Deal of the Century: Trump to Offer Himself Up for Trade on Hostages Held by ISIS

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Deal of the Century: Trump to Offer Himself Up for Trade on Hostages Held by ISIS

Donald Trump Announces He Will Trade Himself For The Release of ISIS Hostages

The lead news story sucking all the air out of the room lately has been Hillary Clinton 's testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Benghazi. With this Donald Trump has fallen off the radar of the main stream media, and has been struggling to insert himself into news stories on Clinton. Nothing has been working. So...

Donald Trump will be holding a press conference/media circus today where he is expected to make an announcement of the

Deal of the Century
Trump will be expanding on his campaign theme of ‘Our Country Needs a Truly Great Leader’
A look back of his past, supposed, unscripted remarks is leading to speculation that he will be delivering something along the lines of

How is Hillary going to beat ISIS? I don’t think it’s gonna happen. ISIS does not make deals with women. I know ISIS and most of them they're good people. But their leaders are mean like me and they are like I am, smarter than our leaders. Our leaders are stupid and not mean. Look at Obama. He hasn't a mean bone in that skinny little body.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Our country is in serious trouble. We don’t have victories anymore. We used to have victories, but we don’t have them. When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let’s say, China in a trade deal? They kill us. I beat China all the time. All the time.

Today, I am proposing to trade myself for all hostages past, present, and future in the Deal of the Century. I have people I have worked with and screwed over in previous deals working with me on this one. They are great negotiators. I'm a great negotiator.​
dante-----do not give up your writing career--------that you are able to BRANCH off from catholic dogma
DIVINE "COMEDY"--------all the way to MEL BROOKS COMEDY--------reveals remarkable
Roise, try getting yourself captured, Rumor has it if you enter through Turkey...

It's going to be the latest rage


ya think? -------- you bring up a very interesting point of historical interest------Islamic legend
and HISTORY has it-------that women -----since the time of muhummad----thruout the world have
LONGED to be happy residents of -------harems ---in the homes of holy "shaykhs" Right now---
Isis is doing a great favor for Yazidi girls
A far better idea-------****ATLANTIC CITY***** the place has become barren of humanoids---with
large deserted casinos---------Trump owns the biggest and bestest-----OFFER THE WHOLE PLACE
TO ISIS-------assuming all will migrate------build a high thick wall around it---------and provide the
jihadi boys with ------24 hr-----7 days /wk--------booze, girls -----and shish kebab. Solve the problem
in the LEVANT------ship it to New Jersey
News Flash: Message From ISIS

"Screw you America. Go kiss a Camel's arse. We don't want Trump. We have enough men with bad hairdos living within the Caliphate"

that's cold, dante-------worse sticking muhummad in the 8th circle of hell---------
in which circle do the bad hairdos land?
News Flash: Message From ISIS

"Screw you America. Go kiss a Camel's arse. We don't want Trump. We have enough men with bad hairdos living within the Caliphate"

that's cold, dante-------worse sticking muhummad in the 8th circle of hell---------
in which circle do the bad hairdos land?
Camels are man's best friend

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