Death By Sopranos....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
No...not those Sopranos.....

The ones who sing the role in Opera.

Franz Liszt once aptly observed: “All music is an insane asylum, but opera as the wing for incurables.”

Well, seems there is a cure: death.

WQXR had a recent show about the most the top five ways sopranos die in opera....
WQXR - New York s Classical Music Radio Station

And....coming in at number 5....illness!

5. Among those who die of illness....

a. Mimi in "La bohème," by Giacomo Puccini, Mimì is overwhelmed by a coughing fit...dies of tuberculosis

b. Violetta in La Traviata," by Giuseppe Verdi....tuberculosis as a result of her life as a courtesan

Oh Good Lord. When I was growing up, local patrons of the arts used to bring opera to town at least once and sometimes twice a year and school students were forced to go watch it during school hours as a field trip when it came. I have probably seen Madama Butterfly and Carmen more times than any human being should.

People bitch about Michelle Obama and her school lunches. We suffered the oppression of opera, which is far graver, during my formative years in public education.
Oh Good Lord. When I was growing up, local patrons of the arts used to bring opera to town at least once and sometimes twice a year and school students were forced to go watch it during school hours as a field trip when it came. I have probably seen Madama Butterfly and Carmen more times than any human being should.

People bitch about Michelle Obama and her school lunches. We suffered the oppression of opera, which is far graver, during my formative years in public education.

"oppression of opera"???????? Philistine you!

The difference between you and yogurt is that yogurt has active culture.
Oh Good Lord. When I was growing up, local patrons of the arts used to bring opera to town at least once and sometimes twice a year and school students were forced to go watch it during school hours as a field trip when it came. I have probably seen Madama Butterfly and Carmen more times than any human being should.

People bitch about Michelle Obama and her school lunches. We suffered the oppression of opera, which is far graver, during my formative years in public education.

"oppression of opera"???????? Philistine you!

The difference between you and yogurt is that yogurt has active culture.

Well since most people sleep through opera, "active" is subjective.
Ignoring our troglodyte pal, sameech.....we move on to number 4 in our countdown to the causes of death for operatic sopranos.....

4. Death En Masse,,,

a. " Les Troyens:," by Hector Berlioz.... Cassandre then calls upon theTrojan women to join her in death, rather than be raped.

b. "Dialogues of the Carmelites," : Francis Poulenc We hear the guillotine fall, as each voice is silenced.

I have to admit, opera was not generally my thing. And now my baby wants to play oboe/English horn for operas when he graduates. *sigh*

but I do have a great appreciation for great voices like bryn terfel who I was lucky enough to see sing Sweeney Todd at the NY Philharmonic. most sopranos can get a bit shrill, imo. I have trouble listening to some of them.

and what's opera doc really is an amazing cartoon. :)
And coming in at number three....the somewhat prosaic ....poison!

3. Death by Poison....

a. "Adriana Lecouvreur: “ by Francesco Cilea.....hard to believe... its
death-by-poisoned violets

b. Daphne: “ by Richard Strauss...Daphne eats a leaf from poison datura

Closing in on the finish line (pun intended)....we find the #2 cause of death for our sopranos.....much as might be expected.....suicide.

2. Suicide ...

a. Il Trovatore: “Giuseppe Verdi....Leonora: Her ring is filled with poison... the poison takes effect sooner than she expected, and Leonora dies -

b. Fedora: by Umberto Giordano Fedora is distraught. She takes the cross from around her neck and quickly opens its hidden cap. Inside it is a small portion of poison, which she swallows in its entirety.

And now...The number one best cause of death for operatic sopranos.....

1. Double Suicide...

a. "Romeo and Juliette," by:Charles Gounod ... at Juliet's tomb. Romeo comes to bid her a last farewell – bringing a deadly poison that will unite him with his wife. He drinks it. Juliet awakens, and — unlike in Shakespeare's play — Romeo is still barely alive. After a final duet, Juliet takes Romeo's dagger, and stabs herself. They pray for forgiveness from God, and die in each other's arms.

b. "Aida:," by Giuseppe Verdi..... The high priest and his court condemn Radames to death by being buried alive.Radames is taken to the lowest level in the temple and is sealed away into a dark tomb. Moments after being locked away, he hears someone breathing in a dark corner; it is Aida. She confesses her love for him and has chosen to die with him.


What a great cover. Truly Sarah is a Soprano who can cross-over.

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