*CWN*: Obama Going To War With India*!

*Is this the end for Obama?*

  • *Yes I think it is*

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • *No, he's just getting warmed up on his vacation spending*

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama is planning an attack on India, having 34 war ships in tow when he readys for a military attack on India in a secret invasion as he and many of his cabinet show up for a visit, on the other hand, is this a coup?
2. Why else have so many war ships follow his chopper* over there?
3. Is Inida a hostile country to Obama and America, answer not really, but there is a huge muslim population, perhaps he is going to join them in jihad agianst America?
4. I heard through the grapevine, its costing American Tax Payers 200 million a day, is this a warm up to what we will be spending in an all out war with them?
5. Is this good timing for him to invade India, just after being *Shalacked* in Tuesdays Elections?
6. Will he instead of attacking India, some how flee his Presidency, and join up with India, and become Indian revealing his muslim roots to the world?
7. Is he actually in the process of cracking as I spoke about in another thread?
8. Will the truth come out, or will there be a cover up, when did they know it, and who knew it when it was found out, and why didn't some one stop it before it got started, may be the news soon?
9. Can this be spun into something positive for Obama?
10. Only if he resigns for the Presidency I would think.
11. Link and sample:34 warships sent from US for Obama visit

"New Delhi: The White House will, of course, stay in Washington but the heart of the famous building will move to India when President Barack Obama lands in Mumbai on Saturday.

Communications set-up, nuclear button, a fleet of limousines and majority of the White House staff will be in India accompanying the President on this three-day visit that will cover Mumbai and Delhi.

He will also be protected by a fleet of 34 warships, including an aircraft carrier, which will patrol the sea lanes off the Mumbai coast during his two-day stay there beginning Saturday. The measure has been taken as Mumbai attack in 2008 took place from the sea.

Arrangements have been put in place for emergency evacuation, if needed.

Obama is expected to fly by a helicopter -- Marine One -- from the city airport to the Indian Navy's helibase INS Shikra at Colaba in south Mumbai.

12. Riding on that New Delhi Freight Train.

Last edited:
Not sorry at all

א)Is the the most stupid poll ever posted?
ב)It certainly is in the top 5
נ)This poster lacks the brains of Rdean or Truthmatters
ד)And has all the exasperating gayness and asininity of Dante on Acid
ה)the fact he is nominally a right winger embarrasses the hell out of me.


Good description of Obama

Obama may be a lot of things. But retarded he is not.

The OP may be a lot of things, but retarded is definitely one of them.

You're right, the Muslim-in-Chief is far too evil to be retarded.

Ahhh....I see that cheesewars mating call of the retard has attracted you. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you were one of the mentally handicapped.

I'll let you play with cheesewars now. I don't want to get any of your dumb on me.
Sorry bout that,

The only good Muslim is an ex-Muslim.

Hollow statements from hollow heads.

The Bible says "Love thy neighbor as thyself."

1. Why did Jesus say, sell thy cloak and buy a sword then?
2. Also Jesus said, turn the other cheek, but what if the enemy isn't hitting you with his fist but swinging a sword, do you just stand there and take it?
3. What if the muslim starts at your children, then has plans to come at you, then what?
4. Suffer some evil but not every evil.
5. So in your opinion, those people falling from the twin towers were just doing what Jesus comanded, turning the other cheek?:eek:

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one needs to explain in the State Department, why Obama needs 34 military ships on site om India when he visits it?


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