Dear Broadway Diversity: Hamilton opposed diversity (hahaha)


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Hamilton opposed diversity and authored "whites only" immigration bill!

Friday night VP-Elect Mike Pence and family took an evening off from the Trump Transition to attend the hottest Broadway musical of the era, Hamilton. The rich people in attendance relentlessly booed Pence for profaning their SWPL Holy-of-Holies with his presence, and the cast lectured Pence from the stage after the final curtain (except that Pence had already slipped out).

Commenter Hereward points out Alexander Hamilton’s views on immigration, diversity, and assimilation from January 1802:

“The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias, and prejudice; and on that love of country which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, education, and family.

“The opinion advanced in [Jefferson’s] The Notes on Virginia is undoubtedly correct, that foreigners will generally be apt to bring with them attachments to the persons they have left behind; to the country of their nativity, and to its particular customs and manners. They will also entertain opinions on government congenial with those under which they have lived; or, if they should be led hither from a preference to ours, how extremely unlikely is it that they will bring with them that temperate love of liberty, so essential to real republicanism? There may, as to particular individuals, and at particular times, be occasional exceptions to these remarks, yet such is the general rule. The influx of foreigners must, therefore, tend to produce a heterogeneous compound; to change and corrupt the national spirit; to complicate and confound public opinion; to introduce foreign propensities. In the composition of society, the harmony of the ingredients is all-important, and whatever tends to a discordant intermixture must have an injurious tendency.

“The United States have already felt the evils of incorporating a large number of foreigners into their national mass; by promoting in different classes different predilections in favor of particular foreign nations, and antipathies against others, it has served very much to divide the community and to distract our councils. It has been often likely to compromise the interests of our own country in favor of another. The permanent effect of such a policy will be, that in times of great public danger there will be always a numerous body of men, of whom there may be just grounds of distrust; the suspicion alone will weaken the strength of the nation, but their force may be actually employed in assisting an invader.”​

Has anybody noticed that Hamilton’s program was rather Trumpish: protectionism, immigration restriction, infrastructure, and the Electoral College?

By the way, as the strong man of the first cabinet, Hamilton was a big league supporter of the 1790 immigration act that restricted immigration to whites only.

For more on this hilariously revealing cultural phenomenon, see my Taki’s Magazine essay, “Alexander Hamilton: Honorary Nonwhite.”

The message of Hamilton: If it’s good for Goldman Sachs, it’s good for the Diverse.

Steve Sailer at VDARE
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
Anglo-Jesus was the real Jesus.
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What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

  • Thread starter
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  • #8
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
A simple model that helps make much about the modern world easier to comprehend is that of a high-low tag team against the middle. As part of a time-tested strategy of divide and rule, the rich tend to push for policies and attitudes that increase identity-politics divisiveness—more immigration, more Black Lives Matter rioting, more transgender agitation, and so forth—which makes it harder for the nonrich to team up politically to promote their mutual economic interests.

You could call it: “Diverse and Conquer.”

A striking example of how identity politics turn in practice into the Zillionaire Liberation Front has emerged in the war over which Dead White Male to kick off the currency to make room for a woman: the $10 bill’s Alexander Hamilton or the $20’s Andrew Jackson. Bizarrely, the reactionary genius Hamilton, apostle of rule by the rich, is rapidly morphing in the conventional wisdom’s imagination into an Honorary Nonwhite.

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew recently announced plans to put a woman’s face on the $10 bill and asked for suggestions for which woman from American history to honor. It turned out, though, that there wasn’t much agreement or even enthusiasm over any particular woman. But there was much fervent defense of the plutocratic Hamilton staying on the sawbuck and instead discarding Jackson, the epitome of democracy, from the twenty.

One reason is that American history is rather lacking in women who were both important in their own time and popular today. Unlike the British, who have numerous female monarchs and some worthy artistic heroines such as George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) and the Tory Jane Austen, whom the Conservatives have chosen to replace the Whig Charles Darwin on the ten-pound note, American history is lacking in women who can match up well with the top men.

An overlooked cause is that American culture heroes, such as Mark Twain, H.L. Mencken, Ernest Hemingway, and Groucho Marx, tended to war against the stifling conformity imposed upon American life by schoolmarms and society dames. (Prohibition was the most notorious example of the mischief women and Protestant ministers got up to when the doughboys were fighting over in France.)

Putting women such as Susan B. Anthony and Sacajawea on coins failed to excite enthusiasm in the recent past. And the usual suspects being trotted out this time, such as Anthony (yet again), Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, and, especially, Harriet Tubman, also suffer from not being very easy on the eyes. (My choice would be Marilyn Monroe. While America’s semi-famous women politicians and artists are largely second-rate relative to Europe’s, the same cannot be said for our goddesses of the silver screen.)

The New York Times reported that the treasury secretary was blindsided by the support for his Federalist predecessor:

The bigger issue, however, turned out to be Hamilton versus Jackson. Many respondents asked: Why displace Hamilton, the first Treasury secretary and the architect of the American financial system, rather than eject Jackson from the $20 bill given his record of violence against Native Americans and opposition to national banking?

Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern Democratic Party, is out of fashion because today diversity outranks democracy.

It wasn’t always like this. Jackson was the first president elected by universal white manhood suffrage after the elimination of property restrictions on the vote. This made him a potent symbol of democracy in the middle of the 20th century. Matthew Yglesias writes for Vox:

Two generations ago, popular historiography was dominated by the thinking of Arthur Schlesinger Jr., a historian and Kennedy administration aide who produced admiring books titled The Age of Jackson and The Age of Roosevelt. This tradition aligned neatly with the imperatives of the Democratic Party, and emphasized the idea of a continuous tradition of standing up for the little guy, starting with Jefferson, continuing with Andrew Jackson, and moving onward into the administrations of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt and Kennedy. In this historiographical tradition, the little guy is, implicitly, white.

But since standing up for the implicitly white little guy is racist, we now stand up for the big guy. (Who is almost always white. Funny how that works…)

Today, Jackson is best known for driving the Cherokee down the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma.

Of course, pushing the Indians westward was crucial to building a landowning, middle-class democracy, as virtually all American leaders understood. For example, in 1863 Abraham Lincoln addressed fourteen Plains Indian chiefs visiting the White House about his plan to turn them from free hunters into reservation farmers. The “Great White Father in Washington” explained to the Indians:

We pale-faced people think that this world is a great, round ball…. The pale-faced people are numerous and prosperous because they cultivate the earth, produce bread, and depend upon the products of the earth rather than wild game for a subsistence.

(The tragic irony of the Cherokee was that they had assimilated further toward white civilization than any other tribe—they farmed, published a newspaper, and owned black slaves, and their chief was seven-eighths white.)

The Times excuses Lew’s maladroitness by saying:

The Treasury Department could not have anticipated that in the face of this dispute the musical “Hamilton” would become a Broadway smash, further elevating its subject. Mr. Lew took his wife to the show in August, for their anniversary, and met the cast backstage.

Another Democratic treasury secretary, Robert Rubin, was also at Hamilton that night. (Rubin founded the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution to provide Wall Street Democrats like himself with their own shadow government during the Bush administration.) Timothy Geithner had already seen Hamilton Off Broadway. There’s no word whether Larry Summers has tickets, but Bill Gates included a song from the show on his Desert Island Discs last week.

Lin-Manuel Miranda’s hip-hop musical Hamilton had already been a sensation when it debuted Off Broadway months before Lew’s announcement about the ten-spot. And it’s not hard to grasp how the show fits exactly what wealthy white New York liberals want to see: minorities defending Wall Street. It’s the Obama of musicals. (The president, by the way, made time in his schedule to see Hamilton twice last year.)

Miranda envisions Hamilton, the grandson of a Scottish laird, as a West Indian immigrant “whose life embodies hip-hop.” Kendra James writes for the Toast:

Imagine a stage filling slowly, populated by characters plucked directly from history: Aaron Burr, George Washington, Marquis Gilbert de Lafayette, Angelica and Elizabeth Schuyler, and others—all white in historical reality, but here imagined as people of color. Imagine a Broadway stage where the only white featured lead is King George III, the one common enemy of everyone on stage telling this story about the struggle to first found and then succeed in America.

This sounds agonizingly dumb, but it’s not. By all accounts, Hamilton is a highly skilled entertainment. I haven’t seen the musical, but I have read the 818-page book it’s based on, the 2005 doorstop biography Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. He writes sympathetic histories of financier dynasties, such as The House of Morgan and The Warburgs.

The composer and star, Miranda, is exactly the kind of minority whom wealthy white people want to believe in: a rare cultured Nuyorican from a high-achieving family (his father was a political adviser to former mayor Ed Koch) who reads massive books about the Founding Fathers. (And he’s even a Broadway composer who is straight.)

Granted, the notion of Alexander Hamilton—who struck everybody who knew him as far right by 18th-century American standards—as a progressive hero would have seemed more than a little bit nuts to Americans at any time before the present. Whereas the other Founding Fathers were followers of the Whig philosopher John Locke, Hamilton was by nature a disciple of the monarchist Thomas Hobbes. Woodrow Wilson described Hamilton’s antidemocratic ideology with the words “A very great man, but not a great American.” (But then, Wilson is on the outs these days.)

Miranda promotes Hamilton’s birth in the West Indies as bringing vibrant diversity to stuffy white America. But historian Paul Johnson pointed out that Hamilton’s cynicism represented the gutter-philosophy of the West Indies…where it was the war of every man against every man—and woman. It was distinctly un-American…. But if un-American, he went a long way towards creating, perhaps one should say adumbrating, one of the central fixtures of American public life—the broad conjunction of opinion which was to become the Republican Party.

Not surprisingly, the cheapest single Hamilton ticket for this month costs $325.

Also unsurprisingly, last November the Democratic National Committee sponsored a benefit performance of Hamilton to retire Obama’s 2012 campaign debt, with tickets going for up to $5,000.

There’s no report if Bernie Sanders showed up.

But, in any case, the Democratic Party’s Hamilton was a sellout

Steve Sailer
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
You're using the wrong variation of the word "You're" in 2/3 of the instances you used it..
It's sad when people think the race of Jesus is more important than his message of hope, peace, and salvation to all people in every age.
Worse, the GOP's message of let him die, cut free lunches for children, tax cuts for the rich has completely supplanted the message of Jesus in their new Christian religion.

Scuz me, I have a pu$$y to grab. I'm getting a new wife. They one I have, at 39, has reached her expiration date. That's the GOP's new role model for their children.
I find it hilarious that so many are upset at what was said at the theater.

What exactly was wrong with the statement made by the actor, for Pence's benefit? I saw nothing that seemed harmful.

As for the boos, that was the audience not the players. When you win the most hostile election in decades, do you really think everyone was going to love you?
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
You're using the wrong variation of the word "You're" in 2/3 of the instances you used it..

U R , is that better for U?
It's sad when people think the race of Jesus is more important than his message of hope, peace, and salvation to all people in every age.
That's the problem with diversity. If we were all the same race, then people would be more into the hope and change and salvation stuff. I think God realized he'd made a mistake with making so much diversity. (It sure as hell ain't a "strength", as the Satan-worshippers at the New York Times want you to think.) But that's why God told the Jews to kill or enslave everyone else--try to undo his fuck-up.
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
A real Christian wouldn't publicly ridicule me.

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