Cuomo impeachment process could take months, legislators warn


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho it takes months. I really can't believe that he won't resign..given the almost total certainty that he's be impeached, tried and stripped of his office.
It does appear that it's the Democratic leadership who's pushing impeachment.

In a 165-page report released Tuesday, Attorney General Letitia James alleged that Cuomo had violated state and federal law by harassing almost a dozen women, touching some of them inappropriately and using the power of his office to retaliate against one. Cuomo has denied any wrongdoing and ignored bipartisan calls to resign, including one from President Joe Biden, a longtime ally.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who authorized the Judiciary Committee to begin an impeachment investigation into his fellow Democrat in March, said in a statement after the report was released that it is clear that Cuomo "has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office."
"Once we receive all relevant documents and evidence from the attorney general, we will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible," Heastie said.
The Judiciary Committee is scheduled to meet Monday in Albany to work out a timetable. In addition to the harassment allegations, lawyers hired by the committee have been looking into allegations that the Cuomo administration intentionally undercounted Covid-19 nursing home deaths and misused state resources on Cuomo's book about leadership during the pandemic.
Cuomo has denied wrongdoing in those cases, as well.
Assembly investigators are "very far along" in the inquiries, Montesano said.
Legislators cautioned that the process will still be time-consuming and that it doesn't have much precedent. Only one New York governor has ever been impeachedWilliam Sulzer, who was removed from office in 1913.
Weprin said he expects that any trial would be completed before the end of the year.
Skoufis told MSNBC that "the writing is exquisitely on the wall here." Cuomo "can count the votes. He knows what's going on," he said.
"It's over. There's no maybe, there's no gray area, there's no conceivable scenario or path where he can ride this out," Skoufis said. "He will no longer be governor, and it's only a matter of time before that happens. My hope, I think everyone's hope, is that he resigns, he steps down willingly and spares the state, spares the Democratic Party, from an ugly impeachment proceeding." it takes months. I really can't believe that he won't resign..given the almost total certainty that he's be impeached, tried and stripped of his office.
It does appear that it's the Democratic leadership who's pushing impeachment.

In a 165-page report released Tuesday, Attorney General Letitia James alleged that Cuomo had violated state and federal law by harassing almost a dozen women, touching some of them inappropriately and using the power of his office to retaliate against one. Cuomo has denied any wrongdoing and ignored bipartisan calls to resign, including one from President Joe Biden, a longtime ally.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who authorized the Judiciary Committee to begin an impeachment investigation into his fellow Democrat in March, said in a statement after the report was released that it is clear that Cuomo "has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office."
"Once we receive all relevant documents and evidence from the attorney general, we will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible," Heastie said.
The Judiciary Committee is scheduled to meet Monday in Albany to work out a timetable. In addition to the harassment allegations, lawyers hired by the committee have been looking into allegations that the Cuomo administration intentionally undercounted Covid-19 nursing home deaths and misused state resources on Cuomo's book about leadership during the pandemic.
Cuomo has denied wrongdoing in those cases, as well.
Assembly investigators are "very far along" in the inquiries, Montesano said.
Legislators cautioned that the process will still be time-consuming and that it doesn't have much precedent. Only one New York governor has ever been impeachedWilliam Sulzer, who was removed from office in 1913.
Weprin said he expects that any trial would be completed before the end of the year.
Skoufis told MSNBC that "the writing is exquisitely on the wall here." Cuomo "can count the votes. He knows what's going on," he said.
"It's over. There's no maybe, there's no gray area, there's no conceivable scenario or path where he can ride this out," Skoufis said. "He will no longer be governor, and it's only a matter of time before that happens. My hope, I think everyone's hope, is that he resigns, he steps down willingly and spares the state, spares the Democratic Party, from an ugly impeachment proceeding."

He knows you people will shut your mouths and get back in the kitchen like the good girls you are if he makes a show of strength. DemoKKKrats know their supporters well.
Cuomo won't resign. Clinton set the example for all Democrats. Hang onto office even when obviously guilty. Ride it out until the heat is off.
Cuomo isn't doing himself any favors by resisting the inevitable. He's looking like a bitter old denier even though his friendly walls are caving in on him. Andrew Cuomo is Gollum at this point.
Or it could end suddenly with Cuomo throwing in the towel.

Cuomo isn't off the hook by a long shot, however.
Now who wants to defend this bully/creep?
Cuomo is responsible for his actions as governor, whether still in office or not.
He's like the lizard that sheds his tail when being threatened.
That may fool a bird or some other predator. But the lawyers on his trail will not be
tricked so easily.
I am starting to notice a pattern with the left's "golden boys" - Avenitti, Cuomo.....

It seems the people they always push to the top, as figure heads and spokesmen, always end up...well....
I wonder how long it will take to bring Cuomo to trial for the deaths of thousands of nursing home residents.
i doubt that will happen. I don’t think the powers that be want to know why and who else was involved with cuomo fudging the numbers and the attempted coverup
Cuomo won't resign. Clinton set the example for all Democrats. Hang onto office even when obviously guilty. Ride it out until the heat is off.

Oops! Not your fault, Cuomo's scandals run much deeper and wider than Clinton's. Cuomo has serious criminal charges on the horizon for his eldercare orders and the "book" he wrote telling the world what a great job he did with the pandemic. When your most trusted assistant throws in the towel, you know you're in deep doo-doo.
All Democrat politicians are evil people. We just got rid of one of them.
Once his top aide left, Cuomo didn’t really have a choice. All his support was gone. Now watch the lefties here who supported him for the last year plus claim they never liked him.....
The Globalists are going to use the Cuomo resignation as a weapon to set up male Republican candidates in the upcoming elections. They are going to pay women to make false claims of sexual assault on Republican candidates to have them to jump out of the race. And will say that Cuomo resigned without a hearing or without threating the accusers of a lawsuit for false claims. That they will expect all male candidates to do the same.


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