Data Set Tampering, Exposed Fraud Just in Time for Paris.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Data Set Tampering, Exposed Fraud Just in Time for Paris.

You just cant make this stuff up. The terrestrial data sets are so screwed up that they are no longer fit for any scientific purpose. Monckton has really put this in vivid perspective.


The amount of data manipulation is so big that no one in science will now use any of the big three data sets in real work.

From 1979 to the present, the difference between the means of the terrestrial and satellite datasets is 0.40 K century–1; from 1990 to the present, the difference is 0.56 K century–1; from 1997 to the present, the difference has risen to a hefty 1.06 K century–1. It is pardonable to deduce from this that the chief purpose of the terrestrial tampering has been to wipe out the embarrassing Pause.

The graphs are below. Frankly, even after the tampering, the warming rate is nothing like what it should have been if any of the IPCC’s predictions had been true. My guess is that once they’ve got their world government in Paris they’ll stop tampering leave the temperature records alone.

Its no wonder they dont want any one to see the satellite data, it clearly exposes their fraud. Its a sad day in science to have government agenda destroy it.

Christopher pulls no punches...

For instance, a month or two back Tom Karl of NCDC notoriously and arbitrarily increased the ARGO bathythermograph temperatures, even though ARGO happens to be the least bad ocean measuring system we have. The satellites show no warming of the lower troposphere over the past 11 years; the ARGO bathythermographs show no warming of the surface layers of the ocean over the same period; yet Mr Karl has capriciously decreed that the surface must have warmed after all.

Once science was done by measurement: now it is undone by fiat. Let us hope that history, looking back in bafflement on the era when the likes of Mr Karl were allowed to ru(i)n major once-scientific institutions, will judge him every bit as unkindly as he deserves.

Clearly shows how data manipulations and arbitrarily adjustment is the name of the game to push a socialist regime down Americas throat.
It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Paris is a go fuck yourself America... I'll be damned if im going to let some commie bastards take over the US. Your the one NOT winning..

Its rather telling that you approve of deception to get your agenda and control pushed upon the American people. The ends justify your means.. and anything including lying out your ass is ok by you to kill america.
you see Mamooth's response? He knows shit can be made up. He just reassured you. They do it all the time… experience makes perfect.
Here's Monckton, from Billy's link.

I expect that we’ll hear a great deal less about climate change once the world government is safely installed. As the divergence between prediction and reality continues to widen, the new dictators will not want anyone to be reminded of the great lie by which they took supreme and – for the first time – global power.

Nope, no conspiracy kookery there. Not a bit. Just a secret socialist plot to install dictators over the entire planet. Normal people always talk like that.
It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Who is going to approve an agreement?

Obama's pen and the epa ;) The epa will just go ahead and cut the shit out of emissions...If they couldn't Obama's new plan wouldn't cause so much fear in your heart.

Obama's pen and the epa ;)

And the next EPA chief can reverse it as quickly.

The epa will just go ahead and cut the shit out of emissions

Obama just yesterday has decreed 30% renewable by 2030. Not a thing you can do until at least 2017 to stop it!

With his decree in one hand and a $5 in the other, you can get a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Well, judging from the past record, and how much the Congress has overruled President Obama, I think you can get a good deal more than that. Your Congress has proven to be pretty much toothless little kitty cats.
It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Paris is a go fuck yourself America... I'll be damned if im going to let some commie bastards take over the US. Your the one NOT winning..

Its rather telling that you approve of deception to get your agenda and control pushed upon the American people. The ends justify your means.. and anything including lying out your ass is ok by you to kill america.
LOL. Billy Bob, Billy Bob, not a lucid arguement at all. Commie bastards taking over the US! You silly little bastards are so ludicrous. We can sign onto that agreement without batting an eye. Because is now makes economic sense to get rid of the fossil fuel generation in favor of renewables.
Obama just yesterday has decreed 30% renewable by 2030. Not a thing you can do until at least 2017 to stop it!

With his decree in one hand and a $5 in the other, you can get a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Well, judging from the past record, and how much the Congress has overruled President Obama, I think you can get a good deal more than that. Your Congress has proven to be pretty much toothless little kitty cats.

We'll see how that "decree" does past 2017.
Didn't he already decree CAFE standards above 50 MPG.
I love it when he repeals laws of physics.
HadCRUT4 is a gridded dataset of global historical surface temperature anomalies relative to a 1961-1990 reference period.

GISS: The current analysis is now based on the adjusted GHCN v3 data for the data over land. The ocean data are now based on NOAA ERSST for the sake of simplicity, replacing a prior concatenation of Hadley Center's HadSST1 and the satellite-based NOAA (Reynolds) OISST.

NCDC: Land surface temperatures are available from the Global Historical Climate Network-Monthly(GHCN-M). Sea surface temperatures are determined using the extended reconstructed sea surface temperature (ERSST) analysis. ERSST uses the most recently available International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) and statistical methods that allow stable reconstruction using sparse data. The monthly analysis begins January 1854, but due to very sparse data, no global averages are computed before 1880. With more observations after 1880, the signal is stronger and more consistent over time.

RSS: RSS has a number of different products, all of which are measurements of the upper atmosphere taken by satellites and radiosondes making amy of several different types of measurements. None of their products contain surface land or ocean temperature data. See Upper Air Temperature Remote Sensing Systems

UAH: As part of an ongoing joint project between UAHuntsville, NOAA and NASA, Christy and Dr. Roy Spencer, an ESSC principal scientist, use data gathered by advanced microwave sounding units on NOAA and NASA satellites to get accurate temperature readings for almost all regions of the Earth. This includes remote desert, ocean and rain forest areas where reliable climate data are not otherwise available. The satellite-based instruments measure the temperature of the atmosphere from the surface up to an altitude of about eight kilometers above sea level.
Where did you ever get the idea that these datasets should behave identically?
Put a constant rpm turbo-diesel in the present Prius, with a Li battery, and you have a car easily exceeding 50 mpg. Samsung has created an Li battery with nearly twice the capacity of the present Li batteries. Present EV's easily exceed, the equivalent of 50 mpg, and that battery will give a range that will make them much more desireable. No repeal of the laws of physics, just taking advantage of new technology.

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