Damn Animal Planet to Hell...


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Just wasted 3 hours of my holiday weekend. TWO watching "Mermaids, the body discovered" and ONE trying to find out what parts of it were true.

Turns out, the creator of this farce is a serial offender having done a similiar mockumentary on Dragons.

But if like ME -- you missed the opening credits or ditched the closing credits, you'd come away with the perception that the US Govt tried to suppress hard evidence of sea mammal species closer to man than anything found in the fossil record. And come away with the impression that Mermaids are swimming on whale migration routes today..

I'm at a limit for folks abusing science and facts. You have the History Channel fixated on Aliens and Hitler. And now Animal Planet has to vetted for truth and accuracy.. Holy Cow man -- we are doomed.. Not only are we BECOMING Idiocracy -- I think I can smell the Brawndo...

It is called 'lowest common denominator'.

A shame we have come to a point that we depend on pop TV to educate our populace on science, isnt it?
Just wasted 3 hours of my holiday weekend. TWO watching "Mermaids, the body discovered" and ONE trying to find out what parts of it were true.

Turns out, the creator of this farce is a serial offender having done a similiar mockumentary on Dragons.

But if like ME -- you missed the opening credits or ditched the closing credits, you'd come away with the perception that the US Govt tried to suppress hard evidence of sea mammal species closer to man than anything found in the fossil record. And come away with the impression that Mermaids are swimming on whale migration routes today..

I'm at a limit for folks abusing science and facts. You have the History Channel fixated on Aliens and Hitler. And now Animal Planet has to vetted for truth and accuracy.. Holy Cow man -- we are doomed.. Not only are we BECOMING Idiocracy -- I think I can smell the Brawndo...


You could have saved a lot of time by asking me, I would have told you that mermaids do not now, nor have they ever existed. There is zero evidence for them in the fossil record, and there are no mermaids have ever swam along the migration route of whales.

Just an FYI, you can skip the Animal Planet shows on Bigfoot, the Snakeman of Appalachia, Lost Tapes and The Haunted. I haven't watched any of these shows but I know they are all crap.
They call it the "idiot box" or "boob tube" for a reason.
Hint: The boobs and idiots aren't inside it. They're staring at it looking for a surprise.
Are yall tryin ta tell me that there aren't any and never have been any Dragons?

say it isn't so...

I would never tell you that. I would, however, advise you not to buy any dragon teeth anyone is selling on E-Bay.


He might object.
It was a brazen hoax -- including phoney websites alledgely shut down by DHS.. I guess there's no more reputation to protect, nor do they see a need to pretend they have any allegiance to science or education..

Quantum Windbag:
Just an FYI, you can skip the Animal Planet shows on Bigfoot, the Snakeman of Appalachia, Lost Tapes and The Haunted. I haven't watched any of these shows but I know they are all crap.

I can TELL those shows are crap.. But I tuned into this having missed the disclaimer and never suspected SyFy quality fiction on Animal Planet. Guess that teaches me I shouldn't be fishing for science news in a sewage outflow....
Television is all about entertainment. That's it. The days of good news reporting and documentaries are gone. Sensationalism sells, science doesn't.
Just wasted 3 hours of my holiday weekend. TWO watching "Mermaids, the body discovered" and ONE trying to find out what parts of it were true.

Turns out, the creator of this farce is a serial offender having done a similiar mockumentary on Dragons.

But if like ME -- you missed the opening credits or ditched the closing credits, you'd come away with the perception that the US Govt tried to suppress hard evidence of sea mammal species closer to man than anything found in the fossil record. And come away with the impression that Mermaids are swimming on whale migration routes today..

I'm at a limit for folks abusing science and facts. You have the History Channel fixated on Aliens and Hitler. And now Animal Planet has to vetted for truth and accuracy.. Holy Cow man -- we are doomed.. Not only are we BECOMING Idiocracy -- I think I can smell the Brawndo...


Friend of mine that burns first run movies for me gave me a copy of the "mermaid" movie an I watched five minutes of it. Called him up pissed that he wasted my time and his when I was actually expecting an entertaining movie to watch.

I grew up on an island with 1500 ft of our own private beach. What was on the beach near the whales was a decomposing kelp head with a large stranded jellyfish on it.

Can't fool an old beach kid.
Hey Huggy:

Could be a decomposing kelp head with a jellyfish IF IT REALLY HAPPENED.. I don't know if those kids really existed and how much was made up if they ARE REAL and found something on the beach..

This is why I've never spent much in the fiction aisles at the library or book store. Lifes' too short to confuse reality..
If you like FICTION -- you should watch the rest of it. Beats most of SyFy originals..

I grew up on Daytona Beach. Not much washed up there -- but I've seen wonderous stuff in the surf. Like 12 foot wide manta rays, string bikini Canadians in December, and those rare nights with the luminous algae..
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I wasted about an hour of my time watching the first part of this also.
One super shaky/crappy video where you can't make a damn thing out...and then just video of Navy people walking around digging holes.
This entire thing was pure conjecture and fantasy. Really disappointed in Animal Planet for building up this stupid thing which was a complete farce. :mad:
Television programming is consumer driven and therefore is manifest evidence that, for the most part, the intellectual level of the general (American) public ranges from infantile to moronic. While it is a given that 90% of what is available on most television channels is an insult to the developed human brain there sometimes are things, mainly on PBS, Discovery and Animal Planet, which are well worth watching.

But overall I must agree with the OP in that the general quality of tv fare is hypnotically stupid.
Good news folks! There might not be a mermaid or a dragon or even a unicorn but there really is a cleaning fairy! I've got proof!
'Cleaning Fairy' breaks into home, leaves bill

Ohio woman facing felony burglary charges

Published On: Jun 01 2012 10:28:56 AM EDT

An Ohio woman dubbed the "Cleaning Fairy" is accused of breaking a home, cleaning it and then leaving a $75 bill.

Susan Warren, 53, was arraigned Thursday on felony burglary charges, Cleveland TV station WEWS reported.

According to police, Warren broke into the Westlake home last week and wrote her name and number on a napkin with the note: "$75 I was here to clean." Officers said she was inside while the homeowner slept, WEWS reported.

When homeowner Sherry Bush read the note, she thought maybe Warren had cleaned the wrong house and gave her a call.

"I think our jaws just dropped to the ground," Bush told Cleveland TV station WKYC. "I said, what happened, did you get the wrong house? She said, 'No, I do this all the time.' I said, What do you mean?' She said, 'I just stop and clean your house.'"

Warren was arrested Tuesday night during a traffic stop, the Cleveland Sun reported.

According to police records, she has been accused of similar crimes at least one other time.

'Cleaning Fairy' breaks into home, leaves bill | News - Home

My Mom's a hoarder, I wonder how I get this lady to clean out her apartment for $75.00.
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Just wasted 3 hours of my holiday weekend. TWO watching "Mermaids, the body discovered" and ONE trying to find out what parts of it were true.

Turns out, the creator of this farce is a serial offender having done a similiar mockumentary on Dragons.

But if like ME -- you missed the opening credits or ditched the closing credits, you'd come away with the perception that the US Govt tried to suppress hard evidence of sea mammal species closer to man than anything found in the fossil record. And come away with the impression that Mermaids are swimming on whale migration routes today..

I'm at a limit for folks abusing science and facts. You have the History Channel fixated on Aliens and Hitler. And now Animal Planet has to vetted for truth and accuracy.. Holy Cow man -- we are doomed.. Not only are we BECOMING Idiocracy -- I think I can smell the Brawndo...


Oh hell no, I'd like for History to do some aliens or Hitler. Now it's freaking "Hugh the asshole polar bear" on Ice Road Truckers, Swamp People, Axe Men, etc. At least Hitler has some historical context. And WTF is up with National Geographic doing all of the drug and prison shows? I'm a law abiding citizen who doesn't really care abouth society's underbelly as entertainment. I want to see animals eating each other on NG for crying out loud.
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