Curtis' Evil Empire: Radio-Theater [Computing Credit System]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should this new age 'commercial matrix' traffic philosophy (e.g., Evil Empire, The Founder) promote all kinds of IBM folklore?

What would President Trump say?



"My name is Curtis. I've been featured on the cover of the revolution-rock music album Evil Empire by the band Rage Against the Machine. You can find me flying around the world as a free/liberal spirit, but I can't be seen easily. In other words, you have to find me with deep metaphysical meditation, since of course, I'm a 'spirit' of alternative philosophy. However, some youngsters have tried to use Ouija boards to contact me, and when I decide to answer their incantations, I tell them that 'TrumpUSA' is a capitalism-oriented 'super-system'."


"You might suggest that my alter ego is Michael Myers, the fictional masked psycho from the iconic Halloween horror-films invented by the great John Carpenter. Michael Myers is the embodiment of the dark aura of the Halloween season, a time of masquerade and parading of underworld spiritualism(!). While I'm invested in serious considerations about the tangibility of revolutionary sentiments designed at reinventing the adult-world, Michael Myers is invested in subverting the basic pedestrian mysticism associated with innocent Halloween revelry. You can imagine therefore (since I'm younger than a teenager) that a younger 'rendition' of Michael Myers (say, one who is only 11 years-old but in full Myers-costume-and-mask) is my 'metaphysical foil' which begs the question, 'Is American pride oriented towards subversive imagination in the modern world'?"


"Perhaps I'm a simple product (or by-product) of the MTV Generation. Maybe I'm an expression of the basic social yearning for something unruly, something inventive and dangerous, something revolutionary but creative in this time of great consumerism, toys, fast-food, Wall Street and NASDAQ, and of course, video-games. Many American films have been made to express this new age 'angst' towards traffic-congestion created by a flux of 'bubble-gum consumerism' such as Dark City, The Matrix, The Purge: Anarchy, and Marvel's Avengers. However, I want to use a spiritual phone to reach out and tell Americans that modern traffic is one of great 'sociology'(!)."


"So why am I telling you all this after I've effectively/already been turned into a celebrity/god by the album-art of Evil Empire? After all, I could simply 'retire' and become a Peter Pan of the skies and forget about all this modern-day imagination hubbub. However, I have a secret agenda. I'm chasing a punk-rock beauty named Eliza Thomas who wears an eye-patch and carries dark red flowers. I 'met' her in a video-game, and I believe she wants me to be a great 'prophet' of new age philosophy. So now I have to be something of a 'missionary messenger' so Eliza will say, 'Curtis will do for America what Buster Keaton did for silent-films --- revolutionize the human heart!' I'd do anything for my dear sweet Eliza..."


"My favorite dish in the whole world is Indian Ramja Curry, which is a basic/clean but zesty red kidney-bean curry, usually served with lemon, cilantro, and buttered white rice. You can find Rajma at many Indian restaurants in America, and it's a terrific intro-dish for anyone wanting to 'delve' into the 'universe' of Eastern/Asian/Indian cuisine/fare. In fact, I'd want to someday enjoy a wonderful bowl of Rajma with my dear sweet Eliza in a terrific Indian restaurant (perhaps in La Jolla, California!) and tell her that enjoying everyday life is that much sweeter now that my revolutionary visions are realized and American capitalism (e.g., 'TrumpUSA') has become much much more...folkloric. I'd toast with Rajma and wine (even if I'm not old enough to drink wine, technically)."


"Until American commerce/consumerism becomes more clear, concise, and congealed, it seems like we're living under a giant grid of online-shopping buttons and delivery-window lighted electronic menu/ordering-gadgets. We're simply 'ants' in a world fluttered with various kinds of 'menial children.' Well, not to continue to wax lyrical, but basically, what I'm telling you is that this new age 'Evil Empire' is one of great claustrophobia, requiring various levels of extraordinary commercial creativity. If we defeat this giant computer, I simply won't be needed, and I can retire with Eliza Thomas forever/finally."


"So here's what I'll do first to 'initiate' this cultural revolution. I will send messages in dreams of various modern-day movie-stars/celebrities like Tom Cruise and Leo DiCaprio and Julia Roberts, suggesting to them (while they sleep!) that they should endorse new age populism-oriented traffic-passion politics themed pulp-comics in modern media such as William Gibson's Archangel Comics. After all, to change the system, we have to simply clean out our imagination-cabinets. I want to live in a world where The People's Court, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, MTV's The Real World, and Engineering Marvels are considered 'sociocultural hallmarks' of great American intelligence. Fortunately, I know there's no fathomable way I can lose..."




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