Dear Christian Conservatives: I Want to Thank All of You for Making Me a Better Person


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Dear Christian Conservatives:

I finally understand, I really owe all of you a gigantic apology. I hadn’t realized until fairly recently how big of an impact you all have had on who I am, what I stand for and the type of Christian I want to be.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

For a while I had drifted away from Christianity. Not that I stopped considering myself a Christian, but I had stopped really thinking about faith in my life. While I’ve never been a big church attendee, once upon a time I did spend more time focused on my faith and incorporating it into my life in my own ways. However, the last few years, I had somewhat moved away from that. I’m not really sure why.

Well, thanks to all of you Christian conservatives, I’ve now come back to the point where my faith has become a greater focal point in my life.

See, if it wasn’t for the ignorance, hypocrisy and utter hatred that seems to emulate from many of the “Christian right,” I might have never decided to stand up to reclaim my faith from the tens of millions who have so ignorantly distorted its true meaning.
I found that in my current mission to correct the wrongs many of you people have inflicted on my faith, I’ve developed a stronger devotion to real Christianity.

You know — helping the helpless; defending the defenseless; giving to the needy; assisting the poor; accepting each other; forgiveness and hope; love and compassion. Those things Jesus Christ actually spoke of.

Values for which many “Christian” conservatives tell themselves they stand for, but by their devout relationship with the Republican party, undoubtedly prove that they don’t.

If it wasn’t for your blatant distortion of the faith that I hold dear — and my subsequent reaction to reclaim it from those who misrepresent it — I might have continued to stray further away from that very faith. And who knows, I might have never returned.

But I have — with a vengeance.

No longer will I sit idly by while you people pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ by representing values which are complete contradictions of his teachings. I’m not going to sit here and let you people call yourselves Christians, misrepresent my faith, and do nothing about it.

I will no longer sit silently by while my faith is represented by people who continue to drive more and more people away from it with your intolerable distorted system of beliefs about Christianity.

And trust me, I’m not the only one. Millions of liberal Christians are beginning to awaken and fight back against your distortion of our faith. We’re sick and tired of your ignorance being tied in with our religion.

Your despicable reign over our faith is coming to an end.
So, once again, thank you. Because if it wasn’t for all of you and your intolerance, bitterness and hateful attitudes, my eyes might not have been reopened.


Allen Clifton

Dear Christian Conservatives: I Want to Thank All of You for Making Me a Better Person

I have no idea who Allen Clifton is , but I agree with his letter.
Dear Christian Conservatives:

I finally understand, I really owe all of you a gigantic apology. I hadn’t realized until fairly recently how big of an impact you all have had on who I am, what I stand for and the type of Christian I want to be.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

For a while I had drifted away from Christianity. Not that I stopped considering myself a Christian, but I had stopped really thinking about faith in my life. While I’ve never been a big church attendee, once upon a time I did spend more time focused on my faith and incorporating it into my life in my own ways. However, the last few years, I had somewhat moved away from that. I’m not really sure why.

Well, thanks to all of you Christian conservatives, I’ve now come back to the point where my faith has become a greater focal point in my life.

See, if it wasn’t for the ignorance, hypocrisy and utter hatred that seems to emulate from many of the “Christian right,” I might have never decided to stand up to reclaim my faith from the tens of millions who have so ignorantly distorted its true meaning.
I found that in my current mission to correct the wrongs many of you people have inflicted on my faith, I’ve developed a stronger devotion to real Christianity.

You know — helping the helpless; defending the defenseless; giving to the needy; assisting the poor; accepting each other; forgiveness and hope; love and compassion. Those things Jesus Christ actually spoke of.

Values for which many “Christian” conservatives tell themselves they stand for, but by their devout relationship with the Republican party, undoubtedly prove that they don’t.

If it wasn’t for your blatant distortion of the faith that I hold dear — and my subsequent reaction to reclaim it from those who misrepresent it — I might have continued to stray further away from that very faith. And who knows, I might have never returned.

But I have — with a vengeance.

No longer will I sit idly by while you people pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ by representing values which are complete contradictions of his teachings. I’m not going to sit here and let you people call yourselves Christians, misrepresent my faith, and do nothing about it.

I will no longer sit silently by while my faith is represented by people who continue to drive more and more people away from it with your intolerable distorted system of beliefs about Christianity.

And trust me, I’m not the only one. Millions of liberal Christians are beginning to awaken and fight back against your distortion of our faith. We’re sick and tired of your ignorance being tied in with our religion.

Your despicable reign over our faith is coming to an end.
So, once again, thank you. Because if it wasn’t for all of you and your intolerance, bitterness and hateful attitudes, my eyes might not have been reopened.


Allen Clifton

Dear Christian Conservatives: I Want to Thank All of You for Making Me a Better Person

I have no idea who Allen Clifton is , but I agree with his letter.

Here's a way to fin d out more about him.

"About Allen Clifton
Allen Clifton is a native Texan who now lives in the Austin area. He has a degree in Political Science from Sam Houston State University. Allen is a co-founder of Forward Progressives and creator of the popular Right Off A Cliff column and Facebook page. Be sure to follow Allen on both Twitter and Facebook. Have feedback, inquiries, criticism or compliments? You can email him as well."

Somehow, I dont' believe his religious turnaround is anything more than political bullshit
What a scumbag. Liberalism IS a religion. Being a liberal Christian is just a denomination of liberalism. Liberals interpret everything through their filters, even religion. He will no longer stand by? Wow, what a threat. I imagine churches will shut down across the fruited plains to avoid his wrath.
What a scumbag. Liberalism IS a religion. Being a liberal Christian is just a denomination of liberalism. Liberals interpret everything through their filters, even religion. He will no longer stand by? Wow, what a threat. I imagine churches will shut down across the fruited plains to avoid his wrath.

Showing your true colors again.
Dear Christian Conservatives:

I finally understand, I really owe all of you a gigantic apology. I hadn’t realized until fairly recently how big of an impact you all have had on who I am, what I stand for and the type of Christian I want to be.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

For a while I had drifted away from Christianity. Not that I stopped considering myself a Christian, but I had stopped really thinking about faith in my life. While I’ve never been a big church attendee, once upon a time I did spend more time focused on my faith and incorporating it into my life in my own ways. However, the last few years, I had somewhat moved away from that. I’m not really sure why.

Well, thanks to all of you Christian conservatives, I’ve now come back to the point where my faith has become a greater focal point in my life.

See, if it wasn’t for the ignorance, hypocrisy and utter hatred that seems to emulate from many of the “Christian right,” I might have never decided to stand up to reclaim my faith from the tens of millions who have so ignorantly distorted its true meaning.
I found that in my current mission to correct the wrongs many of you people have inflicted on my faith, I’ve developed a stronger devotion to real Christianity.

You know — helping the helpless; defending the defenseless; giving to the needy; assisting the poor; accepting each other; forgiveness and hope; love and compassion. Those things Jesus Christ actually spoke of.

Values for which many “Christian” conservatives tell themselves they stand for, but by their devout relationship with the Republican party, undoubtedly prove that they don’t.

If it wasn’t for your blatant distortion of the faith that I hold dear — and my subsequent reaction to reclaim it from those who misrepresent it — I might have continued to stray further away from that very faith. And who knows, I might have never returned.

But I have — with a vengeance.

No longer will I sit idly by while you people pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ by representing values which are complete contradictions of his teachings. I’m not going to sit here and let you people call yourselves Christians, misrepresent my faith, and do nothing about it.

I will no longer sit silently by while my faith is represented by people who continue to drive more and more people away from it with your intolerable distorted system of beliefs about Christianity.

And trust me, I’m not the only one. Millions of liberal Christians are beginning to awaken and fight back against your distortion of our faith. We’re sick and tired of your ignorance being tied in with our religion.

Your despicable reign over our faith is coming to an end.
So, once again, thank you. Because if it wasn’t for all of you and your intolerance, bitterness and hateful attitudes, my eyes might not have been reopened.


Allen Clifton

Dear Christian Conservatives: I Want to Thank All of You for Making Me a Better Person

I have no idea who Allen Clifton is , but I agree with his letter.
So do I. As a Tranny, and someone who was born Catholic, to parents who are deeply Christian, and went to church every week, I can tell you, I do not recognise anything Christian about these politcal Christianists.

They are exactly the kind of people Jesus will throw on the fire.
What a scumbag. Liberalism IS a religion. Being a liberal Christian is just a denomination of liberalism. Liberals interpret everything through their filters, even religion. He will no longer stand by? Wow, what a threat. I imagine churches will shut down across the fruited plains to avoid his wrath.

Showing your true colors again.
When did I hide them?
Dear Christian Conservatives:

I finally understand, I really owe all of you a gigantic apology. I hadn’t realized until fairly recently how big of an impact you all have had on who I am, what I stand for and the type of Christian I want to be.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

For a while I had drifted away from Christianity. Not that I stopped considering myself a Christian, but I had stopped really thinking about faith in my life. While I’ve never been a big church attendee, once upon a time I did spend more time focused on my faith and incorporating it into my life in my own ways. However, the last few years, I had somewhat moved away from that. I’m not really sure why.

Well, thanks to all of you Christian conservatives, I’ve now come back to the point where my faith has become a greater focal point in my life.

See, if it wasn’t for the ignorance, hypocrisy and utter hatred that seems to emulate from many of the “Christian right,” I might have never decided to stand up to reclaim my faith from the tens of millions who have so ignorantly distorted its true meaning.
I found that in my current mission to correct the wrongs many of you people have inflicted on my faith, I’ve developed a stronger devotion to real Christianity.

You know — helping the helpless; defending the defenseless; giving to the needy; assisting the poor; accepting each other; forgiveness and hope; love and compassion. Those things Jesus Christ actually spoke of.

Values for which many “Christian” conservatives tell themselves they stand for, but by their devout relationship with the Republican party, undoubtedly prove that they don’t.

If it wasn’t for your blatant distortion of the faith that I hold dear — and my subsequent reaction to reclaim it from those who misrepresent it — I might have continued to stray further away from that very faith. And who knows, I might have never returned.

But I have — with a vengeance.

No longer will I sit idly by while you people pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ by representing values which are complete contradictions of his teachings. I’m not going to sit here and let you people call yourselves Christians, misrepresent my faith, and do nothing about it.

I will no longer sit silently by while my faith is represented by people who continue to drive more and more people away from it with your intolerable distorted system of beliefs about Christianity.

And trust me, I’m not the only one. Millions of liberal Christians are beginning to awaken and fight back against your distortion of our faith. We’re sick and tired of your ignorance being tied in with our religion.

Your despicable reign over our faith is coming to an end.
So, once again, thank you. Because if it wasn’t for all of you and your intolerance, bitterness and hateful attitudes, my eyes might not have been reopened.


Allen Clifton

Dear Christian Conservatives: I Want to Thank All of You for Making Me a Better Person

I have no idea who Allen Clifton is , but I agree with his letter.

Why is it when ever a liberal says that our taxes go up?

Think O tried this......Doesn't really sell.........Are there Christians like those described...Yep....Playing a reverse holier than thou card is basically the same though
Dear Christian Conservatives:

I finally understand, I really owe all of you a gigantic apology. I hadn’t realized until fairly recently how big of an impact you all have had on who I am, what I stand for and the type of Christian I want to be.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

For a while I had drifted away from Christianity. Not that I stopped considering myself a Christian, but I had stopped really thinking about faith in my life. While I’ve never been a big church attendee, once upon a time I did spend more time focused on my faith and incorporating it into my life in my own ways. However, the last few years, I had somewhat moved away from that. I’m not really sure why.

Well, thanks to all of you Christian conservatives, I’ve now come back to the point where my faith has become a greater focal point in my life.

See, if it wasn’t for the ignorance, hypocrisy and utter hatred that seems to emulate from many of the “Christian right,” I might have never decided to stand up to reclaim my faith from the tens of millions who have so ignorantly distorted its true meaning.
I found that in my current mission to correct the wrongs many of you people have inflicted on my faith, I’ve developed a stronger devotion to real Christianity.

You know — helping the helpless; defending the defenseless; giving to the needy; assisting the poor; accepting each other; forgiveness and hope; love and compassion. Those things Jesus Christ actually spoke of.

Values for which many “Christian” conservatives tell themselves they stand for, but by their devout relationship with the Republican party, undoubtedly prove that they don’t.

If it wasn’t for your blatant distortion of the faith that I hold dear — and my subsequent reaction to reclaim it from those who misrepresent it — I might have continued to stray further away from that very faith. And who knows, I might have never returned.

But I have — with a vengeance.

No longer will I sit idly by while you people pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ by representing values which are complete contradictions of his teachings. I’m not going to sit here and let you people call yourselves Christians, misrepresent my faith, and do nothing about it.

I will no longer sit silently by while my faith is represented by people who continue to drive more and more people away from it with your intolerable distorted system of beliefs about Christianity.

And trust me, I’m not the only one. Millions of liberal Christians are beginning to awaken and fight back against your distortion of our faith. We’re sick and tired of your ignorance being tied in with our religion.

Your despicable reign over our faith is coming to an end.
So, once again, thank you. Because if it wasn’t for all of you and your intolerance, bitterness and hateful attitudes, my eyes might not have been reopened.


Allen Clifton

Dear Christian Conservatives: I Want to Thank All of You for Making Me a Better Person

I have no idea who Allen Clifton is , but I agree with his letter.

Allen is three fries short of a HappyMeal.
Dear Christian Conservatives:

I finally understand, I really owe all of you a gigantic apology. I hadn’t realized until fairly recently how big of an impact you all have had on who I am, what I stand for and the type of Christian I want to be.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

For a while I had drifted away from Christianity. Not that I stopped considering myself a Christian, but I had stopped really thinking about faith in my life. While I’ve never been a big church attendee, once upon a time I did spend more time focused on my faith and incorporating it into my life in my own ways. However, the last few years, I had somewhat moved away from that. I’m not really sure why.

Well, thanks to all of you Christian conservatives, I’ve now come back to the point where my faith has become a greater focal point in my life.

See, if it wasn’t for the ignorance, hypocrisy and utter hatred that seems to emulate from many of the “Christian right,” I might have never decided to stand up to reclaim my faith from the tens of millions who have so ignorantly distorted its true meaning.
I found that in my current mission to correct the wrongs many of you people have inflicted on my faith, I’ve developed a stronger devotion to real Christianity.

You know — helping the helpless; defending the defenseless; giving to the needy; assisting the poor; accepting each other; forgiveness and hope; love and compassion. Those things Jesus Christ actually spoke of.

Values for which many “Christian” conservatives tell themselves they stand for, but by their devout relationship with the Republican party, undoubtedly prove that they don’t.

If it wasn’t for your blatant distortion of the faith that I hold dear — and my subsequent reaction to reclaim it from those who misrepresent it — I might have continued to stray further away from that very faith. And who knows, I might have never returned.

But I have — with a vengeance.

No longer will I sit idly by while you people pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ by representing values which are complete contradictions of his teachings. I’m not going to sit here and let you people call yourselves Christians, misrepresent my faith, and do nothing about it.

I will no longer sit silently by while my faith is represented by people who continue to drive more and more people away from it with your intolerable distorted system of beliefs about Christianity.

And trust me, I’m not the only one. Millions of liberal Christians are beginning to awaken and fight back against your distortion of our faith. We’re sick and tired of your ignorance being tied in with our religion.

Your despicable reign over our faith is coming to an end.
So, once again, thank you. Because if it wasn’t for all of you and your intolerance, bitterness and hateful attitudes, my eyes might not have been reopened.


Allen Clifton

Dear Christian Conservatives: I Want to Thank All of You for Making Me a Better Person

I have no idea who Allen Clifton is , but I agree with his letter.
So do I. As a Tranny, and someone who was born Catholic, to parents who are deeply Christian, and went to church every week, I can tell you, I do not recognise anything Christian about these politcal Christianists.

They are exactly the kind of people Jesus will throw on the fire.

Revelations speak on wolves in sheep clothing and the US houses more wolves than christians. As a matter of fact, nobody on the planet is more hypocritical and unworthy of God's true blessings, than US home grown fake christians.
Why is it when ever a liberal says that our taxes go up?
Liberal Christians think it's perfectly reasonable to have government act on the behalf of liberal Jesus, the hippy God that rules from on high.

These are the same folks that scream bloody murder if Christians vote against abortion on demand.
Dear Christian Conservatives:

I finally understand, I really owe all of you a gigantic apology. I hadn’t realized until fairly recently how big of an impact you all have had on who I am, what I stand for and the type of Christian I want to be.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

For a while I had drifted away from Christianity. Not that I stopped considering myself a Christian, but I had stopped really thinking about faith in my life. While I’ve never been a big church attendee, once upon a time I did spend more time focused on my faith and incorporating it into my life in my own ways. However, the last few years, I had somewhat moved away from that. I’m not really sure why.

Well, thanks to all of you Christian conservatives, I’ve now come back to the point where my faith has become a greater focal point in my life.

See, if it wasn’t for the ignorance, hypocrisy and utter hatred that seems to emulate from many of the “Christian right,” I might have never decided to stand up to reclaim my faith from the tens of millions who have so ignorantly distorted its true meaning.
I found that in my current mission to correct the wrongs many of you people have inflicted on my faith, I’ve developed a stronger devotion to real Christianity.

You know — helping the helpless; defending the defenseless; giving to the needy; assisting the poor; accepting each other; forgiveness and hope; love and compassion. Those things Jesus Christ actually spoke of.

Values for which many “Christian” conservatives tell themselves they stand for, but by their devout relationship with the Republican party, undoubtedly prove that they don’t.

If it wasn’t for your blatant distortion of the faith that I hold dear — and my subsequent reaction to reclaim it from those who misrepresent it — I might have continued to stray further away from that very faith. And who knows, I might have never returned.

But I have — with a vengeance.

No longer will I sit idly by while you people pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ by representing values which are complete contradictions of his teachings. I’m not going to sit here and let you people call yourselves Christians, misrepresent my faith, and do nothing about it.

I will no longer sit silently by while my faith is represented by people who continue to drive more and more people away from it with your intolerable distorted system of beliefs about Christianity.

And trust me, I’m not the only one. Millions of liberal Christians are beginning to awaken and fight back against your distortion of our faith. We’re sick and tired of your ignorance being tied in with our religion.

Your despicable reign over our faith is coming to an end.
So, once again, thank you. Because if it wasn’t for all of you and your intolerance, bitterness and hateful attitudes, my eyes might not have been reopened.


Allen Clifton

Dear Christian Conservatives: I Want to Thank All of You for Making Me a Better Person

I have no idea who Allen Clifton is , but I agree with his letter.

Allen is three fries short of a HappyMeal.

I don't know who's worse, Trump who can't take a criticism or you nuts who can't face the truth!!!
Why is it when ever a liberal says that our taxes go up?
Liberal Christians think it's perfectly reasonable to have government act on the behalf of liberal Jesus, the hippy God that rules from on high.

These are the same folks that scream bloody murder if Christians vote against abortion on demand.
Dude, shouldn't you be outside trying to find santa?
Why is it when ever a liberal says that our taxes go up?
Liberal Christians think it's perfectly reasonable to have government act on the behalf of liberal Jesus, the hippy God that rules from on high.

These are the same folks that scream bloody murder if Christians vote against abortion on demand.

Why is it there is so many words that liberals don't know the difference of? I am always amazed at that fact and they call themselves the educated ones..

A huge difference in charity and taxes

Revelations speak on wolves in sheep clothing and the US houses more wolves than christians. As a matter of fact, nobody on the planet is more hypocritical and unworthy of God's true blessings, than US home grown fake christians.
Why is it when ever a liberal says that our taxes go up?
Liberal Christians think it's perfectly reasonable to have government act on the behalf of liberal Jesus, the hippy God that rules from on high.

These are the same folks that scream bloody murder if Christians vote against abortion on demand.
Dude, shouldn't you be outside trying to find santa?
Shouldn't you be out murdering babies in the name of your chocolate hippy Jesus? The younger the better.
Why is it when ever a liberal says that our taxes go up?
Liberal Christians think it's perfectly reasonable to have government act on the behalf of liberal Jesus, the hippy God that rules from on high.

These are the same folks that scream bloody murder if Christians vote against abortion on demand.

Why is it there is so many words that liberals don't know the difference of? I am always amazed at that fact and they call themselves the educated ones..

A huge difference in charity and taxes

They twist words to suit themselves. Give to the poor means take from your neighbor and use his money.
Dear Christian Conservatives:

I finally understand, I really owe all of you a gigantic apology. I hadn’t realized until fairly recently how big of an impact you all have had on who I am, what I stand for and the type of Christian I want to be.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

For a while I had drifted away from Christianity. Not that I stopped considering myself a Christian, but I had stopped really thinking about faith in my life. While I’ve never been a big church attendee, once upon a time I did spend more time focused on my faith and incorporating it into my life in my own ways. However, the last few years, I had somewhat moved away from that. I’m not really sure why.

Well, thanks to all of you Christian conservatives, I’ve now come back to the point where my faith has become a greater focal point in my life.

See, if it wasn’t for the ignorance, hypocrisy and utter hatred that seems to emulate from many of the “Christian right,” I might have never decided to stand up to reclaim my faith from the tens of millions who have so ignorantly distorted its true meaning.
I found that in my current mission to correct the wrongs many of you people have inflicted on my faith, I’ve developed a stronger devotion to real Christianity.

You know — helping the helpless; defending the defenseless; giving to the needy; assisting the poor; accepting each other; forgiveness and hope; love and compassion. Those things Jesus Christ actually spoke of.

Values for which many “Christian” conservatives tell themselves they stand for, but by their devout relationship with the Republican party, undoubtedly prove that they don’t.

If it wasn’t for your blatant distortion of the faith that I hold dear — and my subsequent reaction to reclaim it from those who misrepresent it — I might have continued to stray further away from that very faith. And who knows, I might have never returned.

But I have — with a vengeance.

No longer will I sit idly by while you people pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ by representing values which are complete contradictions of his teachings. I’m not going to sit here and let you people call yourselves Christians, misrepresent my faith, and do nothing about it.

I will no longer sit silently by while my faith is represented by people who continue to drive more and more people away from it with your intolerable distorted system of beliefs about Christianity.

And trust me, I’m not the only one. Millions of liberal Christians are beginning to awaken and fight back against your distortion of our faith. We’re sick and tired of your ignorance being tied in with our religion.

Your despicable reign over our faith is coming to an end.
So, once again, thank you. Because if it wasn’t for all of you and your intolerance, bitterness and hateful attitudes, my eyes might not have been reopened.


Allen Clifton

Dear Christian Conservatives: I Want to Thank All of You for Making Me a Better Person

I have no idea who Allen Clifton is , but I agree with his letter.
So do I. As a Tranny, and someone who was born Catholic, to parents who are deeply Christian, and went to church every week, I can tell you, I do not recognise anything Christian about these politcal Christianists.

They are exactly the kind of people Jesus will throw on the fire.

Revelations speak on wolves in sheep clothing and the US houses more wolves than christians. As a matter of fact, nobody on the planet is more hypocritical and unworthy of God's true blessings, than US home grown fake christians.
They are in Australia now too. The great failing of white people is we always need to attach some other reason to our true beliefs, to justify it.

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