'deadly Fire' At Iran Military Explosives Facility

sorry this was meant to be Iran.

can mods kindly change it? thank you
The poor things. Now they will be behind schedule making Rockets for Hamas........

Terrible. Just Terrible......

I need a tissue.
The IAEA was due to visit this week I thought, and also the IAEA said Iran was working with them.

I will wait to pass judgment, either an accident or someone maybe sent a missile its way. We really don't know, of course.
The IAEA was due to visit this week I thought, and also the IAEA said Iran was working with them.

I will wait to pass judgment, either an accident or someone maybe sent a missile its way. We really don't know, of course.
Is that the same iaea that worked so effectively with Saddam?
The IAEA was due to visit this week I thought, and also the IAEA said Iran was working with them.

I will wait to pass judgment, either an accident or someone maybe sent a missile its way. We really don't know, of course.
Is that the same iaea that worked so effectively with Saddam?

Well the same IAEA I imagine has different people, and well Israel blew his up as well, even though there was no way they would of been able to build nukes from it, but Israel knew best.

Its the same IAEA that is not allowed in Israel to check their nuclear arsenal I imagine.
The IAEA was due to visit this week I thought, and also the IAEA said Iran was working with them.

I will wait to pass judgment, either an accident or someone maybe sent a missile its way. We really don't know, of course.
Is that the same iaea that worked so effectively with Saddam?

Well the same IAEA I imagine has different people, and well Israel blew his up as well, even though there was no way they would of been able to build nukes from it, but Israel knew best.

Its the same IAEA that is not allowed in Israel to check their nuclear arsenal I imagine.

you do not have to CONTINUALLY demonstrate your stupidity , Penelope----most people noticed it long ago. Most people are aware of the fact that the IAEA----has nothing to do with Israel-----Israel did not sign up. -----all the decent people of the world cheered when Israel got the nuclear facility of your murderous hero---Sadaam Hussein-----you really miss that pig----don't you------less dead infants upon which to dance
The IAEA was due to visit this week I thought, and also the IAEA said Iran was working with them.

I will wait to pass judgment, either an accident or someone maybe sent a missile its way. We really don't know, of course.
Is that the same iaea that worked so effectively with Saddam?

Well the same IAEA I imagine has different people, and well Israel blew his up as well, even though there was no way they would of been able to build nukes from it, but Israel knew best.

Its the same IAEA that is not allowed in Israel to check their nuclear arsenal I imagine.

you do not have to CONTINUALLY demonstrate your stupidity , Penelope----most people noticed it long ago. Most people are aware of the fact that the IAEA----has nothing to do with Israel-----Israel did not sign up. -----all the decent people of the world cheered when Israel got the nuclear facility of your murderous hero---Sadaam Hussein-----you really miss that pig----don't you------less dead infants upon which to dance

They were not nuclear weapons, as Israel likes to say. The nuclear plant they blew up was not even designed for nukes. All the Arab countries want Israel nuclear arsenal checked. Better be careful, they might blow at anytime.
The IAEA was due to visit this week I thought, and also the IAEA said Iran was working with them.

I will wait to pass judgment, either an accident or someone maybe sent a missile its way. We really don't know, of course.
Is that the same iaea that worked so effectively with Saddam?

Well the same IAEA I imagine has different people, and well Israel blew his up as well, even though there was no way they would of been able to build nukes from it, but Israel knew best.

Its the same IAEA that is not allowed in Israel to check their nuclear arsenal I imagine.

you do not have to CONTINUALLY demonstrate your stupidity , Penelope----most people noticed it long ago. Most people are aware of the fact that the IAEA----has nothing to do with Israel-----Israel did not sign up. -----all the decent people of the world cheered when Israel got the nuclear facility of your murderous hero---Sadaam Hussein-----you really miss that pig----don't you------less dead infants upon which to dance

They were not nuclear weapons, as Israel likes to say. The nuclear plant they blew up was not even designed for nukes. All the Arab countries want Israel nuclear arsenal checked. Better be careful, they might blow at anytime.

do you have a link to "Israel likes to say......
nuclear weapons" Are you an adult?---over 12 years of age? What does "blow at" mean in your illiterate circle of scum? Besides very poor grammar and sentence structure, your writings exhibit use of very strange phrases-----as if English is not your mother tongue. Nothing about which to be ashamed------you can tell me.....if you wish.
In a 2003 speech, Richard Wilson, a professor of physics at Harvard University who visually inspected the partially damaged reactor in December 1982, said that "to collect enough plutonium [for a nuclear weapon] using Osirak would've taken decades, not years".[30] In 2005, Wilson further commented in The Atlantic:

the Osirak reactor that was bombed by Israel in June 1981 was explicitly designed by the French engineer Yves Girard to be unsuitable for making bombs. That was obvious to me on my 1982 visit.[31]

Elsewhere Wilson has stated that
Many claim that the bombing of the Iraqi Osirak reactor delayed Iraq's nuclear bomb program. But the Iraqi nuclear program before 1981 was peaceful, and the Osirak reactor was not only unsuited to making bombs but was under intensive safeguards.[32]

And Israel said

“Israel claims that the attack impeded Iraq's nuclear ambitions by at least ten years.[17] In an interview in 2005, Bill Clinton expressed support for the attack: "everybody talks about what the Israelis did at Osiraq, in 1981, which, I think, in retrospect, was a really good thing. You know, it kept Saddam from developing nuclear power."[84]Louis René Beres wrote in 1995 that "[h]ad it not been for the brilliant raid at Osiraq, Saddam's forces might have been equipped with atomic warheads in 1991."[85]

In 2010, squad leader Ze'ev Raz said of the operation: "There was no doubt in the mind of the decision makers that we couldn't take a chance. We knew that the Iraqis could do exactly what we did in Dimona."[86]

(which is BS and Clinton is full of it as well)

Operation Opera - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Penelope----you said nothing----but you did reveal that you know nothing about nuclear materials---and their potential uses Did you
graduate High School? I am not young----but I knew more than you know now-----way back when I was 14 years old-----LONG AGO.
Are you old enough to remember Sadaam's use of his famous "scud missiles"??. I will help you-----our homeland security is not at all worried that your pals----the islamo Nazi pigs------- will use a nuclear BOMB on the USA---but it is VERY worried about the pigs and dogs POSSESSION of radioactive materials, You got that link to support your claim about Israel claiming that Iraq HAD A NUCLEAR BOMB-----take a look in the mosque library
Penelope----you said nothing----but you did reveal that you know nothing about nuclear materials---and their potential uses Did you
graduate High School? I am not young----but I knew more than you know now-----way back when I was 14 years old-----LONG AGO.
Are you old enough to remember Sadaam's use of his famous "scud missiles"??. I will help you-----our homeland security is not at all worried that your pals----the islamo Nazi pigs------- will use a nuclear BOMB on the USA---but it is VERY worried about the pigs and dogs POSSESSION of radioactive materials, You got that link to support your claim about Israel claiming that Iraq HAD A NUCLEAR BOMB-----take a look in the mosque library

No they did not. Israel just bombs whoever they want. They bomb Sudan military and said Iran was making weapons for Hamas which they weren't.
So if you think I would not believe they would not bomb Iran, after the PM and Minister of Defense said they can't depend on the US and may have to take care of Iran themselves, I have been waiting.
Don't pull the age stuff on me. I might be older than you.

Oh , what don't I know about nuclear. Please enlighten me.
Last edited:
Penelope----you said nothing----but you did reveal that you know nothing about nuclear materials---and their potential uses Did you
graduate High School? I am not young----but I knew more than you know now-----way back when I was 14 years old-----LONG AGO.
Are you old enough to remember Sadaam's use of his famous "scud missiles"??. I will help you-----our homeland security is not at all worried that your pals----the islamo Nazi pigs------- will use a nuclear BOMB on the USA---but it is VERY worried about the pigs and dogs POSSESSION of radioactive materials, You got that link to support your claim about Israel claiming that Iraq HAD A NUCLEAR BOMB-----take a look in the mosque library

No they did not. Israel just bombs whoever they want. They bomb Sudan military and said Iran was making weapons for Hamas which they weren't.
So if you think I would not believe they would not bomb Iran, after the PM and Minister of Defense said they can't depend on the US and may have to take care of Iran themselves, I have been waiting.
Don't pull the age stuff on me. I might be older than you.

Oh , what don't I know about nuclear. Please enlighten me.

you AGAIN said nothing---- Israel "bombs" whom every they please? what a joke you are---it is your fellow dogs who grab people and behead them for the glory of piece of garbage
Penelope----you said nothing----but you did reveal that you know nothing about nuclear materials---and their potential uses Did you
graduate High School? I am not young----but I knew more than you know now-----way back when I was 14 years old-----LONG AGO.
Are you old enough to remember Sadaam's use of his famous "scud missiles"??. I will help you-----our homeland security is not at all worried that your pals----the islamo Nazi pigs------- will use a nuclear BOMB on the USA---but it is VERY worried about the pigs and dogs POSSESSION of radioactive materials, You got that link to support your claim about Israel claiming that Iraq HAD A NUCLEAR BOMB-----take a look in the mosque library

No they did not. Israel just bombs whoever they want. They bomb Sudan military and said Iran was making weapons for Hamas which they weren't.
So if you think I would not believe they would not bomb Iran, after the PM and Minister of Defense said they can't depend on the US and may have to take care of Iran themselves, I have been waiting.
Don't pull the age stuff on me. I might be older than you.

Oh , what don't I know about nuclear. Please enlighten me.

you AGAIN said nothing---- Israel "bombs" whom every they please? what a joke you are---it is your fellow dogs who grab people and behead them for the glory of piece of garbage

You are a sweet older woman, is that the Zionist in you, I think so , really they bombed the military facility in Sudan, just because they felt the Iranians might be building weapons for Hamas there, but turns out the Israel gov was wrong again.
Penelope----you said nothing----but you did reveal that you know nothing about nuclear materials---and their potential uses Did you
graduate High School? I am not young----but I knew more than you know now-----way back when I was 14 years old-----LONG AGO.
Are you old enough to remember Sadaam's use of his famous "scud missiles"??. I will help you-----our homeland security is not at all worried that your pals----the islamo Nazi pigs------- will use a nuclear BOMB on the USA---but it is VERY worried about the pigs and dogs POSSESSION of radioactive materials, You got that link to support your claim about Israel claiming that Iraq HAD A NUCLEAR BOMB-----take a look in the mosque library

No they did not. Israel just bombs whoever they want. They bomb Sudan military and said Iran was making weapons for Hamas which they weren't.
So if you think I would not believe they would not bomb Iran, after the PM and Minister of Defense said they can't depend on the US and may have to take care of Iran themselves, I have been waiting.
Don't pull the age stuff on me. I might be older than you.

Oh , what don't I know about nuclear. Please enlighten me.

you AGAIN said nothing---- Israel "bombs" whom every they please? what a joke you are---it is your fellow dogs who grab people and behead them for the glory of piece of garbage

You are a sweet older woman, is that the Zionist in you, I think so , really they bombed the military facility in Sudan, just because they felt the Iranians might be building weapons for Hamas there, but turns out the Israel gov was wrong again.

how interesting-----I did not know----got a link?-----they are certainly justified in bombing
facilities used to store the weapons used to blow the brains out of Israeli children-----and---I do like the idea of any attack on the Sudanese rapists and murderers and enslavers. Your disgusting heroes have murdered more than a million Sudanese just because they were Christians and they still hold enslaved children----enslaved under the stink and filth of shariah law--------what point are you struggling to make-----that you like the idea of rape and murder and enslavement in the name of "allah"??
The IAEA was due to visit this week I thought, and also the IAEA said Iran was working with them.

I will wait to pass judgment, either an accident or someone maybe sent a missile its way. We really don't know, of course.

There were no reports of missiles from what I understand. More likely an explosives test. This is not the first time Iran had an accident at their facilities.

"Western officials have long been concerned that Iran’s Parchin military complex played a role in what they charge was the government’s effort to develop nuclear weapons. They suspect the site was used for explosives tests conducted as part of nuclear-weapons research, although Iran has denied that it is attempting to build nuclear weapons and has said Parchin is a conventional military installation."
The IAEA was due to visit this week I thought, and also the IAEA said Iran was working with them.

I will wait to pass judgment, either an accident or someone maybe sent a missile its way. We really don't know, of course.

There were no reports of missiles from what I understand. More likely an explosives test. This is not the first time Iran had an accident at their facilities.

"Western officials have long been concerned that Iran’s Parchin military complex played a role in what they charge was the government’s effort to develop nuclear weapons. They suspect the site was used for explosives tests conducted as part of nuclear-weapons research, although Iran has denied that it is attempting to build nuclear weapons and has said Parchin is a conventional military installation."

Yes it could of been an accident and probably was, there are many accidents such as that all over. I think Iran is working close with the IAEA, and we do have to trust the IAEA. Because Israel thinks they are building nukes does not make it so, and they need to stay out of it, since they have nukes and won't let the inspectors in their country. No so far no reports of missiles , will have to wait and see.

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