings us to what is laughingly referred to as 'science.'

From the time that Franklin Roosevelt saw to it that communism had a comfortable home in America, everything.....everything.....has had to be viewed through the prism of politics....and Leftist politics, at that!

The two most prominent topics considered to be the purview of science....aren't.

Both Darwinian evolution and global warming are political entities.

1. Ottmar Georg Edenhofer(born 8 July 1961 in Gangkofen, Lower Bavaria, Germany) is a German economist dealing with climate change policy, environmental and energy policy as well as energy economics. Edenhofer currently holds the professorship of Economics of Climate Change at the Technical University of Berlin was appointed one of the co-chairs of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)Working Group III "Mitigation of Climate Change".
Ottmar Edenhofer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

2. Communism is international socialism. And that's why Edenhofer holds the position at the UN, and the view of global warming. Get this:
(EDENHOFER): "First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy.

Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."
UN IPCC Official Admits We Redistribute World s Wealth By Climate Policy

3. In a profile published in Nature in 2013, Edenhofer says that his interest in philosophy and economics was influenced by his readings of the works of Karl Marx,Max Weber,Ludwig Wittgenstein and John Dewey. Regarding climate change he says: ”Denying out and out that climate change is a problem for humanity, as some cynics do, is an unethical, unacceptable position.”
Ottmar Edenhofer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "The sole reason for the theory that man-made global warming exists at all is to help its proponents gain political and financial power over the money generated by capitalist economics."
Savage, "Stop The Coming Civil War," p. 182.

See what I mean? : “ all life is "political."
Do you intend to cite thesource for the lifted material in the second paragraph? Violation of the rules if you don't. They taught you better than this in the university journalism program.

"This fundamental tenet of identity politics, a shorthand way of saying that your personal unhappiness stems from larger political forces—anything from the suffocating nuclear family, the institutionalized oppression of women, or the supposedly ineradicable racism of American society—and that only vast political change can solve your individual problems"

Eye on the News
Identity Politics Crashes at City Hall
Rachel Noerdlinger’s exit highlights the de Blasio team’s intellectual emptiness.
Identity Politics Crashes at City Hall by Myron Magnet City Journal November 18 2014
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Religion is now political as well.

Hillary says that the religious MUST change their views on such issues as abortion. I can hardly wait to see how she changes them.

Then there is our "collective salvation". It is only when we fully submit to the Prog gods and give up our very lives for the good of the state can we all achieve collective salvation.
Science seems to have done better under 'communism" than when it was run by the capitalist.

The issue is collectivism. Collectivism brings centralized control in various forms. It matters little how it is achieved. Corporate America is but one method.

Now go cheer your hero Obama who allowed corporate America to set your tax rates via health care.

Run along now, and go vote for the corporate darling Hillary.
Religion is now political as well.

Hillary says that the religious MUST change their views on such issues as abortion. I can hardly wait to see how she changes them.

Then there is our "collective salvation". It is only when we fully submit to the Prog gods and give up our very lives for the good of the state can we all achieve collective salvation.

The Left co-opted religion long ago.
Religion is now political as well.

Hillary says that the religious MUST change their views on such issues as abortion. I can hardly wait to see how she changes them.

Then there is our "collective salvation". It is only when we fully submit to the Prog gods and give up our very lives for the good of the state can we all achieve collective salvation.
The Left co-opted religion long ago.
As has the Right.
So warming is not's politics: global governance with the aim of redistributing wealth; "from each according to his ability (to pay), to each according to what we say they need."

4. The global warmists are left-over '60s radicals who still point at the evil of colonialism and capitalism. The American President grew up on these beliefs at his parent's and grandparent's knees.

a. Anti-colonialism is a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

“The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French;Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon.“For in a very concrete way Europe has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.

5. " The economic term ‘colonialism’ is universally considered a pejorative. It is immediately associated with ‘exploitation,’ and ‘guilt.’.... the concept of colonialism is given to naïve college students and to receptive academics, intellectuals, activists, community organizers precisely because it validates envy and resentment of those with lower incomes toward those with higher incomes. As a bonus, it removes the stigma from implications of lesser ability and/or lesser performance on the part of those with lower incomes.

a. Further, it shifts the need for change from those who wish to rise, to others, and replaces any such burdensome task with a morally uplifting sense of entitlement."
Thomas Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies.”

It is clear from the OP that global warmism is the vehicle of choice of Liberals/socialists/communists to assuage the guilt associated with colonialism.

Obviously, when it comes to global warming,....we are not discussing 'science.'
6. Using the guilt of colonialism as a cudgel, the socialists demand that 'reparations' be paid, and this became the faux-science of global warming.

"Poor countries pulled out of the United Nations climate talks during a fight over transferring wealth from richer countries to fight global warming.

The G77 and China bloc led 132 poor countries in awalk out during talks about “loss and damage” compensation for the consequences of global warming that countries cannot adapt to,...

Poor countries have demanded that the developed world give them $100 billion annually by 2020... a proposal last week that would have made rich countries pay for historical greenhouse gas emissions.

“The US, EU, Australia and Norway remain blind to the climate reality that’s hitting us all, and poor people and countries much harder,”..." UN climate talks fall apart as 132 countries storm out The Daily Caller

Still think this is about science?
Think conservatives only accept science when it allows them to mock their political opposition. Every other time they refer to it as "science" as though the jury's still out on whether science is scientificly valid. As with a piece on sex-ed on

The Science of Sex Education - Brent Bozell - Page 1

"Do the guardians of "science"..."

"Liberals arrogantly think their "science" is superior..."

"These are the same radical "scientists" who tell us..."

The jury came in a long time ago. Science is science. Putting in quotes suggesting otherwise makes you all look like science-rejecting doorknobs.
Think conservatives only accept science when it allows them to mock their political opposition. Every other time they refer to it as "science" as though the jury's still out on whether science is scientificly valid. As with a piece on sex-ed on

The Science of Sex Education - Brent Bozell - Page 1

"Do the guardians of "science"..."

"Liberals arrogantly think their "science" is superior..."

"These are the same radical "scientists" who tell us..."

The jury came in a long time ago. Science is science. Putting in quotes suggesting otherwise makes you all look like science-rejecting doorknobs.

"Science is science."
Clearly not, as the thread proves.

But, in your case, "stupid is as stupid is."
Kinda Gertrude Stein-ish, huh?
Some dope said 'science is science,' and, of course, the point of the thread is that the Left pulls the wool over dope's eyes and claims there version of communism is really science.

And here's more on that theme:

7. "Karen Christiana Figueres Olsen(born August 7, 1956) is a Costa Rican diplomat. She was appointed Executive Secretary of theUN Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) on May 17, 2010, ...involved in both UNFCCC[3]andKyoto Protocol[4]negotiations. She has contributed to the design of key climate change instruments.... She won the Hero for the Planet award in 2001." Christiana Figueres - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

(Leftists love giving each other awards....Nobel to Obama for tying his shoes...Krugman for whatever.)

Figueres is the typical 'science' expert behind global warming.
Guess which country her considerable experience in politics/science has led her to point out as the model?


a. "...Figueres, who said last year that Communist China, the world’s top emitter of greenhouse gas, is “doing it right” regarding climate change while calling the U.S. Congress “very detrimental” in the fight against global warming." UN s Top Climate Official Goal Is To Intentionally Transform the Economic Development Model

b. "China is also able to implement policies because its political system avoids some of the legislative hurdles seen in countries including the U.S., Figueres said. (Because they get to shoot you if you don't hop to it!)

Key policies, reforms and appointments are decided at plenums, or meeting of the governing Communist Party’s more than 200-strong Central Committee. The National People’s Congress, China’s unicameral legislature, largely enforces decisions made by the party and other executive organs.

The political divide in the U.S. Congress has slowed efforts to pass climate legislation and is “very detrimental” to the fight against global warming, she said." Biggest Emitter China Best on Climate Figueres Says - Bloomberg Business (This is Saturday Night Live quality!)

Doesn't the above sound just like Obama's wishes for governance?

c. "In sum, Obama views the Constitution as a flawed document from which we must “break free.” We need, instead, a “living” Constitution that refocuses from “negative rights” to requiring income redistribution from the Haves to provide “positive economic rights” to the Have Nots.

Obama’s 2001 interview provides a clear statement of a judicial philosophy that displays little interest in the original intent of the Constitution. ...Obama would surely nominate judges who share his “living Constitution” principles." Why the Fuss Obama Has Long Been On Record In Favor Of Redistribution - Forbes

Heck, give 'em another Nobel!
8. On the other hand, there is Patrick Moore...

"Patrick Moore(born 1947) is a Canadian ecologist, one of the early members of fGreenpeace, in which he was an environmental activist ....Today he is the leader of Ecosense Environmental in Vancouver... provides advice, lectures, opinions and committee participation to government and industry on a wide range of environmental and sustainability issues. He is a frequent public speaker at meetings of industry associations, universities, and policy groups." Patrick Moore environmentalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Greenpeace co-founder: No scientific evidence of man-made global warming
There is no scientific evidence that human activity is causing the planet to warm
, according to Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, who testified in front of a Senate committee on Tuesday.

Moore argued that the current argument that the burning of fossil fuels is driving global warming over the past century lacks scientific evidence. He added that the Earth is in an unusually cold period and some warming would be a good thing.

“There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years,”according to Moore’s prepared testimony. " No scientific evidence of man-made global warming The Daily Caller

He actually wants to bring up science in a discussion of global warming!!!
This dude ain't gettin' any Nobel Prize!
9. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear

Even if there was a global warming problem, the Leftist solution for it doesn't meet the test of thinking beyond stage one.

10. "Renewable Energy Is No Alternative...

a. One constraint is suitable land area. There simply aren’t enough appropriate wind and solar site locations.... power supply unreliability.
For example, recharging those nifty plug-in electric cars would present a big problem when the wind isn’t blowing, at night and when it’s cloudy.... high development and operations costs, low output efficiencies, and the fact that environmental groups and near-by landowners fight them tooth-and-nail in the courts.

b. ... contemplate renewable energy (wind + solar) as true power source “alternatives” to fossils, nuclear and hydro which currently provide more than 96 percent of all U.S. electricity. Only about 3.4 percent now comes from wind, and about 0.11 percent from solar.... wind-power prices have increased to an average $54 per megawatt-hour, compared with $37 in 2005.

c. Even Germany, formerly a strong “green” power proponent, is now finally experiencing a great deal of buyer’s remorse. Having already invested more than $250 billion in “renewable energy”, ....They currently get approximately 12 percent of their electricity from wind and solar, and plan to increase that proportion to 35 percent by 2020.... Owing to skyrocketing energy bills imposed upon households and businesses, German political winds are apparently shifting.

d. A report by a group of Caltech scholars projects that the necessary upgrades to make a green future work will beone of the greatest technological challenges industrialized societies have undertaken”.They project this can be expected to cost about $1 trillion nationwide by 2030.... Will grid limitations put a damper on successes of climate alarmists and other anti-fossil activists to push costly non-alternative energy technologies into ever-more risk-prone grids?" Green Power Gridlock Why Renewable Energy Is No Alternative - Forbes

Warmists "....will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear."

11. ...more evidence that global warming not an issue of science?

Here is the characterization of the movement by the chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:

a. " Rajendra Kumar Pachauri... the organisation was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.[2][3] He has also been the director general of TERI, a research and policy organisation in India, and chancellor of TERI University; besides being the chairman of the governing council of the National Agro Foundation (NAF), as well as the chairman of the board of Columbia University'sInternational Research Institute for Climate and Society. Pachauri has been outspoken about climate change. He served as Senior Adviser to Yale Climate and Energy Institute (YCEI) July 2012-June 2014, prior to which he was the Founding Director of YCEI (July 2009 – June 2012)." Rajendra K. Pachauri - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

b. "Outgoing UN IPCC Chief reveals global warming ‘is my religion and my dharma’

IPCC Chair Pachauri forced out at UN climate panel after sexual harassment complaint

Pachauri's resignation letter on religion: 'For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma.'

UN IPCC critic Journalist Donna Laframboise responds: 'Yes, the IPCC – which we’re told to take seriously because it is a scientific body producing scientific reports – has, in fact, been led by an environmentalist on a mission. By someone for whom protecting the planet is a religious calling.'

Many climate change activists are motivated by religious conviction. See: Climate Depot round up of climate religion. Actor Harrison Ford’s Green Religion: ‘I needed something outside of myself to believe in and I found in nature a kind of God’

Flashback: Michael Crichton: ‘One of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban atheists.’ "
Outgoing UN IPCC Chief reveals global warming is my religion and my dharma Climate Depot

Here's your global warming 'science'-

12. "Rajendra Pachauri to defend handling of IPCC after climate change science row

He will try to regain the confidence of his ultimate bosses – the world’s governments –after repeated calls for his resignation in the wake of the discovery of errors in its latest report.

The ministers who will quiz him today are not seriously troubled by the mistakes in the report – by far the most serious of which wrongly predicted that the glaciers of the Himalayas would disappear by 2035: they regard them as overhyped, point out that they just concern a few sentences in a 3000 page report, and say they do not in any way undermine the basic science behind global warming.

But they are deeply concerned at the aggressive way in which Dr Pachauri has responded to the revelations, which began with him denouncing Indian research suggesting that the glaciers were not melting so rapidly as “voodoo science” – and which they believe has greatly compounded the crisis and raised the temperature of the controversy.

Top scientists now say that the row - and the publication of the notorious e-mails from the University of East Anglia’s - is affecting the public image of science as a whole. Last weekend, Dr Ralph Cicerone, the President of the US National Academy of Sciences warned “there is a feeling that scientists are suppressing dissent, stifling their competitors through conspiracies”. Rajendra Pachauri to defend handling of IPCC after climate change science row - Telegraph

13. Remember the 'secret' emails between the global warming 'scientists???
From: Kevin Trenberth (US National Center for Atmospheric Research). To: Michael Mann. Oct 12, 2009

"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't... Our observing system is inadequate"
From: Phil Jones. To: Many. Nov 16, 1999

"I've just completed Mike's Nature [the science journal] trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie, from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."
University of East Anglia emails the most contentious quotes - Telegraph

Why aren't these guys in prison??

Oh....right...because they're Liberals.....
The OP got one thing right...

...she is most definitely debasing science with her disinformation diarrhea.
We live in the age of copy and paste. Any number of answers are available to us with the click of a button. We can now go through life without having to reason anything out.

I admire scientists like Niels Bohr and Richard Feynman who were humble enough to realize that the answers are not simple. Feynman warned that anyone who claims to understand quantum physics really really doesn't understand quantum physics. Bohr said that science is an abstract language, like poetry, a descriptor and not the thing itself. The great evolutionary biologist Stephen J Gould warned us of a dogmatic scientific priesthood and defensive scientific orthodoxy.

A great metaphor is the Piltdown Man. Evolutionary biologists long held to Darwin's belief that evolution was a steady and gradual process. The Piltdown Man confirmed their belief by providing a missing link example. Confirmation bias blinded the scientific world. It took 40 years for someone to realize that an ape jaw had been attached to a human skull. It was all a hoax.
Piltdown Man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

New discoveries advance our scientific understanding. However, occasionally we realize that we've forced a jigsaw puzzle piece into place (corrupting the pieces around it). More often than not it's the discovery that the scientific majority is wrong that advances our understanding and allows us to move forward.
We live in the age of copy and paste. Any number of answers are available to us with the click of a button. We can now go through life without having to reason anything out.

I admire scientists like Niels Bohr and Richard Feynman who were humble enough to realize that the answers are not simple. Feynman warned that anyone who claims to understand quantum physics really really doesn't understand quantum physics. Bohr said that science is an abstract language, like poetry, a descriptor and not the thing itself. The great evolutionary biologist Stephen J Gould warned us of a dogmatic scientific priesthood and defensive scientific orthodoxy.

A great metaphor is the Piltdown Man. Evolutionary biologists long held to Darwin's belief that evolution was a steady and gradual process. The Piltdown Man confirmed their belief by providing a missing link example. Confirmation bias blinded the scientific world. It took 40 years for someone to realize that an ape jaw had been attached to a human skull. It was all a hoax.
Piltdown Man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

New discoveries advance our scientific understanding. However, occasionally we realize that we've forced a jigsaw puzzle piece into place (corrupting the pieces around it). More often than not it's the discovery that the scientific majority is wrong that advances our understanding and allows us to move forward.

"... copy and paste.....go through life without having to reason anything out."

Let's put you in your place forthwith.

The only way you could be less than an imbecile is if the sections 'copies and pasted' appeared as random items.

As they do not, and fit to form an unassailable construction that is designed to...and the contentions of the author, are an imbecile.

Clearly you neither read nor understood the thread, and, therefore, cannot point to any error therein.

You're about as likely to accept education as mayflies are to see Christmas.

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