Daily Beast Writer: Give [some] 14-year-olds The Vote -


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well for sure. don't you all want some 14 year old making your important life's decisions?

some days it seems like the Daily Beast prides itself on being a sounding board for utterly off-the-wall political ideas. Witness contributor Jillian Keenan's argument today that teens old enough to work and pay taxes -- but too young to vote -- should be granted the franchise:

Right now, millions of Americans are disenfranchised by our political process. They can pay taxes and contribute to social security, but they can’t vote. They can be sentenced to life in prison, but they can’t vote. Every day, their bodies, lives and futures are affected by politicians and policies they did not choose. Who am I talking about? Felons? Guess again.
We need to lower the voting age.
This is a prime moment to ask ourselves whether our voting system is yet fully equitable. Last month, Scotland made history when, for the first time in British politics, 16- and 17-year olds were allowed to vote in its independence referendum. Last year, Takoma Park in Maryland took a similar step when it allowed 16- and 17-year-olds to vote in municipal elections. That’s progress, but those steps don’t go far enough. In the forthcoming national midterm elections—and in all elections throughout the United States—teenagers deserve the right to vote. Seriously.
Okay, not all teenagers. Only the ones who can work and pay taxes on their employment—which the Department of Labor says is anyone over the age of 14. (Sorry, 13-year-olds.) Taxes are an obvious benchmark, since right now, employed teenagers are literally subjected to taxation without representation.
- See more at: Daily Beast Writer Give Some 14-Year-Olds the Vote
the commies has to go down to the children to take over your lives.

That's what Obama did in order to get elected

fall for it AGAIN at your own PERIL
Why not? They're already considered old enough to make life and death decisions about others.
"But just b/c I don't have a job and I'm 14 it's discrimination that only kids with jobs (McJobs) get to vote.
The Supreme Court will hear about this"!
But wait. BOBO was already elected by a bunch of people with the smae amount of understanding.
They expected 'free shit'.
All the LIBs have to do is offer the latest Play Station to a kid and they have purchased a vote.

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