De Blasio Fires Investigations Chief, Citing Abuse of Power

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Now if Trump did this to Nueller which actually is an abuse of power, the DemonRATS and MSMZ would be telling impeachment....but why not the NYC mayor???

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Friday took the extraordinary step of firing his embattled investigations commissioner, Mark G. Peters, the culmination of a fierce rivalry between the two powerful men.

It was a rare and consequential action by a mayor to remove an investigations commissioner: The position is understood to come with a large degree of independence that allows impartial scrutiny of all areas of government, including the executive branch.

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Wouldn’t this be more comparable to Trump firing the IG rather than Mueller?

Mueller is “investigating” actions Democrats are assuming or at least trying to make people believe are connected to President Trump.

Even Republicans want to protect Mueller from what would be claimed by Democrats as an action to cover up presumed corruption by the President when he was a candidate.

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