David Weiss Drops One Gun Charge Count Against Hunter Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

David Weiss Drops One Gun Charge Count Against Hunter Biden

5 Oct 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

Special Counsel David Weiss dropped one of the gun charges count against Hunter Biden on Wednesday.
The move is apparently a procedural step, according to the Associated Press:
The procedural step removes a charge alleging he broke a law against drug users having guns when he bought a gun in 2018, during a period he has acknowledged struggling with addiction.​
The president’s son is now facing a three-count indictment focused on the same purchase that includes both gun possession and false statement charges. No new tax counts have yet been filed by special counsel David Weiss, who is overseeing the case. Hunter Biden had been expected to avoid prosecution on the gun charge and plead guilty to misdemeanor tax counts in an agreement with prosecutors. But the deal collapsed after a judge raised questions about it in a July hearing and the new indictment was filed weeks later.​
Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, told U.S. Magistrate Judge Christopher Burke on Tuesday that he would file a motion to dismiss charges against his client. Lowell believes the July sweetheart plea agreement remains in effect and that the firearms statute — a ban on gun possession for drug users — is unconstitutional. Judge Burke told Hunter Biden the motion must be filed by November 3.

Why am I not Surprised?
The false surprise and shock isn't working. If anyone really thought justice was going to happen to a Biden, then you believe the 81 million votes BS .
Weiss has been bought and this move is quite apparent.
Weiss has only had 5 years working on Hunter's case to figure out what the charges are. That alone tells you what a fraud prosecution this is.
Weiss created a sham prosecution from the beginning. Hunter bought a gun while addicted to drugs. A clear felony, but he's going to skate.
So anyone who is drug addicted and buys a gun should get the same treatment, right? No prosecution. You can also not pay your taxes and get away with it. So no one has to pay any taxes going forward.
God bless Hunter Biden for opening up these avenues of freedom.
So much for Merrick Garland's lying claim that there's no two tiered justice system.
The only people that believe anything coming from the corrupt democrats are the What Laptop crowd of CNN ignorant viewers.

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