Customer service: What do you expect when you see race of your waiter/cashier?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
A famous and hilarious black comedian, Katt Williams, said he'd never want an all-black nation, because as he said, "I have too many customer service needs".

So, let me ask. When you go out to a restaurant, or, are in line for something and see the first glance, what do you expect when you see it is a white or black or Asian or Hispanic person?

For me, when I see an overweight black female over 21 yrs old (but under 30), I kinda give up hope. Its gonna be shitty service. When I see a middle age white person, doing this entry level job, I assume they are either dumb, or, working this second job to make ends meet and are probably tired.

Most high school age kids, of any race or gender, I'm ok because they are usually not mentally ruined by society yet. Except McDonalds. That place may as well be the official babysitter of welfare dwellers.
To be honest, I don't notice their color. What I notice is how they serve me.

We did go out last night and d had the worst waitress we have ever had- ever.
I don't "expect" anything if I don't know the person.

It must make for a very busy life of course corrections to see people as preconceived stereotypes.
I don't "expect" anything if I don't know the person.

It must make for a very busy life of course corrections to see people as preconceived stereotypes.
From my experiences, I have come to expect nothing from a white or black person, based upon their color and hoping the manager did their job during the hiring process.

However when I see an Asian, in any business capacity, my expectations are raised, based upon my experiences with them. :thup:
I expect whomever is competently trained to do their job.

If they aren't I inform the the person in charge, generally in a manner that conveys they or some other supervisor has screwed up their responsibilities.
I always approach going out to dinner from the standpoint of my behavior towards the wait person more than anything else. I don't ever seem to receive bad service, but then again, I recognize the difference between being served and treating somebody as servile.
I wouldn't eat anywhere that had black waiters. As for cashiers, count your change. :D
I'm a White guy but If my Asian Wife is with me we get better service and people are more polite, especially Blacks.
I except them to get my food to the table as soon as possible, see that my glass is refilled with water or whatever beverage I have ordered, and have great customer service skills while doing so.
I don't "expect" anything if I don't know the person.

It must make for a very busy life of course corrections to see people as preconceived stereotypes.
From my experiences, I have come to expect nothing from a white or black person, based upon their color and hoping the manager did their job during the hiring process.

However when I see an Asian, in any business capacity, my expectations are raised, based upon my experiences with them. :thup:

only if they can understand english.
A young nose/eyebrow pierced tatooed chick and my expectations go way down. I'm there for her needs. A young guy these days is usually more effeminate than the girls. Older blonde gal, pretty good service since she's done it for decades. Just stop with the bending over showing the boobs for tips trick.
A few anecdotes from my recent past:

On Saturday my wife and I mada a purchase that required the merchant to do some packing before I could take the item in my car. So we decided to go out and have lunch rather than waiting in the store. We went to a local "Steak & Shake," which I've never tried before, but was nearby.

80% of the employees were "Black." I didn't notice it at first but after sitting down and looking around it became very noticeable. Later, we realized that everyone working there seemed happy. All smiling. Kidding and joking around with the customers and with each other. Several of the table servers were obviously gay. Service was excellent, as was the food (tho not exactly "high end" stuff). I found it a bit surprising and refreshing.

Last week I had a problem with my bank-visa card. I had tried to make a purchase from overseas and the bank had turned it down. The merchant told me to get with the bank and see what they needed to approve the sale (less than $100). After 15 minutes of working my way through the electronic robots on their "help" line, I finally got through to a human being. It was an African American woman. Moderately courteous, she told me that they bank had definitely not turned down any sale, and that the problem must be on the merchant's side. The next day I got a call directly from the bank asking if I had tried to make a purchase from overseas, "Pet Supplies." It wasn't pet supplies, but it was legit.

Living in Pittsburgh, I often read complaints from local Black people that they don't get as much "respect" in this town as they do in other towns with large Black populations. And yet when I visit Phila or New York or Chicago, I notice that the Black people I encounter seem much more confident and assertive than the Blacks I encounter in Pittsburgh. Just sayin'.

One aspect of "prejudice" is the assumption that you know negative things about another unknown person, just because of their race, gender, religion, etc. I have to admit that, based on 65 years of experience, when I encounter a situation where I have to rely on a Black person for more than the most basic service, I'm likely to get service that is either incomplete or only marginally acceptable. I'm happy to be proven wrong in specific instances, but it doesn't happen often.

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