Darfur rebels contact Gaddafi’s son over proxy war in Libya


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
As we have expected the Darfuri rebel movements have become key player in regional conflicts. The rebel groups had long experience and firm link with Qaddafi regime.

A handful of reports from Libya have cited the presence of Darfur mercenaries defending the regime of President Muammar Qaddafi due to the strong ties with the former Libyan leader who had sponsored and hosted the Darfur rebel leaders for long time.

Following the demise of Qaddafi regime, the Darfuri rebels sought for new allies and sponsor. Lately these movements have established strong ties with the new born state of South Sudan where they have sided with the government against the rebels in the recent fierce fighting.

The Darfuri rebel groups have become a group of mercenaries. They fight proxy war and launch blitzes againt civilians fought the South Sudanese rebels.

When the upset broke out in South Sudan, the Sudanese rebels fought fiercely against the rebels loyal to former Vice President, killing a lot of civilians in Bantiu, Farya in Unity State.

Failing to achieve any military victory over the Sudanese army, these rebel groups have engaged in regional conflicts beginning with the revolt against Qaddafi regime and the late unrest in South Sudan.

According to new reports, the rebel movements have contacted the son of the former Libyan leader Muammar Ghaddafi, Al Saadi.

Justice and Equality Movement led by Jibreel Ibrahim, Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (SLM- AW) and Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-MM) led by Minni Minawi have made contacts with Al Saadi to fight a proxy war in Libya to bring him to power.

The rebel representatives met Al-Saadi over the past few days to discuss ways to get arms and funds to start opening military training camps, said a well-placed source close to the rebel movements.

Darfur factions are looking to play mercenary backing Gaddafi defunct regime remnants and joining them in proxy war in Libya.

Al Saadi has managed to flee to a neighboring country where held contacts with arm traders and mercenaries especially the Darfuri groups to fight the Libyan government.

The Darfuri rebels realized that they have to fight for him for money because the support that they receive is not more than a pocket money.

The rebels have forgot their issue. Instead, they have become regional mercenaries who fight for.

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