Cycle of Fear

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
I once had a cat that wasn't afraid of dogs. This cat beat dogs up. One time a dog got too much up in his business and next thing we knew, that dog was high-tailing it up the street for all he was worth yelping, my cat on his back dug in, riding him like horse.

He finally figured the dog had enough pain, jumped off somewhere up the street and nonchalantly came back home, jumped up in his favorite patio chair and went to sleep.
Cats, dogs, people, not all are the same. You gotta take them on an individual basis. There are good and bad in all.

I changed it to ''greatly dislike'' rather than hate.

If it weren't for the ''cat people'' feeding and drawing on all of the ferals, I likely wouldn't be so annoyed by them.

But I enjoy going out and watching the birds in the morning. I enjoy the rabbits and other wildlife.

But these little assholes have pretty much obliterated them?

And they shit all in my mulch beds, drawing flies, stinking up the place and killing my flowers.

And they use my cars for jungle gyms.

And why? Because ''cat people.''

They feed the little bastards but everybody else has to deal with the consequences.
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Cats are okay.

They’re good for people who want an animal companion but don’t want the bother of a dog.
I changed it to ''greatly dislike'' rather than hate.

If it weren't for the ''cat peopl'' feeding and drawing on al of the ferals, I likely wouldnlt be so annoyed by them.

But I enjoy going out and watching the birds i nthe morning. I enjoy the rabbits and other wildlife.

But these little assholes have pretty much obliterated them?

And they shit all in my mulch beds, drawing flies, stinking up the place and killing my flowers.

They use my cars for jungle gyms.

And why? Because ''cat people.''

They feed the little bastards but everybody else has to deal with the consequences.

Not like anything I've ever experienced, but I get what you mean by some people getting too wrapped up in animals.
There's a grizzled old Tomcat that's similar that comes around every evening....Dogs run away from him....I believe everyone in the neighborhood feeds him. It's personable enough.....Till it isn't. ;)

Yeah, I get that a single cat might not be a big deal.

But what had happen wuh...this woman lives in the development who is involved with some catch and release cat gig. One of those pink haired commies.

But then some other woman moved in a few homes down who is related to her. She's a blue haired commie. Sometimes green.

She brought with her a cat. And she left it outside all the time, even though you're not supposed to here.

The cat gets knocked up and starts spitting out litters a couple/few times a year, and then they have litters and so on and so on.

Before you know it, I'm chasing the little bastards outta my trees while they're trying to take out my birds in the morning and all day afterward.

So then the first woman, the pink haired commie, who is affiliated with the catch and release gig starts doing her problem, reaction, solution thing after the blue haired commie laid the groundwork to stimulate a problem and therefore justification for the pink haired commie to say, ''oh, I have a solution.'' But then a few more end up getting dropped off here that weren't here in the first place. They're basically turning the place into a feral cat dumpng ground. There's no way they didn't plan this crap in order to have another place t odump off all of the cats once the rescue places get full.

They may well spay/neuter SOME of them before they drop em back off, but they're still kiling off all of the woldlife and screwing up my gardens and cars.

I'm gonna start trapping them and dropping them off on the other side of the Delaware River, they're not swimming back across that thing.
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My grown daughter is terrified of cockroaches.
And here in Florida they are extra large.
More than once I've received a frantic call to please drive over to her house and kill one... lol

I lived in Mississippi for a couple of months and encountered the same.

I thought it absolutely bizarre that they had a cute name for them. They called them "water bugs". There was one who sat on my toothpaste tube and I swear he laughed at me.

You couldn't pay me enough to live with the fuckers again, but I'm not actually afraid of them.


I lived in Mississippi for a couple of months and encountered the same.
I thought it absolutely bizarre that they had a cute name for them. They called them "water bugs". There was one who sat on my toothpaste tube and I swear he laughed at me.
You couldn't pay me enough to live with the fuckers again, but I'm not actually afraid of them.

I buy those roach traps. They seem to get the job done.
Just don't leave food out during the night.
Keep everything in plastic containers and you're good.
I stopped at a Golden Corral once, on my way back from Kentucky.

A cockroach crawled out from behind the wall and walked across the table right in front of me.

I just got up and left.

Only time I've ever been to a Golden Coral. Never went to another one after that.

I'm sure that a lot of places have em. But I never see em. And they've certainly never came out of the wall and walked across the table, strutting around like they owned the joint.

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