Damning testimony in Trump Hush Money Trial

"In what amounted to incredibly damning testimony, Pecker laid out the 2015 deal he reached with Trump “to help the campaign.” Pecker called the arrangement to publish stories to make Trump look good — and to smear his political rivals — “highly, highly confidential.”

Neat, call me shocked, we already knew Trump team fucked up. Big deal, MAGA got a hard-on, and a cool blond put out. Not fond of his open marriage, but fuck it, I like the upside. Cost benefit.

Wow, this Pecker (irony) guy even provided testimony his media built stories to sell Trump. I can't believe an outfit would print BS to help candidates. MAGA.

It's a big game, you try overcoming the left leaning on education, nearly all media, TV, Hollywood, music, unions, govt. work. Even Taylor Swift is coming after the orange-man, the TDS is strong. That's the easy part, because the worst part is the weaponization of justice for monetary and political gain, weakening the system, including that of our rights a citizens, spelled out by our kick-ass founding fathers, with big-ass brains, and God.

Here's some news for you, dumbfuck. Making Trump look good isn't a crime!
Trump is trapped, like the right he is. :)

The whole right is trapped by their nonsensical postures on the criminality of Trump.

The only question is whether the legal system works as it should.
Trump is trapped, like the right he is. :)

The whole right is trapped by their nonsensical postures on the criminality of Trump.

The only question is whether the legal system works as it should.
The nonsensical is the case they have against Trump. Every politician should be bought up on the same charges. This is government abusing power, and big time election interference. Trump wants to help the MSM get him elected because that is all they are doing.
You mean the election that Trump won with the help of his butt buddy Putin?

They're not even claiming this was a crime. They're just putting it in front of the jury and hoping that they will be outraged at Trump doing what every politicians does, try to get the media on his side. I prefer his method of paying cash to RINO's who ingratiate themselves with the media by giving the Democrats whatever they want.
That's what they said they would do. Rehash every accusation ever made.
Trump has retained competent defense counsel whose incompetent defense of the sexual abuser/business fraud is being dictated by the sexual abuser/business fraud.

Trump’s legal team has made several considerable, and at times baffling, missteps over the course of the trial that have increased the odds of a conviction.
Trump’s lawyers are pursuing a flawed and risky strategy. Why? Most likely it’s not them, but him... this team has managed to stay on Trump’s good side by indulging — perhaps necessarily — his worst traits and instincts. It may be their downfall.
Most devastatingly, lead attorney Todd Blanche, in his opening statement, repeated Trump’s claim that he never had a sexual encounter with Stormy Daniels. That was followed by days of testimony last week that — if you believe Daniels’ very persuasive account — effectively demonstrated that a central plank of Trump’s defense is a lie and has been a lie for years, and that the jury cannot trust even Trump’s lead counsel to tell them the truth.
Prosecutors had no choice but to put Daniels on after Blanche affirmatively called her a liar in his opening statement, and they had to elicit considerable detail about the sexual encounter in order to establish her credibility in response to Blanche’s attack inside the courtroom and Trump’s years of attacks outside of it. Not only was that the appropriate way for the government to defend the integrity of its investigation and its witness, it was also an unmissable opportunity for them to tank the credibility of Trump’s entire legal defense.
Another major misstep occurred in the form of defense lawyer Susan Necheles' cross-examination of Daniels. Necheles went to considerable lengths to suggest that Daniels had changed her story over time and had been motivated by money when she agreed to keep her story quiet in the run-up to the 2016 election. None of that matters much under the circumstances, since the only thing that the jury really had to take away is that Daniels and Trump had sex.
It is also very bad when the witness manages to embarrass the cross-examiner, as Daniels did on multiple occasions. Trump’s legal team appears to have assumed that Daniels was dumb. What emerged instead from Daniels’ time on cross-examination was a woman who is resourceful, sharp and quick-witted. She effectively turned the tables on Necheles, likely making her more sympathetic and credible in the eyes of the jury.
Even the lawyers who have joined Trump’s legal team ... have ultimately been disappointed, diminished or both. They routinely leave or are fired. In the last year alone, these include: Tim Parlatore, Jim Trusty, John Rowley and Joe Tacopina.
Trump may not have a man cave big enough to display the heads of all the lawyers whose careers he has destroyed - Giuliani, Eastman, Ellis, Wood, Bobb, Clark, Powell, Chesebro, Cohen, Habba, Mitchell, etc., etc., etc,

As they accumulate, he may need to store some of them in his Mar-a-Lago bathroom.
1. The bookkeeping misdemeanors expired
2. There is no other "crime" being covered up, it was not specified in the indictment nor the Bill of Particulars
3. This trial is nonsense. Trump is not guilty of anything.

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