D-NY Kristen Gillibrand: Triggered Liberal Hypocrisy On Display - 'Go The F* Home!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: “If We Are Not Helping People, We Should Go the F*ck Home”

"Gillibrand, who has been floated as a possible 2020 candidate for the Democrats, spoke Thursday in front of a Personal Democracy Forum in New York City, and didn’t hold back in what she thought of President Trump.

“Has he kept his promises? No, F*ck No!,” she said,
according to The Hill.

She also had a stark warning for other lawmakers, presumably including fellow Democrats, about being productive in Congress.

If we are not helping people, we should go the f*ck home,” she said."

1. After Comey's testimony just destroyed the Democrats' campaign of lies, false accusations, and evidence-LESS continuous 'Witch Hunt' investigations, Liberals have finally SNAPPED - become 'TRIGGERED'. Gillibrand losing her damn mind and cursing like a sailor is proof.

2. Although it has been more than proven that they just don't care, Democrats are THE most hypocritical creatures on God's green earth.

"Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has been laying into President Trump with some choice language in recent weeks, frequently dropping the “F” bomb, in a stark contrast to the 2016 campaign where Democrats lambasted then-candidate Trump for his language — and warned “our children our watching.”

3. Since the Democrats openly declared that for the next 4 years they are all 100% committed to obstructing everything being done by the Republicans and Trump, committed to blocking EVERYTHING being attempted to be done for the benefit of the country and American citizens...doing so in the best interest of their own political party.... Since they have completely committed to DOING NOTHING BUT ENGAGE IN OBSTRUCTIONISM... Gillibrand and the rest of the Democrats should heed Gillibrand's words:

If we are not helping people, we should go the f*ck home

Unless Democrats change course, they really should all just "GO THE F* HOME"!
Gillibrand losing her damn mind and cursing like a sailor is proof.

"Fuck" is not a curse, Webster. It's profanity. "Go to hell" would be a curse.

But as far as the use of said profanity and its being evidence of 'losing one's mind'.........

Oh by the way "pussy" wouldn't be either a 'curse' or a 'profanity', more like a vulgarity. I think that also covers "blood coming out of her wherever".

Isn't language fun?

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Oh they are helping people, themselves. Just as Hillary how well being a politician pays...

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